"Got Snuff?" - Dedicated to 'asdfghjkl'

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Lomotil, May 3, 2003.

  1. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member


    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    REVISED EDITION, VOLUME TWO (Original release date:Nov. 1999)

    "The feeling is so good, it makes everything else seem so trivial, so stupid. Can you understand this moment of sheer joy? I am God. I decide if she lives or dies."
    ----Raymond A. (porn filmmaker)

    This is such a long rambling page, feel a table-of-contents would be in order:
    2)-- Explanation(s) about the power of snuff
    3)-- Motives & Reasons (though shakey)
    4)-- A few thoughts about authenticity, or selling simulations as reality.
    5)-- Update on this 'Project'
    6)-- List of choices
    7)-- Budget breakdown & a couple (possible) methods of distribution
    8)-- Something about the "myths"
    9)-- A little post-script
    10)-- Letter from penpal with very different ideas from mine!
    11)-- a very short & uninformative clipping about the existence of a snuff-underground


    For several years now, have been writing little snippets here and there about the "possible" existence of snuff-videos (why call them snuff-films? Actual celluloid, with processing & developing, hasn't been used in adult entertainment for about two decades. VCR's are cheaper, easier to load, and simple to make duplications from. Film is dead, although picture quality is superior. Especially with the subjects I'm writing about here, processing technicians handling the film would be a monumental mistake), although never having seen anything which could convince me snuff is more than a myth, until now.

    In the past decade, have been playing in different mediums, always with the goal of doing something (art, text fiction, or text non-fiction) which would actually "surprise" myself! Thought to be unattainable, that goal was shifted slightly early-on to include an equally unattainable objective, to write an article which would "disturb" myself to read. That goal has evolved into writing "serious" plans to commit the worst crime imaginable, and get away with it!! Of course, "worst" is a subjective term. What one person considers worst is often seen as "not so bad" to someone else. Therefore, decided to take it from both viewpoints. What do I consider being "best" to one viewpoint, but "worst" to another?

    Viewpoint One: There are way too many people on this planet, and we are continuing to breed on a steady geometric level. Bacteria also breed on a geometric level. Please note that if a strain of bacteria is introduced into a petrie-dish full of medium (food), they will reproduce until they eat everything, then die in their own excrement. Humans are doing the same thing as bacteria, though we haven't gotten to the point of starving en-mass yet (except in overpopulated third-world countries). Organized groups like the Church of Euthanasia & VHEMNT focus upon discussing voluntary deaths of more humans to decrease population. I'm working differently.

    I've considered benefits & drawbacks of major exterminations with the use of red-clay at some giant media extravaganzas (Woodstock '99 and any Lollapalooza would be my first choices, for the "breeders-to-be" taken-out, but sporting-events would be a good choice also), though that wouldn't make for very much, if any, watchable death-footage due to the immediate EMP.

    Although insignificant in scale, ocassional deaths from this planned video "production" may help convince some more people not to breed. Life is Hell, why add more people to it, other than "Misery loves Company"?

    Viewpoint two: Despite the "not-so-nice" subjects I have often mentioned in the past (usually in a rather "condoning" light), I actually have a somewhat Republican world-view (surprised?), at least in regards to money-matters, criminal punishment and the death sentence. The legal red-tape one has to go through even after conviction of a death-row sentence is ridiculous. There should be only one chance for a retrial, but if that also fails, the convicted should IMMEDIATELY be executed. Why spend decades upon decades keeping death-row inmates alive (roughly $40,000/year per prisoner from taxpayers pockets) when the judicial system could easily slash costs by taking them out back after their one appeal fails, and using a single bullet to the back of the head? It costs more money to keep someone in prison than it does to put them through college, yet college we pay for individually, prison everyone pays for through taxes (you see something wrong in that?). Personally, if these pamphlets "plans" ever come to fruition, and I AM caught, that is how I would wish my trials outcome to proceed. Acquiring a cyanide pill would be handy to bypass the entire legal runaround altogether.

    I have given great thought to everything printed herein, and while writing (and editing and rewriting, countless times!), notice that my moods are changing. Giving serious concentration to the subject of snuff (not only viewing, but actual production of the product. Am I capable of doing something so anti-human?) has really put the whammy on me. How bleak can this text, and my personality, actually become?

    (The five following paragraphs were written for the 'zine release, and to not apply to this website page.)

    In some respects, this pamphlet is an experiment, with several different questions to answer.

    What percentage of these issues shall reach people who are really curious about the subject, rather than some little Goth kid just reading for his own morbid fascination, or someone believing this is written in "satire", since Jim Goad's Answer Me! #4? On a related note, am curious how many of these issues shall be wasted on "jokes"; like sending copies to a local church or your mother in-law?

    Will any of these issues reach someone with the financial resources to purchase the product? Or with the stomach to sit through a viewing?

    Writing "somewhat-anonymously" for the first time, shall anybody take what I say seriously? Roughly 4-months before publication of this "zine", had some revelations after dropping a double-dose of surprisingly-clean and powerful Ecstacy, locking myself alone in the house, watching nothing but muted Death-Videos on TV, and with Diamanda Galas "Plague Mass" trilogy playing non-stop upon the stereo (for nearly 20-hours). With Ecstacy being such a "love drug", and my audio-visual input being such "hateful" material, all traces of satire concerning "snuff-videos" is gone. My mental self-reprogramming is apparently complete.

    What reaction(s) shall this pamphlet evoke in readers? "This CAN'T be serious" humor? "He's an idiot" humor? "Is he serious" questions? "He CAN'T be serious" disgust? Or "how can I help" offers of assistance?

    With the heightening tendencies of the viewing public to watch strangers most personal moments (with everything from national "real cop" programs on network television where we can all laugh at ignorant human-trash, to Pamela & Tommy Lee's stolen vacation tape, all the way to some early-90's death-videos (a good example of "sexless porn" when they're done right)), I don't see how this project would be a very "new" or "fresh" idea. Yet I hear few others talking about it, or when they do, claim there's no way to create or sucessfully distribute the product to buyers.


    Well, I'm sure you all know the term, but for those of you who have been living under a rock for the past 25 years, here's the short-form...

    "Snuff" is a low grade of porn, especially aimed at the most criminal elements in the XXX-underground, which (though distasteful) is the ultimate form of voyeurism because they include sex (violent rapes, in many cases) and extreme torture that ends with the woman/girl being killed in bloody and horrific ways. The roles can easily be shifted, to a guy being killed at the hands of several women, but that is very uncommon. For personal "taste" anyways, I'm uninterested in seeing males being raped and butchered, and much more interested in seeing teenage girls get it. I guess that statement suddenly turns this into a "men's only" pamphlet!
    Sorry grrrls...

    Many people believe snuff to be a myth, something which has not really been produced before (although everyone seems to have heard an urban-legend about it). It's such a closed circuit, very few people get the opportunity to see or even hear about any of it. By the time you get to the end of this booklet, perhaps you'll understand slightly better why this material is so scarce.


    Motives to create such a video come from being (at heart) egotistical, viewing other people as a method to reach their goals. Stepping-stones. Very few individuals are respected & everyone else is just meat, filling space. You cannot be interested with morality, ethics, or care one whit about the human race. Destructive ambivalence towards "people" as a whole is helpful. Family & friends would be a distraction, so keep as little contact as possible with them. Steady romantic relationships are nearly impossible unless your other-half has full knowledge of what you do, and is equally as anti-social. I could almost write a whole chapter on the problems that having a romantic interest will cause!!

    (That isn't very complimentary towards the producers of such material, but it describes myself quite well. Uh-oh!!)

    When saying "producers", am referring to the person who organizes everything & gets the ball rolling. The ACTUAL producer is the rich fuck who gives you a large sum of money to see a murder on his TV-set, but I use the term to mean the person who organizes everything together.

    Everybody is a potential "star". Nobody is immune, but runaways and hookers are especially vulnerable, as they can easily disappear without leaving much of a void with their absence. It's a crime of opportunity, not passion, planned with great detail so the videographers will not attract attention. The "star" who is to be murdered at the climax (pun-intended) of the video must also be someone who'se disappearance will not attract attention.

    Despite the anti-human nature of snuff, there is a market among us quite interested in the subject. Potential profits from owning one video are astronomical, so it all boils-down to money, & how much you want it.

    Motives to view such a video are similar, except with how much money you're willing to spend for it.

    Snuff is not a "sexual" thing: as although making for very stimulating imagery, it's the polarized contradictions which gives the material its appeal. Snuff = Sex & Death; the two most powerful motivators in this society, combining both the urge for self-gratification/propagation of species with its exact opposite, self-destruction /disdain for species.

    By its very nature, nothing is as impactful. The voyeuristic force of snuff derives from viewing something completely beyond normal experience, something few people could handle were it not filtered through a television screen first. Total self gratification at the expense of another human life, and committed by an unknown third party whom you would not be able to identify if you tried. Committing homicide, without getting your hands dirty. I cannot stress enough just how startling & gut-wrenching viewing a tape can be.

    "Child-pornography", for how emotional the public reacts to that subject, pales in comparison to snuff. Nothing is sexually-taboo, no sadistic behavior is "too much", and age is inconsequential (from infants to the elderly) when the "star" is to be murdered and dismembered in the process of taping.

    In months gone past (couple years, actually), I searched for information and contacts for anyone who knew of the existence of different "illegal-porn" videotapes. Little came out of that except tons of stories I couldn't follow-up upon. "Yeah, there was a guy around here a few years ago who SAID he made that stuff, but he's moved away". Uh, sure.

    Something I've realized about the legal differences between k.p. & snuff... Child-pornography is everywhere, and everyone thinks they know what it is, although few actually do [pictures of nude or semi-nude minors standing around alone or posing isn't kiddie-porn. Porn = XXX = sexual relations. If the people aren't screwing or getting screwed, it's not porn. Without some form of sexual-activity with a minor, I don't believe the image can be called child-PORNOGRAPHY]. The Internet is just brimming with the crap, and laws are very strict about the subject.

    Police discovering your possession of a videotape or even just several pictures (on video, disc, hard-drive, or paper) of children engaged in sexual activity, you will be arrested and go to prison. When finally released, you will very likely be registered as a molester and a "threat" in whichever city you live, whether you participated in the sexual activity or were just trading pictures (like kids with baseball cards) among others who never intended to actually molest children themselves. It doesn't matter who made the images, who is shown, or why you have them. Officer Friendly will still put you away for years as a child-molester.

    But in an odd twist of circumstances, images of rape and murder don't seem to carry the same legal danger. If that same cop entered your room and found a videotape showing a woman being raped which ended in her murder, a lengthy interrogation would surely follow, along with possible confiscation of the tape, but you would not go to prison as a "rapist" or a "murderer" if it cannot be discovered that YOU were the one on camera doing the rape/murder. You would probably not go to prison at all! What could you be charged with? "Yes officer, it is graphic and sick stuff, but was sent to me years ago. I don't know anything about the people who made it, or where they are now, and am just keeping it around because it's so unique. Great special-effects, eh?".

    Child-pornographers are a large crowd, but also rather simple. If one has the material in their possession, for whatever reasons, they ARE a child-pornographer, they ARE a dangerous molester who wants to sodomize your kid. Snuff videos seem to be less dangerous to own, although much more dangerous to create. The public is screaming to find the kiddie-porn viewers, not the real killers, not the dangerous ones. Are you a murderer because you have a tape which apparently shows a murder? Are you a rapist because you own a tape which shows what appears to be rape on it? Not at all!! It's all special-effects and acting! (wink wink)


    A common question I've been asked is "Why make a real snuff video, when creating a fake would be just as easy, cheaper and safer?" That statement is a total lie. Point one: Special-FX have not progressed to the point where a believable human body, still alive and moving, with facial reactions and motor skills, can be duplicated without looking like latex rubber or a computer effect. Even in more current movies, like Star Wars; Episode 1 and The Matrix, there was a sharp contrast between the appearance and movements of the "real" people to the CGI's to the puppets. CGI's don't have weight, so look as if they're always about to float off the ground. "Real" people don't have the crisp clear definition computers give (especially when the producer is shelling-out several million $$ per-minute of footage! They're going to really want crystal-clear CGI's!!!) and even the best rubber prosthetics and limbs wouldn't suspend anyones disbelief throughout an entire 2-hour long video.

    I'm taking an example from numerous "death-videos". Those which focus upon actual footage (such as Traces of Death 1 - 4, The Many Faces of Death 1 - 8, and Deathscenes 1 - 3) can sometimes startle and/or shock you. Deep in your gut, you can "know" that most, if not all, of the footage is real, which is a real kick in the nuts to the unprepared-viewer! Those videos which take their footage from other known movies (such as Dying: The Last Seconds of Life 1 & 2), or simulate their footage (see The Original Faces of Death 1 - 5, Faces of Torture, and Snuff Perversions: Bizarre Cases of Death), will either be viewed as a travesty or a comedy. You'll either laugh your ass off at how unbelievably bad they are, or you'll get pissed and want your money back!

    Despite the precautions which must be taken, "real" would be cheaper and easier.

    As said again later, accepting a large sum of money for a "claimed-real" video, yet passing only a forgery in return, would be fatal in most cases. With the amount of money involved, the buyer must receive exactly what he paid for. I'd rather take my chances against a legal-system so fucked with red-tape that it doesn't know ass-up, rather than Bruno with a lead pipe down at the riverboat docks!

    Similarly, I'm curious if softer hyperviolent movies, which on occasion can fool the viewer into believing it "might" be real torture & killing (ie, Cannibal Holocaust, which did contain real animal slaughters and some Philippine execution footage & Guinea Pig: Violence Complete, which was confiscated for several years as a "real" snuff tape, until a documentary about how the tortures were faked was released) would be viewed or available today if the writers/directors/producers just didn't say either way if their movies were acted or real.

    That was the only problem I had when seeing The Blair Witch Project. After so much hype, and being told countless times that it's NOT "reality", why would the directors spend so much time editing the whole thing together? Blair Witch only took 8-days to shoot, but 8-MONTHS to edit together. With that much time spent to get the "realism" just right, I would have found it much more compelling & creepy if the directors released the movie without a word of warning to anyone, no explanations at all. If only for the first year after release, they shouldn't have let anything slip to anybody. I would have probably believed it WAS true! Let us wonder how "real" it was for some time ourselves, while adding fuel to the fire with their website telling viewers more about the made-up Blair Witch mythology.

    My point, after babbling for awhile (sorry) is that it would be MORE expensive and difficult to "fake" the footage, and much more dangerous to sell the tape. If you have never participated in or seen a murder before, do you really want to simulate a murder? The buyer may know more than you, and realize quickly that it's a fake.

    Staying "real" is the best choice.

    (Hmm...That brings-up an interesting "geurilla-distribution" method to get a real snuff tape to a public who doesn't believe in its existence. I'll put it in later, within the "Distribution of Product" section.)


    Who needs to tape an assisted-suicide (which didn't work-out very well for Dr. Kevorkian, did it?) when a real rape & murder caught on tape seems to be just as easy to create?

    I need a disclaimer! To keep from sounding like the soft disclaimer-lines from those books released by Desert Publications, Paladin Press, or Loompanics Unlimited, here's my own:

    "The contents of this pamphlet are offered for violent and destructive purposes only. Both the author and publisher (same person, in this case) advocates the use of violence, the possession and use of illegal narcotics and weapons, and the breaking of any and all laws for your personal entertainment. Thank you very much."

    Some time ago, came to the conclusion that I am no longer writing this pamphlet to ramble-on about the possible existence of snuff, but was actually writing a simple type of manifesto, wishing to contact people willing to lend assistance in the creation of one. This project holds the greatest danger, yet also the possibility for the most fantastically perverse viewing imaginable!

    The camera setup and editing processes mentioned by readers has been way too extravagant, almost "opulent", as if they want to create a masterpiece for future generations to marvel over. That's crap. This is criminal-porn. Less-is-more. I recommend using a simple camera-setup. Nothing very complex shall be needed, no great feats of camera-wizardry or cinematography, as the subject-matter alone will be powerful enough.

    Perhaps two cameras set at 45-degree angles from each other, about ten feet apart upon tripods, both stationery & focused on the star, with a cardoid mic hanging from the ceiling. A third handheld camera may be added, tracking around to the "best" angles and positions, but that would make editing all three together a real pain in the ass. Time-coding and synchronizing all cameras together would make post-production editing a dangerous nightmare. How many people do you want to be involved? How many people do you want to split the profits with?

    One handheld or tripod-mounted camera would be simplest & safest.


    Because these "ideas" are still just a fantasy (nothing has actually happened yet), shall write a list of possibilities for things which COULD take place during the course of a "homicide/snuff" video. Many of the possibilities jotted down are just off the top of my head, and depending upon the circumstances, some may be completely unworkable. This short list is basically a "work-in-progress" to narrow down a few variables, realize other options (keeping the range of possibilities as wide as can be), and figure-out the best way to successfully make a video without being apprehended.

    If you wish to add to it further, feel free. I only ask to receive a copy of your additions that I may consider and possibly include in a future update, if ever released. What have I forgotten? What haven't I fully considered or realized?

    VICTIM / STAR (origin)
    1 - hitch hiker.
    2 - runaway found at bus depot.
    3 - prostitute/hustler.
    4 - pedestrian; kidnapped from street, bus-stop, etc.
    5 - from car-jacking, passengers kept. (All would involve the use of an automobile to procure the star.)
    6 - home invasion. (dangerous proposal, especially if home owners have firearms or an alarm system within the residence. Disconnect phone immediately & check for other occupants.) A better method would be to sneak into the house while everybody is away, hide somewhere until she/they return home, and take them completely unaware.
    By "home invasion", I do NOT mean busting through the front door suddenly while people are home eating dinner.

    Categories of people were chosen for being ready candidates, those who shall not be missed if they would happen to disappear. Mariah Carry may be a more palatable choice for many of you, but her disappearance/death would bring a high-profile investigation. A missing runaway or strung-out hooker are easier to get, and they don't get front-page news. If anyone begins to speak with you about this subject and focuses upon a celebrity to be the star, politely blow them off. That would be completely unprofessional, and you don't want to work with amateurs.


    1 - force chloroform-rag over face. Should be out for 10 - 20 minutes at a time.
    2 - offer a drink. Soda or beer spiked with knock-out drops of some sort, possibly Ruhypnol (roofies), although victim will appear dead for hours to come. Possibly a "Mickey-Finn" (I'm working upon getting the recipe).
    3 - pull pistol. Order her to remain silent & into cuffs behind back. Gag with duct-tape & hold chloroform rag over nose, then place on back seat floorboards or in trunk. Drive calmly (no weaving or speeding) to "studio/set" where crew will be waiting.
    4 - blunt force trauma. Just crack her over the head with a bat after giving a quick squirt of pepper-spray, temporarily blinding and disorienting her. Then (again) tie & gag.

    The idea here is to get the victim to the location with as little ruckus as possible, with minimal noise. If you wish to try, am sure some people would have success getting the victim/star willingly to the location with the promise of drugs, alcohol or money.

    LOCATION (must all be private and quiet locations)

    1 - rented cabin in wilderness.
    2 - timeshare condo. (rather iffy. Some of them have degenerated into abandoned slums for vacationers, so could conceivably find an otherwise empty building during slow winter months.)
    3 - home-invasion. Difficult, as it must remain silent. Duplex's, apartments and condo's are not recommended. Pick someplace far away from neighbors, a rural home.
    4 - abandoned building. Would need to still have electricity for lights (windows should be covered with sleeping-bags and/or foam padding beforehand) Keeping it dark & somewhat soundproofed. The problem of finding an empty building with power still connected may be avoided by purchasing a portable electric generator or two. They should be set up in a different room that is also soundproofed, although there will need to be some type of ventilation for them (an interesting problem). Flashlights should be kept in easy reach, just in case the generator(s) stop.
    5 - Private dungeon. In house (not apartment) far from neighbors. Owner of dungeon must be reliable and stable, and somehow "prove" he isn't a cop trying to catch the others in a sting. The best way to check him out is (I believe) to have the owner take a primary role in the initial rape & torture.
    6 - Abandoned barn/shack located a distance away from homestead, on large farm/orchard. Similar to above, an electric generator will be necessary, though if the distance from other people is great enough, soundproofing may become unnecessary.

    SECURITY (in a random sort of way)

    1 - Speak to nobody of plans, besides interested friends/assistants or viewing individuals.
    2 - Use a PO Box & fake name, not your home address or real name. A known safe mail-drop would also be handy. (Too late for me, I'm already known!)
    3 - Don't discuss anything over the phone (especially cordless or cel-phones), or over the Internet. (don't trust anything you hear over the Internet.)
    4 - NEVER accept anything from Priority-Mail. If you have to sign for it and show proof of identity, you don't need it.
    5 - When writing letters to someone you have never met & have suspicions about (and are speaking about a VERY extreme subject-matter), think it might be a good idea to get a bit paranoid. Print your letters out (not handwritten) on a cheap typewriter you can easily dispose of, then xerox the letter on a dark setting (destroying the identifiable traces which makes every printer unique) and mail the copy out.


    1 - firearm, rifle.
    2 - firearm, pistol.
    (quick & dirty silencers can be made for nothing. I'm looking into the uses of some small motorcycle mufflers, and the possibilities of plastic soda bottles lined on the inside with steel-wool. Although revolvers cannot be silenced, semi-auto's eject their shells all over. This dilemma is worth serious thought!)
    3 - knife.
    4 - razorblade or scalpel. X-acto.
    5 - garotte. (piano-wire with wood handles)
    6 - machete.
    7 - garbage bags/clothes-bags (temporary suffocation)
    8 - icepick.
    9 - claw-end of hammer.
    10 - BBQ lighter / cigarette lighter & cigarettes.
    11 - Ice/Hay hook.
    12 - axe or hatchet.
    13 - hammer & nails.
    14 - car batteries & wire contacts (or just a cattle prod)
    15 - mace, pepper-spray.

    All weapons used in the video must be destroyed afterwards, just in case the victims remains are discovered, and/or investigators locate a copy of the tape and try matching articles shown with articles found in 'our' residences. Toss it all. Keep nothing, even if rather costly. Whether using a pistol or rifle, semi-auto or revolver, no shells must be left over. A brass-catcher will be necessary for semi-autos, which are much easier to silence than a revolver.

    TO KEEP "SAFE" (more security)

    1 - This is all just roll-playing fantasy. You're talking the talk, but are you walking the walk?
    2 - Get the full amount in advance. You have done nothing illegal receiving the money, even if you decide to back-out later. I agree it could be fatal to take the money & run, but this is the point of no return. If you accept the money, you are taking the job, and agree to make a video (though you haven't done anything yet). Allow at least 3 months to get the video made, perhaps 4 or 5.
    3 - EVERYBODY will have to submit to a strip-search before being allowed onto the set, to make sure nobody is carrying a Microphone. Clothes should be run through a microwave oven for about a minute, destroying any electrical "bugging" devices hidden in their clothing.
    4 - Nobodies face is shown on camera, and nobodies name is spoken, except for the victim/star. (Just an idea, but it might be easier for everyone to wear a different bold number on their chest & back, like a football or hockey shirt, and call them only by their number.)
    5 - Vacuum the area after tarps (covering surfaces from exposure to blood or any other body fluid) are disposed of (remove any remaining strands of hair that may be floating around), then spray area with bleach solution.
    6 - Director/cameraman (whomever organized the production to begin with) should remain armed with a small pistol on the set, for his own protection if he is unfamiliar with his co-worker assistants. There's always the chance someone will lose it with dreams of big $$'s in their mind, and attempt to kill everyone else on the small set for sole ownership of the original tape. The director gets to hold onto the only gun allowed on set, as "peacemaker".


    1 - 35mm camera. (I have the ability and training to privately develop B&W prints myself, uncensored). No color. This option will take time for me to sneak into the lab without being conspicuous.
    2 - color Polaroids. (both this and above wouldn't make for very entertaining snuff footage, but are offered for possible later advertising purposes. Release them anonymously on the Internet, and give vague contact information. Not to be done by anyone who was involved with the video, but by the unknown third-party buyer).
    3 - Video Camcorder (Hi-8, 8mm video, VHS, C-VHS, etc.) transferred to high-quality VHS master, or burned into a CD. The most plausible method.
    4 - Digital-Video; highest possible quality, but also quite expensive.
    5 - live-sound, recorded from camera microphone.
    6 - live-sound, recorded from external Mic. attached from amplifier to camera.
    7 - sync-sound, recorded upon stereo equipment, but mixed into video in post-production. (very difficult, and must make certain no audio copies remain afterwards.)

    OTHER 'on-camera' EQUIPMENT

    1 - Duct-Tape.
    2 - Nylon Rope.
    3 - Large waterproof tarp, covering floor. Also possibly covering walls.
    4 - Handcuffs, two or three pairs.
    5 - washcloth or sponge (added gag in mouth, under duct-tape)
    6 - scissors or box-cutter.
    7 - box of latex surgical gloves (to use during disposal).
    8 - pulleys attached to walls and/or ceiling (tested for suspension-weights).
    9 - WD-40 (erases fingerprints from surfaces).
    10 - large bag of lime (if body disposal will involve burial)
    11 - foam padding or sleeping bags, to cover & somewhat soundproof the windows, if any, on the "set".
    12 - bleach, to sanitize area, in spray bottles.
    13 - smelling-salts. Ammonia-poppers, to wake star if/when fainting occurs.
    14 - Several packages of fake tattoos (so long as they look realistic), to be placed on the actor(s), also possibly the star, before taping. Used to additionally blur identification of the actor in case video is ever found by authorities.
    15 - Small handheld Dirt-Devil vacuum, to remove fiber-evidence that the 'star' was ever in contact with you. Clean location(s) where she was abducted from, vehicle(s) used, and the set.
    16 - Hacksaw, to cut through bones. To be used in dismemberment during cleanup, either before or after her death (could also be listed at a weapon).

    All "on-camera" help you have must wear facemasks, as hair and facial-features must be made indistinguishable, cover any identifiable bodymarks (especially real tattoos) with clothing.

    Like earlier, all of this "seen"-equipment must be destroyed once the video is completed and cameras are off. It's not recommended that expensive full-face leather bondage masks be used for any on-camera help. If blood were to splatter on the mask at any time, it must be destroyed once taping is complete.


    1 - victim it sober.
    2 - victim is drugged. (barbs: slow & sluggish)
    3 - victim is drugged. (mild sedatives. Depending upon the 'stars' age, a few shots of mixed drinks may do the trick. Small amounts of grain alcohol mixed into Koolaid leaves little taste.) (any way, she should always be bound and gagged)
    4 - victim is drugged into unconsciousness, which will make for a somewhat slow tape unless she's brought unconscious to the set, bound & gagged, and waiting for her to regain awareness, which will take time.

    1 - rape, body contact intercourse.
    a-vaginal intercourse.
    b-anal intercourse.
    c-oral intercourse.
    d-digital manipulation.
    e-3-way, 4-way (how many co-stars will be involved?)
    2 - rape, with marital aids/weapons
    3 - mutilation, amputation. A severed arm could also be used as a marital-aid on the "star", couldn't it?
    4 - torture (there are too many activities to list here...)
    5 - necrophilia (for those with that specific preference, the "star" could be used even after death.)

    There are way too many acts of cruelty which can be listed here for me to even try. Use your imagination, be spontaneous, surprise me!


    1 - If you decide to try a crucifixion (with nails, not rope) you must remember to hammer the nail/spike between the bones in the wrist, not in the palm of the hand. If body-weight is pulling at a nail in the hand, it will simply tear through flesh and your "star" would fall over. Going through the radius & ulna at the wrist would keep the nail from tearing-out, as there are bones & cartilage in all directions, keeping the "star" fixed in place. (this feels like an evil Martha Stewart segment....)
    2 - Something to keep in mind.... I hear many comments about having intercourse with a knife wound, but hear nothing about where that stab-wound is placed. I suggest the "false vagina" be cut into the abdomen, or sides, below the ribcage. Therefore, bones would not interfere with your access, and if bone-chipping occurs, you will not be cut while screwing the wound.
    Slightly more patience and effort will be needed to screw under the flesh, without really digging into the 'meat'. Cut about a two-inch section of dermis, and stab upwards through it between the skin and layers of meat & fatty tissue below, following the arm or leg bones, without scratching or chipping them. Therefore, you could make a false vagina anywhere on the body!
    3 - Although there is some interest with bestiality being included in such a video, that may be (probably is) too difficult of a request. Locating an appropriate male dog in rut may be time consuming, and there would be no guarantees that the animal would even be interested with fucking a girl tied over a stool, or allow her to give it a blowjob (while under threat, of course). That idea will probably turn into a whole wasted day or two, so your author wouldn't recommend attempting it.


    A - Dismemberment and burial. Private, quiet location. Use the lime (mentioned in "other equipment") to spread over corpse here.
    B - Dismemberment and packaging. Leave pieces at garbage dump, or along roadside.
    C - Dismemberment and packaging. Leave pieces curbside for weekly trash pickup, or in dumpsters. Put pieces out the morning of trash pickup, not a few days earlier.
    D - Cremation. Bonfire in a VERY out-of-the-way place, private property. May attract unwanted attention from campers or hikers.
    E - Cremation. Private use of a large ceramics kiln.
    F - Helpful access to a rendering-plant ? (...silly idea...)

    These ideas are all listed in the hope you can do it right, with thought, foresight and precision. If A - D are chosen, it would make an interesting addition to any videotape collection. Dismemberment of someone previously seen alive & "bodily-complete" makes for very powerful imagery!

    If choosing to try B or C, the packaging should be multi layered. Spray the body parts with pepper-spray, then wrap in trash bags & duct-tape (wearing surgical gloves, so fingerprints aren't left). Squirt those loose packages again with pepper spray, and layer again with trash bags & duct tape. Arrange a few pieces each into several different larger boxes before disposal. Remember the "head-sized box" at the end of Se7en? Don't use any boxes so obvious.

    The pepper spray is used to cover the scent of meat in the packages, keeping animals from tearing into them, everything from birds to squirrels to raccoons to dogs to possums. If an animal should start tearing into a package, it would get a mouthful of capsicum, which isn't a very tasty pepper, long before reaching the meat.

    The most time consuming method I've been mulling-over (but also perhaps the safest) involves dismemberment and deboning the carcass in a bathtub, allowing fluids to drain away. Bones should be cooked in the oven at high heat for several hours, which will make them brittle, so they can be broken up as tiny particles and easily disposed of without being obvious "bone-shapes" (saw the skull in half for easier removal of the brain. Don't keep souveniers, no matter how much you may want to). The meat and organs can be pureed in a blender with some added water, to make a soupy paste which can simply be flushed down the toilet.

    Spray the bathtub with straight bleach after rinsing all visible body fluids away. Pour straight bleach into the toilet after the last flush, scrubbing & letting it sit for awhile before flushing again.


    This is a difficult section to write without first knowing what is expected to take place. Rough outlines, with enough to cover personal expenses, would include:
    1) - Videocamera(s). ------------------------------------- $500 each.
    2) - Lights/external microphones. -------------------------- $200.
    3) - Private rental of "set/stage" where video shall be recorded. Perhaps to purchase generator if using abandoned building----------$500.
    4) - Props, Masks, Weapons, Costumes, etc.-----------$1500 (to get proper equipment) For safety, all must be destroyed after filming.
    5) - Professional hush-money. "actor/assistant fees"------ $3000 each.
    6) - "Director/Cameraman Costs". (including transportation, start-up costs, locating & acquiring the "star" & assistant/actors, lawyers if needed, finding a safe buyer, and necessary "flash cash")----------$12,000 minimum.

    TOTAL COST FOR VIDEO: $17,700 to get it made, and that will only be for a one-camera, one-"actor" video. Minimum. That will also not leave any profit for the maker, as most of the equipment used will need to be discarded & destroyed afterwards, severing the maker from any evidence which could be traced back to him.

    An honest figure for creating such a video would be at least twice that amount. That figure has been doubled because the maker really should "disappear" himself once making the video, living in a different city under a new identity, which is also a costly procedure. And then he would also appreciate some $$ to have for his troubles!

    Budgets will differ greatly depending upon many different variables (not the least being greed)! A realistic guestimation would put the creation of a video around $50,000.

    It all relies upon who wants the video, how many people are willing to give-up large sums of money for one, and how many people are willing to actively participate with its creation.


    These videotapes will be more than worth their weight in gold, but also highly dangerous. Therefore, the people who have access to them are very secretive, charge quite a sum even for a viewing, and much more to actually sell a copy. I break it down in this way.....

    1 - The person(s) who make the original tape are holding onto dynamite. But, what they have could also point a strong accusatory finger at them if accidentally sold to an undercover cop. They cannot keep the original, or even a copy of it, anywhere around them, so sell their single copy to the highest bidder. No copies are made.

    2 - Underworld/mob/criminal families and organizations have been around long enough for the producers to realize they aren't undercover cops. And snitching upon anyone is bad business, fatal in most cases. If nothing else, the leaders of the underworld are excellent businessmen, and even if they personally disapprove of the "product" they're passing, realize there's a demand (because supply is limited, the price is high). The trouble is with finding them!

    3 - Original (made-to-order), first-generation tapes have run up to $250,000 each. Individuals willing to duplicate & sell copies of their tapes demand a steep price also (but usually 5-figures, not 6) because they are able to safely copy the tape(s) without having the knowledge to implicate the producers. By this time, the tape is removed from the creators "enough" to lose some of its danger. There is no bickering, bargaining or negotiating. If the price is not acceptable, they can find other buyers, and don't need or care about you.

    But, the most common way for "owners" to show their tapes is to throw a "snuff-video party". Parties are usually set up at the end of the week, in houses that are up for sale. Put a couple hundred $$ down for deposit with a realty agency on a Monday, to get the keys & "look over" the house during the weekend, when the agency is closed. Claim you're a third party, and the persons who wish to look over the house for possible purchase can only do it during a weekend evening, and would like to come to their own conclusions about the place without dealing with a realty agent. As soon as the keys are received, specially marked postcards (a secret announcement for "that kind" of party) are mailed to all individuals known to be interested with the subject matter, including the date, cover charge, and address. Announcements are received last-second, usually by that Friday, and includes an entrance-fee of $1000 - $2000.

    On that Saturday night, a van full of TV monitors, VCR's, collapsible chairs, curtains, and a few folding tables arrives at the house. The empty house then has a few rooms set-up with multiple monitors, chairs here & there, and curtains to block viewing from outside the building.

    The party is then held that Sunday night, therefore, the postcards are mailed to those with the financial freedom and resources to leave home at the drop of a hat with a large sum of cash.

    After the obligatory frisking to show that nobody is armed or carrying a camera, a party will begin with a variety of various softer pornography shown upon all the monitors at once. Something different upon each screen (bestiality, k.p., B&D/S&M, GS&BS, etc.). The real snuff footage isn't shown until later, near the end. This is basically a "warm-up" until everyone who can arrive for the party does. There is a lot of chit-chatting, wandering and mingling, in the first few hours, being more of a social event for wealthy voyeurs as they occasionally look over and nonchalantly glance over to see what's playing on this other TV.

    Catering and drinks are provided (which the folding tables are for, besides supporting the TV's and VCR's). Armed guards make certain nobody fucks with the tapes, & that no copies are made. Your entrance-fee was for a single viewing, and except for your memories, you leave with nothing.

    geurilla distribution?

    After a recent viewing again of Snuff Perversions: bizarre cases of death, realize the method that video used to showcase about a dozen or so obviously fake snuff video-clips together could also be used to sucker the public into unwittingly accepting reality as fiction. This method could (if it works) be a VERY sucessful and lucurative home-video release!

    First, I should explain the format used in Snuff Perversions:

    It begins with a disclaimer, stating that all the footage used in the video is simulated, although the first words out of anyones mouth (from an announcer sitting at a desk, somewhat like a news broadcast. Very matter-of-fact) about 5-seconds after that initial pop-up, states that everything you are about to see is real. That you are about to see a "police-training video" that was hidden from everyone, "until now".

    What follows is the "supposed" snuff educational documentary hosted by "Sgt. Det. James Calligari" (the cop) and "Det. Julia Blanc" (the shrink), arguing between each other in a room that looks like it could have been an "office-set" that was used in a porn video a few hours earlier. Their acting is very bad, and so are almost all "examples" shown of snuff-footage.

    The interesting part is that each of the "examples" shown on the tape was created by a different group of people. Each individual scene has its own unique flavor. Although acting and killing isn't realistic in many of the scenes (although there are a few which are pretty decent), nobody seems to have been given an actual script. I imagine there were solicitation-calls made to numerous "wannabe videographers" to simulate a snuff video, and those who responded with a clip were included in the "documentary".

    In the last few minutes, the supposed producers of a politically motivated snuff clip (shown earlier) bust onto the set, kill everyone, and retrieve their confiscated video, thus turning the "Police training-video" into something meant for the evidence-room, never to be seen by anyone. The End.

    Within the end credits every group of people who supplied a video clip is given space listing their clips title, names, cast members, writer(s), and the videographers "company title" (if they even bothered making one).

    I found the video as a whole to be totally hilarious, EXCEPT in some situations which were obviously chosen to keep it "R-rated", rather than choosing the freedom of ignoring the MPAA altogether and leaving it "NR". When nudity was shown, it was most often only tits. The womans bottoms were rarely removed, except in one very brief necrophilia clip in a bathtub. During one of the better clips, a 13 year-old Asian girl is repetedly gang raped before being killed, and because of her claimed age there is no nudity whatsoever. Several clips had the audio erased and were left completely silent, removing the music which apparently caused someone fears of getting sued for copyright infringment.

    As was begun in the "Authenticity" section earlier, this method of collaboration could also be used to sneak "real" footage to the public, under claims that it's all a dramatized reenactment. I would enjoy seeing more of other peoples simulations of snuff footage, without influencing their direction (though they would hopefully choose better "kill-methods" than weak strangling for only 30-seconds, or pistols that sound weaker than cap-guns). This is an idea that I may expand upon in later updates.


    Yeah, we've all heard of them. But because of the high prices attached to these tapes, few people are allowed to see them.

    Because of the power and inhumanity of this material, one must be in the loop, beforehand, without having to ask. Earlier requests looking for the subject went nowhere because I wasn't offering the money necessary. And don't doubt it, big money is involved with this material. I fucked-up in the past, so don't take my past failures to locate snuff to be the 'last-word' upon anything, as that was a very ill thought-out proposal.

    Like most "myths", there turns out to be just as much truths as falsehoods associated with them. Once you dig into them, that is!

    It only takes one person with the balls (or "self-destructiveness", depending on your point of view) to make a video and shatter the myths. Executions and suicides (especially Budd Dwyer) don't nearly count as "snuff" footage. Lengthy suffering and torture must be involved, and to further remove the producer from his "product", it must also be made for someone else's enjoyment.

    The tapes made by Charles Ng aren't "snuff" because he had no intention of releasing them to anyone. He made the tapes for his own pleasure, to relive the moment. That's not true "snuff". A real producer wouldn't let his own feelings or desires be known on video, and he DEFINITELY wouldn't keep any copies of a tape!

    Snuff is made for someone else's viewing, not your own. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Another method of production & distribution I am considering is much lower budget, considering that my readership aren't millionaires with that kind of money to blow for a single VHS-tape.

    It will require assistance from perhaps two or three other "assistants/co-creators" so the costs can be split. First-off, we must each (somehow!) convince each-other that none of us are actually undercover police. I don't know how that could be done through the mail, so this is questionable. If, say, one person owns a camcorder, someone else has a car, we pool our resources to scrounge together everything needed in the "props, masks, weapons, costumes" department (of which I own nearly everything needed already, so don't sweat it), and each searches for an adequate location, or abandoned building (with power still connected, or free access to a generator) in the nearby vicinity, a video could be made for next to nothing.

    When the "perfect" house is found, we all arrange to meet there at a specific day/time (we all take busses, the cheapest route, except for the person(s) with a car, who drive there).

    We should have previously planned out everything to be done "on-camera" to our mutual satisfaction, so we'd know what must be done to prepare the room we'll be using as a set. We would have also figured-out a way to find the star, so one of us (one with a car) would be away, on the hunt. Those remaining behind would be setting-up the area & equipment.

    I suspect we'll stay there for the evening together, setting up the room to be a perfect little soundproofed dungeon. The next morning would be a good time to refresh our plans, make sure the video-'script' is committed to memory. There are so many variables here, I'll cut this paragraph short. Not much can be said here without "inspiring" some dumbass teenager to kill his parents, sister, or the little kid with Down Syndrome living next door.

    Anyways, once the video is made, the area where it took place is thoroughly cleaned of all evidence. Perhaps another 24-hours spent to do this. The tape should be brought back to my place (where I own several high-quality VCR's and a video-stabilizer, strengthening the video's signal to remain "master" quality for all duplications made). Minimal post-production will be done; perhaps a title at the beginning or end, and (of course!) editing away sound any times someone is referred to by their real/known name.

    Each of us shall receive a post-production copy of the tape, minus names and with titles. The original unedited tape will immediately be burned. Nobody should hold onto that!

    You can do whatever you wish with your copy, although I recommend against adding it to a video-trade list (if you have one). Because we will all be taking equal parts in the commission of a kidnapping/rape/homicide, don't suggest you make or pass copies at rock-bottom prices. Not unless you don't mind getting arrested for only $20 - $80! I recommend against making copies, but selling your original tape for as much as you can get for it from a single buyer, not a group of people you know, no friends who can link it back to you, and for no less than $10,000. Keeping a copy of the tape yourself would be tempting, considering how much $$ you could make from selling copies to numerous individuals, but you would also be multiplying the chances of your capture with each sale. Who is a cop, and who isn't? You would be involved with the crime (life imprisonment or death-penalty in most states) but does your greed surpass your sense of self-preservation?

    All "assistant/co-creators" will be invited to travel back to my place to witness the post-production work, and make sure the original tape is destroyed. Your personal tape will be made in your presence.

    Happy Hunting! ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    SOME POST-SCRIPT.... (8-10-99)

    Maybe it's my paranoia, but I have been giving further concentration upon actually passing the snuff video to a buyer, which, in my opinion will be the most dangerous aspect of this venture. How would you "know" the buyer can be trusted? How do you "know" they aren't really police officers? If arrested with a kill-video that you helped create, the following interrogation will more than likely force all other "conspirators" names and locations from your lips.

    From the few run-ins with the law I've had in the past, realize that just having a so-called friend say "Oh No! I'd NEVER rat you out!" is usually totally worthless. That's the first thing they are going to do.

    Considering the subject-matter, believe all cautions must be taken between creation and selling the tape, and that includes actually selling it to the buyer, or to the distributor who will then release it on your behalf.

    How would you keep yourself relatively safe after making and selling a tape, and then handing it to someone who you should always suspect is a cop?

    What I've whipped-up may keep you safe, but is unlikely to instill much trust in the buyer with you.

    1)-- Spend a couple bucks upon driving out to an airport and renting a locker for a couple weeks. Or take a bus to an out-of-town post office, to rent a small PO Box you will never use.

    2)-- Place the video inside the box/locker, keeping a copy of the combination or key.

    3)-- Meet buyer at a preselected location. [He should never be told your phone number, where you can be found, or which city you really live in.] Give buyer the key or combination after full payment is received, but not telling them where they can find the lock which opens the door to their video (yet).

    4)-- Travel aimlessly for a perhaps a day or two, taking busses which travel in random locations and to different cities. When POSITIVE that nobody is following you, drop letter in mailbox addressed to buyer, giving the location and number of the box/locker holding the video. Let him assume that you dropped it in the mailbox from "home".

    5)-- It's tempting to somehow keep in contact with a buyer/distributor who has turned-out to be kosher. Building a trustworthy customer base would be necessary if wishing to ever make a second video. Some of the difficulty spent to find a trusting buyer could be bypassed if getting their private phone numbers, and if/when a second video is made, give them a quick call. Don't say anything stupid, "Hi Bob, This is the guy who sold you that snuff video last year! Want to buy another one?" No, no, no. Make it something like:

    "Hello. You are recommended to record this message at your earliest possible convenience. [Wait a few moments for person to start recording message on answering machine. If machine picks-up first, continue on] This is Special Video Production Services inc. We have been informed that you may appreciate the extreme subject-matter we are offering. To receive a free description of the video with prices, you can contact PO Box #####, City, State, Zip. You will receive no other solicitations after this. Thank you for your time."

    Make it an innocuous sounding message, like you're just another telecommunication company. The only difference should be with you not asking for money right away, vaguely describing the subject-matter, and telling them there will be no further messages.

    The PO Box address you use must be under someone else's name. You cannot be connected to the box. Offer to pay a local bum $25 to get a PO Box for you, just remember to get & check all the paperwork & receipts afterwards, and watch him at the counter to make sure he only gets one key (and doesn't try to pocket a second). More than likely, a locally "known" wino will forget about you and the box # the moment you give him the money and gets to a liquor store.


    The following text is from a snailmail penpal who has some different proposals for this video project than I.

    1) - TARGET AGE: For entertainment purposes, the optimum range should be between 7 - 10, depending of course on the individual attributes of each. Looks should be a primary factor, as body type. Avoided should be ones of very dark or very light skin. Also chubbers are to be avoided. A pleasing physique and general appearance should be considered.

    2) - TARGET AREA: Here's a tough one. While suburbia often yields the finest products, one must consider the negative impacts of publicity. Also to be considered is the trend towards suburbia to a keener awareness as to the goings-on of neighborhood activity. Oddly enough, larger cities or urban areas, while more dense in population, might actually yield a more carefree or indifferent witness pool. The downside, of course is the larger number of actual people, as well as the more imperfect subjects of color and race, etc. Also to be considered is the near abundance of remote security cameras operating almost everywhere, outside buildings, etc.

    3) - TARGET METHOD: In warmer months, target ages are usually more prevalent in the early evening hours. Should be at least a twilight or near dark cover, although in the proper situation pure daylight is acceptable. Prefer the drive-up & snatch, simple method, as opposed to attempting "trickery" types. One bad scene or refusal would cause an entire area to be abandoned, wasting research and resources. Area should be thoroughly, but non-attention gatheringly scouted. Potential targets should be casually cased, but not over abundantly studied, as to draw attention.

    4) - SCHEDULING: Entire filming operation should not exceed 48 - 72 hours. First phase should consist of extensive still and video work on subject in various solo/costume sets. Makeup time, changing time, etc. should all be factored in. This could potentially yield some very fine products. Second phase should consist of hardcore interaction. This phase will be difficult, due to the nature of operations. 1 & 2 partner scenes and group should be considered, in growing sequence. Again, makeup and costume considerations are necessary. Finally, last phase should include final sequence and production of final sequence and production of "special" production.

    5) - ACCESSORIES: Much of the production value of the porn shot will depend on the small details of accessories and such. Quality porn, as opposed to inferior type porn, shows something more than simple fucking and sucking. Fishnet stockings, tiny heels, and the like can actually make a quality product. Also, cheap replicas of cheerleader, schoolgirl, and cowgirl outfits can easily be purchased for under $150 total. Sets should be done in each, as well as hardcore sets for maximum variety. Dance music makes a wonderful background for much of these works, but careful consideration should be paid as to the "timeliness" of such things. Perhaps older, or not-current stuff could be used. A variety of toys and marital aids is a must, and the issue could come that there will not be enough time to produce the wide array of productions that can be done!

    6) - MISCELLANEOUS: Props should be separated into two groups: hard & soft. Hard tools (pliers, blowtorch, etc.) should be hidden from subject until the final production is underway, as to minimize fear. Too fearful subjects will not be able to produce quality erotica. Obviously some trickery is going to become necessary in due time. Subject should always be given the idea that the production will cease after "just one more movie" and her freedom is ahead. Light alcohol or drugs could be used, however caution against overdoing it, and having a worthless subject unable to follow direction. Masks and fake tattoos are a plus for onscreen talent. Also, subjects appearance should be guarded against bruising and marks until the last scene. Makeup and hair are details that should be carefully watched. Also some "disposable" misdirection should be included. Perhaps a background soundtrack of an ocean or waves (commercially available) will give some disguise. In-camera view articles such as heavy coats, skis, etc. could also be experimented with, so long as the cost does not exceed its worth. Offscreen, the subject should be treated calmly and non-menacingly, as to best maintain her posture and appearance. Subject should be shown commercial porn, as well as the ones she is producing, as to show her the acceptability of what she is producing. Keep her mind at ease. She should have a stuffed animal or something to "clutch" and make comfortable offscreen. Her energy should be kept up, perhaps with candy bars, etc. All should be disposed of anyways. Smelling salts should be available for the final scenes, to assure production value. Necro-film after the final scene is grossly underestimated for value, and much can be done; perhaps while the props and other items are disposed of, such filming could be done.

    End of letter

    I find a lot of what he says to be completely useless, although there are some interesting points he makes.

    This isn't going to be a commercialized videotape available in stores, so most of what he says under "target age", "scheduling", "accessories" and "miscellaneous" would be a waste of time. I don't find it necessary to have her age be between 7 - 10, I don't care about her race, and soft-core "solo/costume sets" scenes would waste more time, allowing the authorities a better chance of catching you in the act.

    In the video I'm proposing, there wouldn't be a "soft" scene anywhere in it. It would begin with the girl/woman in total fright, bound & gagged & brought right in from the street (or car, however she arrived. The easiest way might be to drug her into unconsciousness before taking her to the set). Wait for her to regain some sense about her situation, and immediately strip her of clothes. Cameras will roll continuously from that point onwards, there would never again be a "soft" or "off-camera" scene with her. There would be a progression of rapes from multiple partners interspersed with progressively harsher torture methods. However she's killed, a necro scene would be cool, and I've always been a big fan of total bodily dismemberment.

    Allowing 72-hours to record a video is a rather lengthy time; I would suggest spending 24-hours setting-up the area, doing everything on-camera within a 24-hour span, and taking the next day to focus sole
  2. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

  3. Smokey McPot

    Smokey McPot Member

    I read all of that and it was actually a good read.
  4. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    You're probably the only other one that actually did.

    I swear, kids and their attention spans these days...

    Um, what were we talking about again?
  5. cardBOARD box homie

    cardBOARD box homie New Member

    i read it too and i must say i really enjoyed the part about body disposal.

    it really makes getting rid of my family so much easier.

    why isnt this info being sold on infomercials for $14.95 + s&h.
  6. djdev

    djdev New Member

    intresting reed indeed
    they are people dumb enough do it for this shiet?
  7. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lunchb0x:
    why isnt this info being sold on infomercials for $14.95 + s&h.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    ...because it could be worth so much more?

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