hey fuckers! all the street psychics evacuated KW last night so we figured we'd better get the hell outta there too. we made it to Tampabay last night so that we can get hit by the hurricane there instead. Miami was too filthy for us, so we drove by and didn't stop. i will have pictures up as soon as i charge my camera, lose electricity, get the electricity restored and re-charge my camera. in the meantime i will be drinking lotsa rum and beers and eating crepes and sausages. ciao, Ratty
what part of miami did you and your snobby crew pass by? cuz I have to know what you found so filthy..
Humor me,what neighborhood was this,Im sure they just confused you with a common skany hooker thats what mad you run,you possibly couldve made money,shame youre so ugly.
I'd class anything within a hundred miles of you "your neighbourhood". Don't want to get any closer than that.
You bet your brown ass even when he travels. But then he becomes an invader. Invading someone else's turf.
thats old news it hit like 2 weeks ago,fucked up the west coast,it went from a category 2 to 4 overnight,people werent really prepared The coast gaurd wouldnt let you anyways,we have a strong policy of not providing asylum to Haitain refugees..drift your ass to Jamaica you'd fit right in.
He's just backwards. I live downunder and even I know the difference between the west and east coast. He'd be the sort of cunt that would tell you to turn left and mean to turn right. One of my ex's was like that. I wanted to kill him slowly. Almost did once. Fuck it was funny. Will tell you the story one time. It involved a tyre leaver too.
Yes the west coast,as in the west coast of Florida..to clear things up Doc. Just ignore the meaningless rantings of the aborigine whore.
well I understand anyone else misreading it,whats your excuse....oh wait thats right,you ride the short bus..........
Also, wanted to point out it would be "aboriginal whore" you uneducated redneck. And I am german/russian. No nigger blood in me. But I did know this guy who was half German, quarter Jewish and quarter Nigger. Christ he must have hated himself.
There's no nigger or jew in me. I am half German and half Russian. I have 2 halves, not three or four.