Fugly don't like me, as I only have a poxy PACE DSL 4000 SET

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by rickastleysnumer1fan, Mar 21, 2001.

  1. rickastleysnumer1fan

    rickastleysnumer1fan New Member

    Fugly don't like me as I only have a DSL 4000 set top browser, which is as useful as having a fishing rod with a chicken McNugget on the hook ( free 24/7 ). I am like Fugly much and like a lot also. Please like me because I like Fugly very much and I also like Fugly a lot also too. Please help. Fluoxetine caps 20mg, take ONE daily.
  2. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    What? What the hell are you talking about?
  3. kitana

    kitana New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rickastleysnumer1fan:
    Fugly don't like me as I only have a DSL 4000 set top browser, which is as useful as having a fishing rod with a chicken McNugget on the hook ( free 24/7 ). I am like Fugly much and like a lot also. Please like me because I like Fugly very much and I also like Fugly a lot also too. Please help. Fluoxetine caps 20mg, take ONE daily.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Now, what kind of fishing are you talking about? Fresh or salt water? or are you talking about fishing for sea gulls, cats, kids, or puppies?
    Fluoxetine: Prozac; (Web MD)
    What Can Prozac Do for You?

    About 70 percent of depressed people who take Prozac will experience complete remission within two to six weeks; the rest either don't respond or can't deal with the nausea or insomnia that often occur for the first few days.

    Prozac is ideal if you're depressed but sleep normally and need to be able to function during the day. It's also a good choice if you didn't respond to a tricyclic or an MAOI, or if you can't take the side effects of these older drugs. Moreover, if you have weight problems or struggle with obsessions, Prozac might be for you, since studies suggest that people with atypical depression (the symptoms of which include oversleeping and overeating) respond better to Prozac than to tricyclics.

    If you don't respond to Prozac, you might do better with one of the older antidepressants (such as the MAOIs or tricyclics), or you might respond to a different SSRI, such as Zoloft or Paxil, or on the just-approved Serzone, a serotonin-related drug. You might also do better on a structurally unrelated antidepressant such as Effexor or Wellbutrin.

    It is also possible that you're one of the very few people who don't respond well to any antidepressant yet on the market.

    Should Every Depressed Person Take Prozac?

    No. Obviously, if you're allergic to Prozac (look for hives or a rash), you shouldn't take this antidepressant. And if you have serious problems with your liver or kidneys, it's not a good idea to take Prozac because this drug is metabolized in the liver and excreted in the kidneys. If you have serious problems with either of these organs, Prozac could build up in your blood to toxic levels.

    You should also be cautious about taking Prozac if you have a history of seizures or epilepsy, even if you're taking anti-seizure medication. Studies of more than 6,000 people revealed that 12 patients experienced seizures with Prozac (a rate of 0.2 percent), about the same rate as that of other antidepressants. If you have such a history, your doctor will want you to have a full neurological workup with an EEG before proceeding. You'll have to take smaller-than-usual doses at first, and you'll probably need a series of EEGs and blood tests (to monitor anticonvulsant levels) during treatment.

    Do you take prozac for depression or ADHD or PMS (hee-hee)?
    I take Effexor slow release 75mg for ADHD and to control severe mood swings.
    So, I know exactly how you feel.
    It must be your first few days/weeks taking it, right?
  4. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    i have an ak-47 with a 90 round drum... does that count for anything?
  5. kitana

    kitana New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I Murder Children:
    i have an ak-47 with a 90 round drum... does that count for anything?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    For fishing or for depression?
    ever shoot into a pond, creek, or lake from a good distance away? The bullet will bounce off the water. My cousin almost got shot like that - while hunting, some idiot shot into the pond nearby and the bullet bounced off the water and passed right in front of my cousin's face. I think he shit his pants.
    For depression, the gun will get rid of all your misery, but that is the wussy's way out.
  6. NoOpinion

    NoOpinion New Member

    Well now i have done a little reading on Sadam Hussian*. I happen to know the motherfucker fishes like a man. He will sit back in his chair smirking as he usually is
    pull the pin and lob a grenade into the water. After he gets his own private showing of Old faithfull, he looks to the water and to his own surprise theres dinner floating on the fucking water. Now this is a sign the man has brains (and very little patience).
    Now if i become one of the next contestants on Survivor i know what my personal item would be.
    As for killing yourself like a man the grenade is also the weapon of choice. While sitting in a safe, shove the motherfucker up your ass just revealing the pin. Pull the goddamn thing and you got a few seconds to ponder the stupidity of what your doing without any way of preventing it. KABOOM
    Makes it a fuck of a job for the cleaning crew. Although no one gets to see what a man you are im sure theyll find a testicle or two kicking around somewhere in there.
  7. kitana

    kitana New Member



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