Good vs Evil

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nursey, Feb 13, 2002.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    "Satan has been the best friend the church has ever had,
    as he has kept it in business all these years."
    - Anton LaVey

    The religious fanatic perceives a Universe where good and evil are mutually exclusive forces opposed to one another. This creates a distortion within the believer's psyche - we call it the Christianity meme or mind-virus. Suddenly evil is no longer personal or subjective - it is a definable thing with tangible features! And so, if you insist on believing there is a devil with two horns, a tail and a pitchfork who foments discord throughout the world, then that becomes your reality. There is a problem which occurs, however; what if your views conflict with nature? What if good and evil are subjective values which form the basis of one's personality? What if good and evil were designed to compliment, not fight, each other? When such a conflict occurs, you've created a distortion.

    A distortion is akin to stretching a rubber band - creating stored or potential energy. The use of force (finger tension) is required to stop it from being kinetic, snapping back to its natural state. In the case of the aforementioned conflict, the use of force is religious obsession - the fanatic is convinced he must destroy Satan at any cost! An overt example might be Osama Bin Laden or a Jerry Falwell, but the illness also infects quite a few Satanists I know who relentlessly and compulsively slander, threaten and intimidate people on the internet with the temerity of a crack addict. The meme affects them because their thoughts unconsciously mirror or mimic the religion they despise...
  2. cardBOARD box homie

    cardBOARD box homie New Member

    that shit was deep
  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    i spared you the other 8 paragraphs.
  4. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    remember bob the biker preacher who i work with???..

    i was talking about those two 'vampire' satanists to someone the other week.. the ones who got that guy back to their place and stabbed him to death and said satan told them to do it... i said what fucking nutjobs i thought they were..

    bob piped up and said... "satans greatest trick was convincing the world he doesn't exist"..

    goddamn religious zealots hijacking the natural order to promote their fucking fairy stories and subjugate the masses...
  5. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Bob has watched Usual Suspects one to many times.
  6. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Fuckin' religion... when will the populous finally get it?

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