Have No Fear, I have a webhosting company, I will be happy to host fugly for free! You will have no bills to pay! I love this site and I would hate for it to be shut down, but the catch is, No banner ads! Hey If anyone doesent want fugly to carge and want them to use my free hostings with unlimited space and unlimited bandwith... and no popup (wannabe aol ads) tell them to do so in this topic! With Unlimited bandwith the videos could be up all the time! Wouldn't that be awesome?? Thanks Frost-E
Whatever he is, he never sent us his number or tried to contact us again. No one is going to host this site free of charge. It doesn't make any sense for someone to shell out $5000 a month just because they think we're funny.
let me guess, you will host fugly, but there will be geocites popups? hosting a webpage on 20 different geoshities sites, dosent mean you hosted it for free
Send us your phone number. Send it to info@fugly.com. We'd like to speak to you. What do you get out of this? Why would you want to bear that big of an expense. Do you realize how much bandwidth we use? We pull 4800kbps at peak hours. Martin
Dude I have been selling my friends kids ass on the street and all 35 cents are yours...and the subway token. The kids got these cheeks I bet if I can get him to the sperm donor clinic they could squeeze a few "$$$" (pints out of him)...