Got a call from a collection agency on a loan I didn't make

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Lomotil, Oct 18, 2006.

  1. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Got a call from a guy today that worked for "FMS" (tel # 800-580-7611), asking for me by name, and he had my DOB and SSN. Apparently, a "500 Fast Cash One-Click Loan" in the amount of $600 had been taken by someone using my information about a year and a half ago. The only other information he had about me was a ficticious place of employment.

    I explained to him that I've never made a loan of any sort, and he said he would send out a 'dispute form' to me. I asked for the telephone number of the company that claimed I made the loan, and he gave it to me: 800-430-2740. "United Cash Loans," out of Carson City, NV. According to two of the moderators on a debt consolidation board, that company isn't even licensed to conduct business in any state.

    Right before hanging up, I asked the guy what address he had listed for me, and when he checked, he found out that they didn't have one. I asked him how he was going to send me a dispute form, and that was when he asked me for the address. I was a bit leary about giving it to him, but it didn't seem like he was calling with the sole purpose of obtaining information. After all, he'd already said 'goodbye' and was about to hang up when I asked him about the address. *This was the only personal information I provided*

    Now, a few thoughts and questions come to mind. First of all, the name "One Click Loan" implies that it was made through the Internet - How is this possible? How can a company making a loan be sure that the loan is going to the correct person? If it wasn't made in person, there has to be some sort of electronic transfer of funds, isn't this traceable?

    Honestly, is it that easy to get cash over the Internet anonymously?

    I was planning on calling this company and asking them for some information:
    • Where was the loan made?
    • How was it made? (Check? Cash? Money Order?)
    • If it was made online, what was the IP address of the computer used to make the loan?
    I would think that I should be entitled to this information, but reading some of the other posts at the debt forum about them makes me think that they won't comply.

    I just hope this doesn't turn out to be a big pain in the ass. How long should this dispute process take, and will this affect my credit if I actually decide to take out a loan someday?

    What should my next steps be?
  2. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Thanks for the cash man
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    He could have been phishing for more information now he has your address. Have you run one of the free credit checks to see if this is actually on your legitimate report?

    Most banks or credit unions offer free advise on issues such as this try going to them?

    I hope it all works out for ya Lomo.
  4. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    PM your social security number and all the other good stuff and I'll check up on this for you. Make sure to include your mother's maiden name.
  5. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member


    is this they?... i can't see any way to raise your dispute with them on the site... but there is a contact page on their sister site.. maybe you can open a channel that way?...

    i can't investigate the site any further than the basic navigation pages because apparently i'm living in the wrong place.. but maybe in the application process theres more of a clue as to how you can appeal...

    tho you gots yourself a phone number..
  6. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    What a nice young man that pimpchichi is! :mrgreen:
  7. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I've called them, and found out that all they need to make a loan is the person's SSN, DOB, and an account #. Whomever made this loan also made an account under my name in some fucking podunk town (pop. 1,000) to get the cash. (pay attention, scammers)

    I'm going to call them back and speak to someone else to see if they'll give me the exact routing number of the account the money was deposited into, but chances are that the person just used the account one time to get this cash and then abandoned it.

    At the same time, the collection agency is sending me a dispute form, which the lendee instructed me to follow up on.

    This leads me to the next question:

    Is there any database that lists reported computer hacks of personal information? (or, more applicable, sites/companies that have had thier info hacked?)
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Good question if there is not then there certainly is a need. Start one you should get a lot of hits make it one that people post leads about information compromises as a public information type thing where people participate like Wicipedia….ah that online encyclopedia you know what I mean.

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