I saw this little black girl in pig tails, I assume almost 5 years old, eating a ice cream cone. When no one was around, I walked over and looked her dead in the face and said "You will always bee a useless nigger. Do you know who your daddy be coon?" then I smashed her ice cream cone in her face. she cried franticaly, and ran off screaming. Man I tell ya, its the simple things that make life worth living... P.S. Remember kids, emotional scars last alot longer than physical ones
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I Murder Children VIOLENTLY: P.S. Remember kids, emotional scars last alot longer than physical ones <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, IMC, always with his mind on the concerns of future generations... that's really beautiful, man. *dabs a tear*
her mom came over shouting 'Ain't no white honkey gonna make my little Ofeila cry!!!" I just looked at her and said "Shut up nigger" she walked off mubling something under her breath
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I Murder Children VIOLENTLY: her mom came over shouting 'Ain't no white honkey gonna make my little Ofeila cry!!!" I just looked at her and said "Shut up nigger" she walked off mubling something under her breath<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> LMAO!
You constantly surprise me, Cockboy of All Time. I woulda guessed you'd offer her something else to lick.
{still laughing} Hehehe...what a coincidence...speaking of tormenting stupid creatures... Just after my last post I heard a familiar rustling in the leaves near my front door. Seems this young possum in the 'hood has lately taken to poaching my garbage. At first I thought, after having found holes in the bags I put out for the next morning & assorted contents strewn all around, that it was a stray dog - until I caught the little fucker in the act last weekend. For you non-domestic readers, the possum - properly known as the "opossum" (or, as they're called in Texas, "tasty vittles") - is nothing so much as a big fucking rat: ...except a lot stupider. So I flip on the light & go outside and find the Midnight Rustler staring back with a "What, who, me??" look in his stupid beady eyes. He ran one way. I feinted; he ran the other way. Repeat a couple times. Next circuit he stumbles into a pile of planks... {that were shelves in my utility closet that had to be removed temp'ly to accommodate the installation of a new, larger hot water heater. I stacked em on one end of the porch, standing vertically along their long ends & stuck thru the uprights of the handrail.} ...and becomes trapped with his only exit blocked by me (he was too stupid to climb up and over them). I found myself in a dilemma: if I withdrew inside to retrieve my projectile-device of choice, he'd escape. My only lethal option at hand was blunt-force trauma delivered by one of the non-involved planks. So I.... No, actually, I didn't. It wasn't so much a feeling of tenderness and mercy that spared his skull as it was just a desire to avoid having to clean up the porch afterward. But wanting to teach him a lesson in any case, I grabbed him by the tail and hoisted him, hissing, into the air. Boy, he really didn't like that Then I walked out into the yard toward the treeline and started winding him up like a Muhammed Ali Rope-a-Dope. When he hit max Gs, I lofted him for distance. He was out of sight into the darkness by the time I heard him crashing thru branches during his reentry then the thud of touchdown. There was a short pause of silence (during which I pictured him vigorously shaking his head with a cartoonish YABBADUH-YABBADUH-YABBADUH) before his distant retreat. If he ever comes back for more, I won't be so nice.
You should being careful! Big rats of possum have rabies some times! Must cook to 400 degree at least ten minute to kill rabie! Once done that eat good tasting if prepare right.
BULLSHIT! possums rarely fight, so their chances of carrying rabies are also rare! you're full of shit AZN. you dont know shit about your animals! i occasionally run into possums when i walk my doggies at night. the doggies attack, the possum plays dead, then i come in and start swinging it around by its tail. splat! splat! on the street. i once had one in my yard, the dogs brought it in and my mom and her friends were out chatting. they didnt know what the dog had until they got a close up look, and then they freaked and called me. so, i get it by the tail, and - u know how the old ladies are, scared of everything - bring it to them. never seen women in their late 40s and early 50s move so quick. they took off out of my yard and into the street, screaming. i ran after them about 2 houses down. "you're going to give us a heart attack!!!" yeah, that was fun.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I Murder Children VIOLENTLY: her mom came over shouting 'Ain't no white honkey gonna make my little Ofeila cry!!!" I just looked at her and said "Shut up nigger" she walked off mubling something under her breath<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> actually, my name is not really used by african americans Ofelia, a 4-syllable girl's name of Greek origin, means: To help; useful name meanings
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitana, Resident Zoologist: BULLSHIT! possums rarely fight, so their chances of carrying rabies are also rare!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So, what? Pacifist possums never get cornered by rabid racoons? <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>you're full of shit AZN. you dont know shit about your animals!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Aw, give the guy a break, he's foreign. <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kitana: BULLSHIT! possums rarely fight, so their chances of carrying rabies are also rare! you're full of shit AZN. you dont know shit about your animals!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It not outside possibility realm... No matter if possum play possum, still can be bit by other infected animal! By that thinking line, you are to say that no man can get disease come from monkey? Monkey rarely fight unless poopoo in hand and throw at you. How think you AIDS come into human contact? Poopoo monkey. That my theory.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I Murder Children VIOLENTLY: I saw this little black girl in pig tails, I assume almost 5 years old, eating a ice cream cone. When no one was around, I walked over and looked her dead in the face and said "You will always bee a useless nigger. Do you know who your daddy be coon?" then I smashed her ice cream cone in her face. she cried franticaly, and ran off screaming. Man I tell ya, its the simple things that make life worth living... P.S. Remember kids, emotional scars last alot longer than physical ones <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Blackheads Whiteheads... they're all a bother.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>kitana: Ofelia..of Greek origin, means: To help; useful<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> LMFAO! At least your parents had a sense of humor.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Emetic: You constantly surprise me, Cockboy of All Time. I woulda guessed you'd offer her something else to lick.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think if IMC wanted something/someone brown hanging on his dick, he would just assfuck someone and look at it afterward. (That's what I would do, anyway).
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kitana: Ofelia, a 4-syllable girl's name of Greek origin, means: To help; useful<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> There's no such Greek name, I think you're getting confused with Ophelia. Your name however probably originates from the US and means Cock-all.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by canine_STD: There's no such Greek name, I think you're getting confused with Ophelia. Your name however probably originates from the US and means Cock-all.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> originates from greek, proabably as ophelia. the spelling changed, that's all. your name probably means cockblister
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kitana: cockblister <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I hate those...