some music from various games, i personaly like them. Mario Jazz The Orchestra of Zelda this next one is off topic but...the mame song Link Castlevania 'Belmont Lounge' This one is my personal favorite. Castlevania 2 'DarkMadnessResurrection' Castlevania: Circle of the Moon 'Rude Awakening' Contra 'BasesLoaded' Metal Gear First Impressions Metal Gear Solid 'LiquidMetal' Street Fighter 2 'RyuFreestyleDojo' Street Fighter 2 'ZangiefRetroRussian' Final Fantasy 7 'ROBOVoice' maybe you can hear the background messages in that last one. its around 1.18. and at the end. Gunstar Heroes 'Deep Mine' Luigi's Mansion 'That Balcony Thing' Tekken 2 'Incantation' eh just a couple of songs that i thought were pretty good.null
System of a Down did a Legend of Zelda song. I had it on Napster back in the day, you can probably find it on Kazaa. It's pretty sweet.
I get this message: ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While trying to retrieve the URL: The following error was encountered: Off-network linking to images and downloads is not permitted. Other sites are encouraged to link to the main page, rather than the downloads themselves. Please contact the webmaster of the site which provided this link so they may correct the error. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generated Sun, 23 Nov 2003 23:49:57 GMT by (squid/2.5.STABLE1-20021126)
well i got that msg when i just clicked the link.. but when i right clicked and saved it gave me the file... maybe it's your crappy dialup
Yeah, I right clicked it and it started loading, but the files are huge for my crappy dial in essence, yer right, Pimp.
did ya get the one where the punk teenagers are doing the mario song for a talent show at school? i'm too lazy to look at the links... if no, i'll see if i can get it from my bro.
yea right click on it and select save target as... then just play them from where ever the hell you saved them at.