Anyone superstious cos i think i may be. Friday the 13th just gone my bro-in law died my dad had hart attack and my dog got killed by a train. I have had a really shit week and the first place i came to is here. Why is that. I am really fucked off.
This would finish the song. I stopped off, on the way home, for another cold one... I was thinking, that I could quit crying, if I stayed drunk. Twelve beers and a few miles later the problem was solved for me, When the cops found momma's dead body in my trunk.
Hope your dad gets better, sorry about the dog, and I wish the dead brother-in-law could have been mine.
Were you included in the IMPRECATION by the dwarves? I read many posts here but my dwarves could not understand your posts they have short sights Re: 2 Mata COCONUT HEALING OIL vs. V C O [Hoax?] - MUP/TV PATROL « Reply #9 on: April 17, 2007, 08:00:53 am » Quote tommy: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I read all the posts on this thread except the ones by judgefloro as i have a really short attention span.
This will be a REJOINDER to the ponencia of Madame Justice Barry: angel of death imprecates, three mystic dwarves inflict illnesses, healing judge kills magistrates, the three stooges caused the angioplasty surgeries, of Amazing Randi and the Gullible Licauco. Amen. there are many NUTs in these 3 forums hyper is angry since I called the va killer a Korean Martyr Hail to the Butcher
Let me get this straight judge. Are you saying that these college kids: did something to deserve being gunned downed while attending classes unarmed?
Aww, Tommy, I am so sorry! Did your dog get loose or something? If I could remember your mum's password, I'm sure she would know just what to say to make you feel better.
The problem today in this broken world of materialism where grown-ups are engrossed in money wealth power and hearts are full of bitterness anger hatred vengeance matters-of-consequences are the only thing that are valued by technocrats and materialistic robots --------- When my story and case 75 pages decision was compressed to 3 paragraphs by reuters and world reports on april 7 06 i caught global attention and my painful jobless situation renting a house became an entertainment in almost all papers, blogs, forums and here many would not read the truth contained in the 75 pages decision and in what i am telling you here so much so that I gained wisdom I learned that people are VERY HAPPY in the pains of others many members are utterly overjoyed in calling me nuts crazy and bot even if i never hurt them, even if the truth is otherwise --------- this is the MESSAGE of the KOREAN why is this world so RUTHLESS, so vain, so mad why are there CAINS who keep anger envy greed in their heart why is God this merciless justice to sex perverts to many of those who continue to hate God and wiccans who do things against his will ------- my point is: let not the world judge this Martyr let the world DISECT AND EXAMINE not the good things that these 32 had done but how they got there how their parents amassed wealth are they CLEAN examine the validity of the claims and submissions of the Korean is he really a KILLER? or is CHRIST in him (as we learned that the BODY IS THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT) AND/or is GOD THE FATHER in his person WITH THE ANGEL OF DEATH THE DESTROYER PUNISHING THE VERY SINFUL VIRGINIA AS HE DEVASTATED NEW ORLEANS I tell you all : on jan 9 1999 the AMEN the Nazarene Christ on his feast day showed me a vision of the apparitions of Mary worldwide coz of many many global milenium devastating natural disasters and earthquakes from 1999-2012 if atheists skeptics agnostics satanists wiccas and evil will prevail if there will be no repentance if sinners will persist to sin against the immaculate heart LET NEW ORLEANS AND VIRGINIA be the final dire warning to all sex perverts drug addicts and users thieves corrupt justices atheists wicca and evil this is the message of the AMEN for the world I was bannned in hyper due to this but my uncompromising stance is for the good and salvation of SOULS I fervently pray that members here will listen TO GOD's voice lest another VIRGINIA AND NEW ORLEANS BE REPEATED here we are again shocked with this which is only an echo of how sinful this world is: Muslim militants behead 6 captives in Philippines JOLO, Philippines (Reuters) - Muslim extremists decapitated six workers they were holding hostage on the southern Philippine island of Jolo, a senior military official said on Thursday. Major-General Ruben Rafael, commander of military forces on Jolo, said his soldiers discovered the headless bodies close to Parang town, where they were kidnapped by rebel group the Abu Sayyaf on Monday. The six were working on a government road project. A seventh man was also kidnapped in the area earlier that day.
just a few thoughts here in the philippines just lately we had a law punishing killing of dogs ----- when I uploaded a pics of expensive asian dog cuisine (since even if dogs should not be killed here under the law, we have an exception for the areas of mountain province where their religious rites require dogs to be offered and cooked) so gossips banned me until april 18 for uploading pics of dead animal but I uploaded a wikepedia cooked tasty dog menu anyway you friend would buy another dog maybe the dog was IMPRECATED
From my studies in psychiatry as a medical student who will be an MD in a few weeks I can tell you that this person in all liklihood had a psychotic break and developed full blown paranoid schizophrenia. I met a very similar individual in the psychiatric ward who also was at the typical age for developing schizophrenia of early to mid 20's for males. He had begun basic training before being shipped to Iraq. He like this Korean kid prior to his break had some of the "negative" symptoms of schizophrenia such as poor social functioning, lack of close relationships, considered strange by people who knew him, emotionally flat. The stress of the basic training led to his psychotic break which was probably inevitable to begin with. He began to hallicinate, he began to have delusions that included at varying times of being "jesus", other days he would start to cry and talk of being possessed, other times he would ramble, sometimes he would talk of Hannibal lector being in the room. His blood pressure would take rapid swings and his heart rate would race at times. Schizophrenia is a terrible disease. 10-15% of Schizophrenics commit suicide. The korean guy was on a antidepressant that increases dopamine. This makes schizophrenia worse as antispsychotics inhibit dopamine pathways. This could very well be what led to his turning violent. So you see judge it has nothing to do with matyrs and everything to do with a psychiatric illness.
Look Michelle, I think you have to read our long friendly discussions in this forum with BARRy you are just beginning a career in medicine, psychiatry I had healed many psychologists and psychiatrist in fact a congressman and his wife mayor here, who are usa surgeons consulted me on card reading and prophecy and at first i refused since i wanted legal advice plus election suggestions since they are running for office and i told them to examine me if i am developing psycho process and they said they are looking for good tarrot and psychic readers it is cultural here you know -------- my long post here is not about psychology i am a philosopher and theologian partly and as judge I lengthily discussed the due process usa jurisprudence on the matter so this my comment entails religion and law you are not capable of that besides in my brief to the court i submitted a long thesis of medical journals on psychosis i am more learned than you when it comes to psychosis you should read my posts here Look, during the Inquisition times, dark ages, the Pope and the bishops the jurists who sat in the bench burned the witches at stakes and even st. john the baptist LOOK, WHAT happened to Jesus and his 11 apostles except st.john they were crucified coz of their beliefs and teachings my point is: the world must not forthwith judge this MAN let us OPEN all the cards in the table as I was watching CNN it was opined that little details merit attention so, all he wrote and what he submitted to msnbc etc should be scrutinized and it is sad that the good side of the 32 dead would be on tv while the good side of the korean is kept aside SO before we judge him let us read the links and be master of facts I suffered the same fate in many forums and blogs since they all read only 3 pars. of the 75 pages decision and that decision buried the truth now it comes forth very clear with successive death of judges YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. RTC Malabon where I rule has now only 2 judges with judge rosa reyes - she died on march 2 with 2 years bout with lung cancer judge antonio forcibly retired of illness last jan 15 only judge aquino and laurea are there with clogged dockets do you need more PAINS to prove the burrying of truth in my case?
Hey... judgefloro made a funny... I actually laughed out loud when I read that. (Well, at the very least, a stifled inverted snort - hell, I don't know what it's called, when the noise comes from between your nose and throat, and propagates through the roof of your mouth... nonetheless, it was pretty damn funny)
Hey Barry come out there I was secretly making fun and entertainment on the VA 32 killed to make the forums RELAX and smile but I was banned in hyper and here in gossips forum they are so angry and threaten to ban me good there is no moderator here and there are no VA murder victims or relatives so let us make fun of the va KOREAN MARTYR hurrah