Fuck "Hell on Earth"

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nauseous, Sep 30, 2003.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    ST. PETERSBURG - In an effort to prohibit the band, Hell On Earth, from performing their October 4th date of the Haunted Tour, the city of St. Petersburg, in cooperation with the Florida Governors Office, have “strong-armed” venues into canceling their performance.

    Due to the overwhelming response and in accordance with an oath, bandleader, BillY Tourtelot gave to his terminally ill friend, the show scheduled for October 4th will indeed take place at an undisclosed location in St. Petersburg City limits. It will be broadcast live over the internet on www.hellonearth.net. The show will include a live suicide by a terminally ill Euthanasia Society member.

    BillY was quoted as saying, “This show is far more than a typical Hell On Earth performance. This is about standing up for what you believe in and I am a strong supporter of physician-assisted suicide. This performance will go on in its entirety and it will be in St. Petersburg on October 4th.”

    Past band performances have included sodomizing skinned calves and blending dead rats then having fans drink the concoction.

    You've got to be kidding me. This band better be a fucking joke. I mean, check this out:

    Neptune Records Presents the HELL ON EARTH HAUNTED TOUR, Sat., 10/04/03 at the STATE THEATRE, 687 Central Ave., St. Petersburg, FL. Doors Open 7:30pm.
    ALL AGES. Tickets are $12 advance/$15 day of show.

    ALL AGES? 12 bucks?

    If this shit is for real, I want to euthanize every member of the band in a very SPECIAL way.
  2. Darkgroovey

    Darkgroovey New Member

    "Without the neccessary pushing of acceptable borders, society's conscience and scope of what can be defined as humane conditions for the betterment of mankind become narrowed and limited"

    I think they bring some very much needed light to some important issues, the vechile however is questionable. what your suggesting is murder, much different than the issue they are trying to raise the social conscience on.
  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I heard about that shit on the radio the other morning... I'm sure someone will put a stop to it right before it happens. Just watch...
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Makes me want to vomit blood.

    I'd prefer not to watch someone die to shitty, frontin' ass industrial music.

    I'd also like to anally rape every member of the band with the serrated blade of a 10-inch knife.
  5. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Well they have been told they can't do it but they say they are gonna continue.
    Hell on Earth
  6. Darkgroovey

    Darkgroovey New Member

    keeping people alive who are in great pain and death would be pleasant relief from a tortureous day to day existance, is a very selfish idea, sure it makes you feel great about your self, but in the end the person suffers intolerably, why is it such a crime for a person to want to end their own suffering when we have the means to do so, sometimes a little compassion goes alot further than misplaced and misguided ideals.

    So why is death such a taboo subject? live birth's have been done and everything else imaginable has been done on stage (including my personal version of evil, justin timberlake on stage) if this band can bring some much needed light to laws that need to be changed in US about euthenasia through this vehicle, then so be it, i hope that your never in a posistion that you want to end you life because of unbearable pain, and some crusader is keeping you alive in his crusade for the sancity of life.
  7. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    speaking of death... channel 4 - sunday night... some cheeky chappie's gonna play russian roulette live on TV...

    (though i read today there's gonna be a few seconds delay in case he actually DOES kill himself...)
  8. Tojo Burbage

    Tojo Burbage New Member

    Is it that Derren Brown fella?

    *checks innerent*

    It is! Oooh here's hoping eh?
  9. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    If the band's motive is really to promote themselves, then I give the whole thing a thumbs-down.

    I doubt this is the total motive, though, and I have to applaud them for what they're doing. It is lunacy for the government (or anyone) to make it a crime to end your own suffering. What's the fucking point, anyway?

    Sorry, babe... I have to disagree with you on this one.
  10. Turnip100

    Turnip100 New Member

    I don't see how it can be the band trying to get publicity after it was the terminally ill guy who requested this. And please Nauseous, please stop spouting your inept views on something you know nothing about. Unless you have been terminally ill yourself, then you cannot possibly know what this person is going through, so don't try and condemn this without trying to understand (something which you seem incapable of doing). So you killing every member of the band is ok, but someone in great pain taking their own, is not? I don't at all agree with the blending of rats or sodomizing of skinned calves but you have to judge every case on it's merits. The band sound like a load of dumb attention seekers but you have to forget about the band for 1 minute and think about the guys right to control his life

    [ 10-04-2003: Message edited by: Turnip100 ]
  11. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    As far as i can see Turnip, Pukey hasn't got a problem with someone killing themselves coz they are terminally ill she seems to have a problem with it being done in front of a crowd of brain dead morons who are not there to give him support in his time of need but rather see someone die.
    So rather than making assumptions and mouthing of your crap about what Pukey can and can't type about why don't you do the world a favour and go slit your wrists.Infact go ask Hell on Earth if you can do it live on at their show.

    [ 10-04-2003: Message edited by: unlimited time ]
  12. Turnip100

    Turnip100 New Member

    But you see, the thing is that he wants to do it in front of a bunch of brain dead morons so what's wrong with that. He could quite easily do it while simply listening to one of their CDs but he's decided to do it in the live environment. I'm not gonna try and judge the people who want to go and see this because I don't know them. To call them all brain dead morons is just stupid. I just think that the terminally ill guy should at least get his last, dying wish. By the way, nice eloquent way to end your message Unlimited Time, ironic considering you just called a bunch of people "brain dead morons"

    [ 10-04-2003: Message edited by: Turnip100 ]
  13. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    So you think someone who is obviously depressed due to being terminally ill should be allowed to make such decisions such as killing himself at a concert.You don't think that maybe if he thought rationaly about it he might want his friends and family around him so they can say their last goodbyes instead of a group of leering blood thirsty brian dead morons?
    And by the way, i still think you should slash your wrists.
  14. Turnip100

    Turnip100 New Member

    So what are you saying? We should let other people make his decisions for him? How do we even know if he has any family? And even if he does, I think the point is that he is also trying to make a statement to the public by what he is doing. A statement which he would not be able to make were he to die in privacy with his family. You make a comment on whether or not he should be allowed to make this decision on whether or not to do this. If he's not allowed to make a decision about his own fate, then who the hell do we let make that decision? You? Aren't you also contradicting yourself slightly by suggesting that I slash my wrists? I wouldn't want to break the law by killing myself

    [ 10-04-2003: Message edited by: Turnip100 ]
  15. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    No what i'm saying is this group are taking advantage of a dieing man for their own means and no i don't think i am qualified to decide if someone is ok enough to make that choice but i don't think someone who wants to kill themselves during a concert performed by a group of people who fuck dead animals is particulary stable himself.Now if he wanted to make a stand about euthanasia there are plenty of other outlets to the public, TV being a much bigger media.
    And no i'm not contradicting myself.I have no problem with euthanasia when done right.So please, be my guest.

    [ 10-04-2003: Message edited by: unlimited time ]
  16. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I don't think the point was that he's doing it in front of some 'brain-dead-morons' as you so eloquently put it, UT - it's the tons of people that have seen or heard of it through the media that this story hits home with the most. If it were for the sole benefit of these 'braindead' few, you and I would have never heard about it in the first place. The point is to *get the point* out to as many people as possible, and for that - they've succeeded. Right now, it doesn't matter if they go through with it or not, they've already made enough people aware of their stance, and the problem itself, that it shouldn't make any difference whether it goes on or not.

    Fuck it, drunken logic... your mileage may vary.
  17. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by unlimited time:
    No what i'm saying is this group are taking advantage of a dieing man for their own means and no i don't think i am qualified to decide if someone is ok enough to make that choice but i don't think someone who wants to kill themselves during a concert performed by a group of people who fuck dead animals is particulary stable himself.Now if he wanted to make a stand about euthanasia there are plenty of other outlets to the public, TV being a much bigger media.
    And no i'm not contradicting myself.I have no problem with euthanasia when done right.So please, be my guest.


    Exactly. This band screams media whore and I think the whole thing is a farce anyway. ~Fucking "Blair Witch" type shit~

    I bet Marilyn Manson is kicking his ass right now wishing he would have thought of it first.

    If it were true, see UT's post above.

    What kind of person would want to make a statement with such an evil outlet? I'm saying if all the hype about this shitty band is true... who the fuck would want to exit their painful existance with a bunch of fucking media whores who don't give a FUCK about anything but getting publicity. I just love people who like to ride on coat tails...
  18. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    The problem i have with that is i am no longer thinking about euthanasia and more about what a stupid thing it is he's doing.I happen to agree with euthanasia strongly, i can't believe in this day and age that we won't let animals suffer in the slightest but we put ourselves through huge amounts of pain to live them few extra days.
    I don't think this whole thing is doing any good for the cause at all.If anything it will turn people who were undecided against the whole idea.

    [ 10-06-2003: Message edited by: unlimited time ]
  19. cardBOARD box homie

    cardBOARD box homie New Member

    ok ok enough of this arguing bullshit. people killing themselves is good. people killing themselves is bad. whatever.

    i want to know if it happened yet and where i can get pictures
  20. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Hell On Earth's Suicide Show Cancelled/Moved

    HELL ON EARTH's hyped show in Florida where they were going to let someone kill themselves has been pulled by the owner.

    David Hundley, owner of the State Theater in St. Petersburg, said he was certain the suicide was either a publicity stunt or would be an "illusion," but said he was worried of what some other "nut case" might do during the show.

    "We couldn't allow anything to happen," Hundley said at a news conference.

    "We deal with a lot of kids here and we don't want their parents to think anything bad or that their kids are ever at risk."

    The owner of Club Venom, a Pinellas Park venue where the band said would be the new location of the show, also said he won't allow them to play if a suicide is going to be part of the act.

    "We're going to nip it before it happens," owner Matt Mullins said.

    Obviously it was a "publicity stunt" and there were already lots of "nut jobs" involved.

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