good pain

Discussion in 'Medical Advice' started by improtected, Mar 9, 2007.

  1. improtected

    improtected New Member

    barry, interested to hear your thoughts about the different perceptions of pain.

    tattoos. i've told you before that they've not caused pain. the first one tickled, the second one provided great pleasure. yet there are others who cry and can't go through with finishing their piece. sure, part of it is location. but is there a mindset that one could enter to change their perception of all types of pain? is that what i did, could i apply that to say, having my arm sliced open?

    but then too, my pieces had such meaning to me, and i'd been holding onto the design for so many years, maybe i wasnt able to associate pain with it because it was a positive thing that i'd been preparing myself for for so long. as i walk and meditate my labyrinth, i am changing my mind about it, or anything, being a 'next piece', you'll be happy to know.

    back to my first thought (adhd...) as i'm learning more about pain management i'm finding great success with guided imagery. and although i'm finding this success, overall it would be great to isolate the 'switch' so that one could disconnect from the pain without losing the communication between the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. sure, the drug lords would go out of business.

    and then how difficult would it be to apply that to emotional pain? finding a way to switch 'off' the pain, yet still be able to learn the lesson. then again, for the majority of people, would it be possible to learn the lesson without the pain?
  2. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I just got in from a stupid movie (Wild Hogs), a large platter of chicken wings with God only knows what for seasoning, and a topper of onion straws with horseradish to finsih off the evening.

    I am too brain dead to provide a sensible anser to your question. Maybe tomorrow I can try again.

    So are you going to post a picture of your tattoo in the mean time?

  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    PFFFFFT TT I love it that s a good answer Barry.

    I've learned to ... I dunno its hard to describe its kinda like biofeedback though. Mind over matter sort of thing. Don't get me wrong those SNM fucks are idiots thats not where I'm going. But you can channel the brains perception of pain to an extent. Not pain for pleasure but an enhanced reality of perception sort of turning down the volume so to speak and listening to the details. A good example would be for instance a person having their arm twisted beyond natures acceptance and deciding "fuck it I'm bigger than this" and then turning it down and focusing on what is taking place to the minute detail. "I hear and feel the twisting of a bone I hear the bone splintering. Like a thick piece of rubber I feel the strain of resistance. POW! there goes cartlidge and ligaments. That charlie horse feeling is exacly that loose mussle unattached relax now just relax.
  4. improtected

    improtected New Member

    very close to what i mean. and yes, it is hard to describe. the main thing is not losing the communciation within the body's systems. afterall, pain is there for a reason. if it could be applied to emotional pains and traumas, say with children so that they aren't living in fear for the rest of their lives.
  5. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    OK, I like this idea. It's a fact that the mind can be controlled in such a way that pain is minimized. One of the ways to do this is to be prepared for the pain, or to anticipate pain. When you do that, your body doesn't feel the pain as intensely. As far as emotional pain, if it can be anticipated, it is less. For example, an expected death of a loved one after a long illness is not as bad as the sudden death of a person.

    But the question is this - once pain starts that you were not anticipating, can you then turn it down?

    Back in a bit. I need coffee. The thoughts are jumbling into chaos.
  6. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    OK, back to the question -

    The body has neuro receptors that have an affinity for morphine like transmitters known as endogenous opioid biochemical compounds. Everyone knows that opiates are pain relievers. Opiods are the almost exactly like opiates, except they are made by your own body.

    "Endogenous opioids" are called Endomorphines. We shorted this to a more familiar term - Endorphins.

    Yes, the body clearly has the ability to manufacture and release it's own very effective pain reliever called Endorphins. It stand to reason that the brain controls this, and the brain could be trained to release these chemicals on command.

    I think such a thing is not that far away. Use it only for good should you harness the power.
  7. improtected

    improtected New Member

    damn... something wrong with your rittalin? it took you NINE DAYS to compose that response?
  8. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Funny you should say that.

    The last prescription I got was filled with a different manufacturer. I have used generic Methylphenidate from WEST CORP for many years. These pills are made by someone else, and I swear they don't work right. I checked the inert ingredients, and these are binded with lactose, where the others are made with a dextrose binder. I am convinced that they are not as effective. I called the Pharmacy, and all they said is "tough luck".

    Good call there ImP.
  9. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    isn't the joy of US expensive medical care that since you're paying for your shit you should be able to get the shit you actually want.. not some cheap replacement... can't you go to a different pharmacist?
  10. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Methylphenidate is a controlled substance. The problem is that once I get a prescription filled, the Doctor would be very hesitant to write another in less than 30 days fearing DEA scrutiny. My Doctor and I refer patients to each other, so I don't want to cause him a problem.

    I'll live with the tainted version for 20 more days.
  11. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    ah ok.. so you're not stuck with the lo-grade shit for good then, cool... so you'll be making sure you give the merchandise a quick once-over next time you go to score?.. must suck getting burned like that
  12. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I swear that is exactly how it feels. An FU for pointing it out.
  13. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    oh i see.. your bitch gets 'good call'.. but i get 'fuck you'.. nice
  14. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    well you obviously didn't send him any photos of your crotch with a shitty jacked-up mexican looking tattoo on it :-/
  15. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    hmm.. i'm not too keen on tattoos tho..

    would he notice if my burrito was just biro?
  16. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    What did you expect? Would you like for me to publically admit that you are occasionally right and that I don't always hate you?

    That's a little much to ask isn't it?
  17. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


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