Gene doping: What are your thoughts on this ?,2144,1890782,00.html
The whole doping thing has pretty much ruined the sport you can't hardly police it. There doing a tremendous job though. Whould be interesting if they just dropped all the Doping, Steroids, medications rules all together and just let them go wild with it. Picture what the olympics would look like in 10 years.
I agree with you on that Joe, If all the athletes were on roids then the olympics would really be interesting.
Just because a person uses steroids, does that mean they put less effort in their work? Or do they work even harder? Why should they be so criticized for wanting to reach their full potential?
It they had two sets of olypics couldn't the "enhanced" group just be a big riod rage, last person standing kind of a deal?
If they had two sets of Olympics, you'd have all the also-ran 'roid folks trying to cheat their way into the "clean" section.