Gaza Pullout: The Real Damn Reason

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smurfslappa, Sep 10, 2005.

  1. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    The real reason for the Gaza Pullout isn't for some humanitarian reason. We all know in this day and age something of this magnitude isn't done to simply make someone happy. Especially the Palestinians. Everyone knows Israel's Mossad network could bully Hamas around, and the reason for not being able to defend the strip any longer is bogus. Sharon hates the Palestinians so much, so what was the pullout for? A big damn plan...

    It all goes back to 2 British nationals being caught with $3 trillion fake US bank notes in their possession. 2 Brits nabbed with $3 trillion in fake US fed notes In what has been described as a "last straw", two Israeli Intelligence agents were attempting to transport the $3 trillion in United States Federal Reserve Bearer Bonds from the Phillippines to China.

    This extraordinary action against their ally the United States, by the Israelis, was in an apparent retaliation for a number of actions taken against them by United States Intelligence Organizations, and that included one of the largest illegal drug discoveries the world has ever known, and as we can see as reported by the Australian News Service Evening Standard in their article titled "World's biggest ecstasy haul found in Australia"

    I bet you all didn't know that many of the World's Intelligence Organizations are funded by the sale of illegal drugs. Actually I'm sure you did, but I really bet you didn't know that Israel's Mossad is mainly funded by the sale of ecstacy, as we can read in the British FFP News Service's article "Israeli Drug Smugglers' Global Monopoly On Ecstasy"

    Also making the Israeli's pissed was the US decision to dump them from the participation in one of the most ambitious aircraft projects of this new century, the new American Joint Strike Fighter, as reported in the Jerusalem Post's article "US dumps Israel from jet development"

    Even more to showing the deep divisions that have arisen between these once dedicatred allies was the recent summit between the American President and his Israeli counterpart, and as described by the Jewish Press News Service in their article titled "Grim Faces, Diplomatic Phrases At Bush-Sharon Texas Summit", and which says,

    "The meeting Monday between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and President Bush at Bush`s vast Texas ranch was to have affirmed the special U.S.-Israel relationship and paved the way forward in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, a triumphant summit between two friends, farmers and statesmen. Instead, what emerged between the tense lines the two men delivered as a stiff Texas breeze ruffled their scripts were profound differences over how Sharon and Bush perceive Israeli and Palestinian obligations and the future of the peace process. Bush made his position clear: Israel`s settlement expansion in the West Bank must stop."

    So everything got taken care of, right? NOPE! In an action that had taken by surprise all of the world’s leaders, Israel after this summit actually betrayed the United States, and as we can read as reported by the Big News Network in their article titled "Israel defies Bush, calls tenders for new West Bank homes", and which says; "The Israeli government called for tenders on Monday to construct fifty new homes for settlers in the West Bank. The move comes just days after U.S. President George W Bush told Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to stop expanding settlements."

    And so Israel has beef with New Zealand for beign one of the only countries having withstood against the Mossad network, having not only charged them with crimes, but jailed them also. They also broke off diplomatic ties, as we can read in the Jewish News Service "Top Israeli official barred"

    In an awesome act of revenge, Israeli Intelligence Operatives proved once again that no world leader is safe from attack as they lashed out at New Zealand's Prime Minister, as reported by ABC in their article titled "New Zealand Official's Plane Door Opens"

    We must also remember how Israel tries to use passports as weapons of war, even to using their own diplomats to sell passports to known terrorists seeking to enter the US, as we can even see in our Yahoo! News service dammit, Israeli consul in The Hague... The guy was arrested on the suspicion of issuing passports for bribes.

    So at this point we declared a secret war with Israel, secret because we don't want to alert the masses who'd be pissed and cry for peace. So the Israeli Mossad targeted one of our allies, the better half of Presminister Blush, Tony Blair. Weapon of choice: . As reported in the BBC News Service's article "Lightning strikes Blair's plane". Upon learning of this attack, Bush hightailed it to his bunker "Bush Taken to Bunker After Airspace Scare"

    But not from a lightning strike did this attack occur, but from Israel's awesome Tactical High Energy Laser (THEL), and of which it is said, "The Tactical High Energy Laser program is a key component of U.S.-Israel strategic cooperation designed to counter short-range rockets."

    United States Intelligence officials have been fearing this type of attack against their airplanes since the arrest of David Banach of Parsippany, New Jersey, an American holding duel Israeli and American citizenship, and a former member of the Israeli Defense Forces, and as we can read as reported by the USA Today News Service in their article titled "N.J. man charged with aiming laser at aircraft"

    So Bush at this point is at least concerned about these events, and requests for additional security forces to President Putin are immediately granted. If not for the secret technology of the FSB Agents working in conjunction with the United States Secret Service, the attempt made in Georgia upon the American President's life would have been successful. As reported by the Reuters News Service in their article titled "Bush never in danger despite Georgia grenade" But not to a ‘dud’ was this grenade attack, but rather to the quick action of FSB Agents, who employ a vast array of secret technology weapons to counter such percussion explosive devices, was the American President saved.

    Quickly following this failed attempt was a further attempt to destabilize the United States Government Capital City by the detonation of a small nuclear device to be flown into the center of Washington D.C. Immediate actions by the Military Forces of the United States were able to employ several batteries of anti-aircraft missiles to shoot down the small jet aircraft carrying this nuclear device over that country’s Pennsylvania Region. The panic of the city of Washington D.C. and its peoples though can be evidenced by this report from the USA Today News Service in their article titled “White House, Capitol briefly evacuated after airspace violated” and which says, “The White House and the Capitol were evacuated about noon Wednesday after a small plane entered restricted airspace and came within three miles of the White House, but the evacuation was lifted about 20 minutes later."

    Almost immediately following these attempts by the War Criminal Sharon to destabilize the world he ordered all the borders of Israel to be closed, and as we can read as reported by the Washington Times News Service in their article titled "Israel closes territories for holiday"

    United States Economic Strategists are also fighting against time to protect themselves from the economic ‘bombs’ dropped into their stock markets by Israeli Masterminds, who upon the orders of Sharon have begun International Financial actions to implode the American Economy by the use of these ‘bombs’ called hedge funds. The Cayman Islands are key to these hedge fund transfers, and according to Hedgeco, The Leading Online Hedge Fund Information Portal!, "According to published reports, about 80 percent of the global hedge funds are registered with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority. During the first half of 2005, the number of Cayman Island’s registered hedge fund operators rose from 5,932 to 6,527."

    The Israeli Mossad agent Boaz Manor fled to Israel days before questioning into his hedge fund's collapse were due to begin. "Portus hedge fund founder Boaz Manor flees to Israel" and such damage has been done by the Mossad Agent Boaz Manor that today the world’s economy stands near total collapse, and as we can read as reported by the Reuters News Service in their article titled "Hedge fund losses mount, sparking investor jitters"

    War Criminal Sharon:

    "Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."

    "Even if you'll prove to me by mathematical means that the present war in Lebanon is a dirty immoral war, I don't care."

    "I vow that if I was just an Israeli civilian and I met a Palestinian I would burn him and I would make him suffer before killing him."

    "It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism, colonialization, or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands."

    So convinced of the 'End Times' is Israel's chief Rabbi, Israeli Prime Minster Sharon is throwing the full weight of the Israeli Government against the Rabbi, Shlomo Amar, in their attempt to silence his proclamation that the ‘End Times’ are upon the world, and what the Rabbi has confirmed as being the most important Prophecy from God to the people of the world today. So strong is the conviction of Israel’s Chief Rabbi Amar that he began the search for, and bringing back to Israel, those peoples who are called the Lost Tribes, and as we can read as reported by the Daily Times News Service in their article titled "End of 2,700-year exodus for India’s lost tribe of Jews"

    But this past weeks events have shown that the Israeli Government led by the known War Criminal Sharon would not allow this weeks announcement of the End Times by the Chief Rabbi and his further identifying another Lost Tribe as being a great number of the peoples of the United States. To such an extent has been Sharon’s anger against the Chief Rabbi that he has had his entire family arrested, and as we can read as reported by the Blue Universe in their article titled "Family of Sephardic Chief Rabbi Arrested"

    But what we all know is how these people destroy their enemies by such arrests, and demeaning of their enemies characters, and lives, so that others will never believe them again. To the utter astonishment of the world the Chief Rabbi of Israel tonight contemplates his announcements to the world against the backdrop of his family being held in Israeli prisons under sentence of death should he dare speak, or utter one word of the End Time Prophecy he knows to be true.

    The events of the Rabbi Coincide with the escalation of the secret war between Israel and the United States, and thus the United States begins their roundup of Israeli spies. "Spy Case Renews Debate Over Pro-Israel Lobby's Ties to Pentagon"

    In retaliation to the rounding up of their spies in the United States, Israel stopped the Peace Process that had been initiated, and overseen, by the States as reported in the Scotsman News Service's article "Peace hit as Israel halts handover to Palestinian"

    A Mossad Operation to instill turmoil in the Muslim world by claiming that US Military Forces had desecrated the Holy Book Koran has led to much anger in the Muslim World as reported by India Daily in their article titled “Afghan clerics threaten Muslim holy war over Koran"
    The Israeli owned magazine, Newsweek, working with the Mossad, had fabricated the story of American Military forces desecrating the Muslim Holy Book, but is now retracting their fabrications, and as we can read as reported by the Washington Post News Service in their article titled "Newsweek Apologizes: Inaccurate Report on Koran Led to Riots"

    Not known to most Americans is how controlled by the criminal Mossad Organization their media organs are, including this Newsweek Magazine which is owned by the dreaded Israeli Kaplan Diamond Merchants who have spread much misery around the world being financed by their control of the worlds diamond markets.

    Upon learning of this latest criminal action by the Mossad, under the orders of their War Criminal Leader Sharon, President Putin ordered FSB Forces to eradicate all Kaplan interests in Russia’s diamond industries, and as we can read as reported by the Associated Press News Service in their article titled "Russia's Alrosa in theft probe"

    The United States Presidents actions were equally swift with his ordering the Israeli Ambassador to immediately leave America, and as we can read as reported by the Al Jazeera News Service in their article titled "Israel withdraws its ambassador to the U.S."

    As always too we can see our Military Leaders are keeping the direness of their Secret War with Israel from our own citizens, as at the same time we are launching many covert actions against the War Criminal Sharon’s Mossad, even to the point of Israel warning its Embassy’s around the world to be on the ‘look out’ for American SSB Forces after our secret American Forces had tried to penetrate the Israeli Embassy in Uzbekistan to try to stop the Israeli ordered massacre that then followed, and as we can read as reported by the Hindu News Service in their article titled "Israel raises alert level at embassies around the world"

    Today’s news from this troubled region shows the true extent of the ‘cooperation’ and ‘good relations’ between Israel and Uzbekistan, and as we can read as reported by the Australian ABC News Service in their article titled "Violent military crackdown in Uzbekistan"

    And I'm tired.... to be continued....
  2. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Sorry, had to push my thread back up to the top... bwahaha
  3. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Oh and I thought I'd just drop this in here, since the Jew thread is dead, but mmm boy, looks like all those defenseless Palestinians know what they're in for. Look at em run, good thing Egypt sympathizes

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