This is the most violent thing ive ever seen does anyone know the history behind it or what happened to this poor little bastard?
Yea, but you have to be pretty pathetic to get beat down by a crack head. Which reminds me of a funny story..... ....this friend of mine, he was probably 19 or 20 at the time, goes down to hilton head island with his parents for a weekend at the beach. He has always been kinda mouthy, especially for a relatively small guy, probably 5'7" 160lbs or so. Well apparently some skater kids were hanging out in the parking lot of the condo complex he was staying at and one of them said something smart to him, he's kinda albino, you know red skin and really white hair, maybe not technically albino, but pigmentally challenged none the less. So he has says something back to the kid, like 'shut up you little skater sissy', whatever. So he ends up getting his ass kicked by 7 or 8 8 year old kids..... what a 'vato'.
I remember there was a story a year back, some guy got beat down by a gang of 8 year olds... "TREVASAUR I CHOOSE YOU!!! use your punch to the nuts attack!"
I hate to talk e-shit but if I were a transfer student to that classroom I'd eat those childrens faces off.... unless the guy is gay... or watches NASCAR
I always figure you can probably get away with using a bat if it's more than 1 on on 1 as a self defense alibi.
O RLY? ;D Sorry, I have been beating my head against the wall with a Lotus Notes issue, and I have finally made it submit to my overwhelming patience. I am drinking tonight. That be fo' sho!