I almost have this ready to go: http://www.fugly.com/beta/ I want to merge all the different Fugly user accounts under one. For example, if you have an account here it will be copied to this new version of Fugly. If you've signed up for www.fuglyornot.com that will also be merged in. I'm looking for feedback from you guys. Do you think that merging the accounts is a good idea or not? Also, if you want to test out the site and see if there are any bugs that would help. Please don't upload anything pornographic though. That is my only rule.
Looks nice, very PC. I like the green. I think going with joint logins is a good idea, are you going to put a link on the index page to the forums? Maybe a huge warning sign.....of course that might draw more people....
I think you should make the whole thing into a camouflage with broken patterns that match the season. For example now it would be more of a brownish green and in the winter more of a white... JUST MAKE IT THIS COLOR THANKS OR who cares as long as the forum stay puke green.
Minor things I noticed (perfectionist tendencies coming through here): Main page, you have the "watch, upload, share" box - Watch: there needs to be some form of punctuation between "TV" and "watch" - either a comma, period, or exclamation point (the latter two requiring the capitalization of the next word, of course). Share: put a comma between the words "space" and "or" I like how you're building upon your (already established) fugly uploader feature and making it's integration a more centrally-involved aspect of the site. Very Web 2.0 of you. As the Internet moves towards a more 'interactive' experience, where the 'surfers' are actually supplying a majority of the content, you should do quite well with this new model. Are your problems with the "Net-Nanny" services over yet? I don't ever remember hearing the outcome of that problem... Oh, and there's still the issue of that dollar...
P.S. - I'll level with you here, I can't stand it when videos are streaming. I know this is the trend nowadays, but I prefer a format that at least gives you the option to download a video to your computer so that you don't have to be online at the time you watch it. I have several computers that I use, and not all of them are hooked up to the Internet. It would be nice to be able to share a video with someone on my laptop without having to be in a hotspot at the time. Plus, I like putting videos on my PocketPC. It does serve as an additional form of advertisement, because when the person I'm showing the video to likes it, the usual question asked is, "where'd you get that?" - which sends them to your site. Same concept as the 'watermark' on previous videos that you've hosted. I realize that the idea is to generate web traffic and increase hits, but personally, I'm less likely to watch a video in the first place if it's not downloadable (and even less likely to search through the same site for other videos). Just my $0.02...
Upon re-reading that, nevermind... The sentence places the proper emphasis and sounds better the way you already have it. My bad.
same as this... as nursey and 'whoever the fuck dan is' said.. tho you should have done this a long time ago
Why do birds suddenly appear Every time you are near? Just like me, they long to be Close to you Why do stars fall down from the sky Every time you walk by? Just like me, they long to be Close to you
On the day that you were born The angels got together And decided to create a dream come true So they sprinkled moon-dust In your hair of gold And starlight in your eyes of blue That is why all the girls in town Follow you all around Just like me, they long to be Close to you On the day that you were born The angels got together And decided to create a dream come true So they sprinkled moon-dust In your hair of gold And starlight in your eyes of blue That is why all the girls in town Follow you all around Just like me, they long to be Close to you Just like me, they long to be Close to you waah, aahh, aahh Close to you waah, aahh, aahh Close to you (Wah, aahh, aahh) Close to you (Wah, aahh, aahh) Close to you
I hate whowever is Dan unless Dan is Headee. I miss Headee. and Ferine. and Mia. and UT. and Reizvoillles and Ratatouille and Dubya 2.0 and Your Friend Whipone and CBwife but not Medicvet.
Aww. It's true...I really am that sweet. And you're just jealous, Brasière. But you know, the poem you posted for me was nice too, only it was more 'WORSHIPS AT THE FEET' than 'skipping amongst the flowers and the bunnies', so it was actually a little creepy.
I like the new layout, I am not fond of the new colors, personally. What are you going to do with the old content? Delete it, or possibly a memorial site? Can you tell us about any future plans you have brewing for fugly? A link to the forums to attract new people?
You miss that manipulative, sly looking woman who posted a few catty little 'i'm in with the popular girls at school' type comments?
oh, also, what happened to 'Harlan'? Our lovable mascot? Is he going to be replaced? or is the real Harlan not want his imaged used?