post your suggestions for games you really wanna play/see more of, if only they'd make new ones. Syndicate Online (old Bullfrog game) Commander Keen Another DUNE RTS (hopefully after CNC3)
I really liked 'Ghosts and Goblins' or 'River Raid' they could use the F-14 and the Tigris as the river, a completed mission ends in bombing Baghdad. They could base it on the first war of Iraqi aggression. Launch off the deck of the Abraham Lincoln, out of the persian gulf, bombing bridges and machine gunning SAM sites till you see the city on the horizon bomb the city while avoiding rockets and small arms fire. They could get Willem Dafoe to do the voice over for your RIO, I would pick it up quick. Especially if they had bonus missions where you flew an A-10 and shot up the crappy russian tanks the republican guard had. and the occasional ground forces you happened upon. Giving air support to the abrams, that would kick ass.
Have you guys ever played Warcraft? I think that world might make an ok online game. Seriously though, I'd like to see one for the nintendo DS. Possibly a Phantasy Star. And then for an actual answer, I think Shadowrun would make for a great MMO. It's all moot for me. I don't have time anymore.
Check out "Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins" for the PSP - it's a great throwback to the days of old, when gameplay was king, and you were best off buying a case of new controllers to replace the ones you threw against the ground in a desperate fit of misery and disgust because of that damned winged red devil bastard sonofabitch that kept dodging your daggers, until he stripped you of your armor, and then left you as a pathetic pile of bones littered across the landscape as if it were garbage day at Auschwitz - all the while, pausing long enough to do his little side-to-side dancing taunt. Yeah, those were the days. :-[ Seriously - get that game. Oh, and maybe a PSP to play it on, if you don't already have one.
Good call dude, that game was fun as hell. I'm more of a Rifts fan though. Also WoW kicks ass, I love my shammy
I like Rifts, but then you get into the whole megaverse thing...and there's such a thing as too much.
Yeah the whole Leisure Suit Larry series just doesn't do it for me, I get enough headaches trying to get laid in real life much less in a fucking video game.