Ok, on the 'hint' that IKE has fucked up a refinery, not sure how, as seeing at this moment it is still in the middle of the gulf, gas stations in the Augusta area are skyrockteing to almost 5.00 a gallon. I was on the phone with a friend when he passed a station advertising at 4.89 a gallon. So, I went out and filled up my shit box acura, at 3.66 at a station near my house, that was semi packed. So is that shit happening in your area too????
I noticed a $3.69 on the way home. The clouds to the south were moving along at a good clip. I live about 30 miles off the Gulf coast.
San Antonio, filled up today @ a slightly higher $3.54/gal. I think last week it was down to $3.39. You should see the fucking Walmart stores - it's pathetic. The flashlight aisle is bare. These people are fucking morons here. Around 200 miles away from the coast, even when it was expected to hit Corpus, and these people are freaking out.
My cousin in South Carolina called me last night and asked about my gas prices said the same thing but the gas here in Dallas has not gone up. He called my other cousin in St. Louis and his was not going up. I dunno Phat its a bit weird.
It's over 4 bucks here and we're not even close to the Gulf. I think they just like to look for a reason to hike up the prices.
Hurricanes. Damn Hurricanes. I guess GWB turned on the Tornatron Laser Motocyclonetsunami generator one last time.
It's as high as 5.00 a gallon, lots of stores are 'out', but I think they are holding back. The kroger store has a sign up stating that the storm caused refineries to stop production, hence causing a shortage locally. They were still at 4.09 a gallon. They have put up gas price gouging numbers to report retailers from gouging at the pump. Something about the price of the fuel in the tanks being the same and yadda yadda. The demand is up because everyone is filling up everything they got (how retarded). I topped off my Acura at 3.66 and the wifes accord at 3.77 (not an hour later). I didnt top off my truck (I would hate to do that since it was pretty much empty) nor my Jerri Cans. I want to know if it is going to drop as fast as it went up? Especially with a barrel under 100.00 again.