The VP gets to voice himself tonight on Fox News at 8. Now my thing is Fox has all day been defending the man. I have no problem with what happened He did not mean to shoot the man, He probally does feel really bad about it. These things happen. Hell where I live there are at least 10 or 12 every season. My thing is they have the spin on and they don't bring up the fact he was hunting without a permit and he did try his best to cover this all up. It just blew up in his face. Now if any of us where out in the woods and had this exact thing happen to us. First thing they would get our friend to the ER. Then they would arrest us for hunting without a permit. Even worse Pouching if we have any dead animals with us. Then they would book us and put us in jail. Its not a simple ticket here and I know its not in Texas. I think its worse there then it is here. Now soon as our friend that got shot was better they would charge him as well. We would go to court get our court cost and jail time. Here its around 90 days if no Animals are found on your person. Its 25 if they are. So thats my beef with the thing. The VP should be under charges right now.
He had the 100+ dollar general purpose permit for the state of Texas this would have been fine as recently as five months ago I believe. Damn the guy is from out of state and the newly required Quail permit was a measly 7 bucks. They did to him what they would have done to anyone in this instance a reprimand and he had to pay for his permit. You’re a little freaked out over this Grim. Take a chill-pill how about it?
Have to go with Joe, he had a hunting permit Grim. He just didn't have the stamp to hunt quail. There is no penalty for that, just a fine. If anything, I think the only thing that people should be upset about is the no commenting of the event until 24 hours later. It only supports the assumption of this adminstrations secretive nature. Gotta be curious, how many of you Fox News haters have a myspace account? Your secret endorsement of the devil.
That being said, Phillip Morris owns Kraft foods, if the same logic applies eating Easy Mac is an endorsement of smoking?
Phillip Morris bought Kraft foods about 20 years ago I think it was. They've owned it forever, by that I mean as long as I can remember. That's why they had all those PSA about how "Phillip Morris cares about your community." Since they were giving out a bunch of Kraft foods to bolster the image of the corporation.
God damn, Ferine. It fell into his lap like any other sort of information would. Perhaps google gave it to him? It's not top secret. :?
The VP shot him cuase he wouldn't agree with his zionist plans! Then he gave him a heart attack becuase he wanted to go to the press. President Bush could have stopped that hurricane!!!
Kraft also makes Vegemite you can special order it over the internet for a measly 5 bucks plus shipping to satisfy your curiosity but I would not recommend it.
That information came to me when my life flashed before my eyes. Yes, Dick Cheney shot me in the face. :cry:
Ferine wrote The plot thickens. This is clearly spin, meant to take the fokus away from other game. Like moderate republican lawyers. Total Recall That was not a sionist plot. DrKissisnger was taken into the white house as a scapegoat and this is the result. The guys that chased Abram from Ur was the loyal followers of the original ( or second generation ) starseed. They have been blaming the jewish for everything but bad taste in facial hair since our reconing of time. The sionoids ARE responsible for historical determinist materialism. Psychoanalysis. Monotheism. The relativity of time. Relative time, ( as well as that commie-shit ), has led most employers and supervisors to hate them on a worldwide scale. It is when relative time and commie-materialism reached the jewish shopkeepers that one can talk about "sionism". Nobody knows quite what it is though. Could be the art of the orange, Kibutz-style. Or a lot of shopowners stabbing daggers into the backs of innocent german soldiers. The prime reference to sionism; "The protocolls of the elderly brothers of sion" was written way after it was written by the Tsars ( somewhat ) secret police. The shock of this falsum led to the takeover of Mother Russia by that other sionoid invention " historical determinist materialism " Usually refered to as commie-shit. Thsi led the other sionoids( The monotheisticals ) To attack the atheist-commie-bastards. In the 70s most people with selfrespect lay on benches getting psycotic through analysis. After that they usually tried the other miracle-cure Freud proscribed. Yes ! Cocaine. So the sionist ( Sionoid if extraterrestial ), plot is stretchingits tentaceled arms over midget countries and goy psyches. The KKK claim that they are the real hebrews and used to were masks to hide their stump noses. As well as in solidarity with the repressed aryan ( and hebrew ) women of Iran. The muslem brotherhood. ( Another sionist/sionoid extension sees through this and claim that they are the rightfull Maroccans and thusly should seside what proud black women should were. ( Were black ofcourse ). The fact that the jewish ( Not KKK ) philosopher Derrida stems from Marocco makes it come full circle. His defence for polygamy right before his death in the "LeMonde" can be seen as a suppressed wish for the 72 virgins accorded a mujjaheddin upon entering paradise. ( And nobody mentioned the mormons. Take note of that ) The novel "The education of Arnold Hitler" (2005) explains it all.