Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by kitana, Jun 21, 2001.

  1. kitana

    kitana New Member

    if u want this religious shit to end, then join me!!!
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    HMMMM...Follow you and your dyke lover Nauseous??Not me-i will set up 'Nursey's Nazi fun camp' for anyone who wants to join.

  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Ughhh!You swarthy mexican dykes really know how to lay the greasy gay come-on thick!But you won't be able to convince me like you did Nauseous that i want your hot sweaty chimichanga(or whatever you call it)sliming its way all over me !!!
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Nursey, (Tori, ICARE... whatever you want to be called) I thought you weren't upset by my little lesbian lover, Kitana's business card? Are you pissed? No... Pimp said that you weren't mad... and we all know he wouldn't lie about such a thing! It's not like he wrote that to buy some time for you to put you're new-found talent to use. No! You're way above that! You spend your free time far more productively than I do. I'm a little jealous about that. I'm also a little more than jealous about all of the time you spend with my girlfriend's picture... I mean, you have spent more time with her breasts than I have today! Oooooh! I'm starting to feel threatened here! Pimp has a feminine side. (I think we've experienced some of it here more so lately... *wink*) Isn't that enough? Why must you feel the need to flirt with everyone?!?
  5. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  6. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    yes... i admit it nauseous.. it's all a conspiracy... we are all forming plots and subplots.. just to get at you..

    you fucking dozey paranoid cunt..
    i hate to shatter some illusions here.. but you aren't worth the mental effort it would take to formulate our plans....

    and if you can't handle a gif thats been done just to extract a cheap laugh.. you really need help.. but don't come crying for it round me.. i wouldn't expend the energy it'd take to pull out my cock to piss on you if you were on fire..

    oh.. and you don't know the first thing about my girlfriend.. apart from some snippets you may have gleaned from here or there...
    and she's a much deeper and more complex character than you could ever have the merest hint of online...

    now go and spend the night cybering with spooky, or formulating half baked morbid tales of what you'd like to do to each other.. maybe you could both sterilise some needles and have synchronised genital piercings..
    better still.. go play 'young lovers' in the cyber-cemetary.. who naively touch on the black arts and unwittingly raise a demon (kitana) who will force you to have sick and depraved sex.. until spooky cums.. and then she'll reach down with a taloned hand and pluck away his festering testes..

    whatever you decide to do.. fuckoff
  7. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Ouch, Pimp! Did you feel that?

    Hmmm... I can't take a joke, eh? Too bad you loathe me so much, I would really like to learn how to handle a little good natured ribbing as well as you do!
  8. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nauseous:
    Ouch, Pimp! Did you feel that?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    hmm.. it seems as if you were predicting my post in the poem thread...
    yes OUCH!!! is the word tonight... but i guess it's all self inflicted.. so i can't expect sympathy.. i'll just grit my teeth ... and maybe take out my frustration on the weaselly looking bitches that are currently infesting these here forums...

    oh yeah.. and "good natured ribbing".. bullshit .. there's nothing good natured can emanate from your meally mouth.. especially seeing as beneath it all is a pestilent soul.. the kind that sends out waves of bad karma to all that are unfortunate enough to be within range..
    an eternally pessimistic whore that should be put out of our misery
  9. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Would you like me to send you a shovel? Or maybe some Kleenex?
  10. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Pimp you are playing there game. see they both love to throw shit in your face, then cry something like "Why are you being like this? I tried to make it die" then just jump up in your face, then show up on an instant messager and kiss your ass. I mean its not like I posted pinky brown eyes adress () or his pic (thanks for the personal info on him kelly) I will remove this crap to stop the bickering

    [ June 22, 2001: Message edited by: American Sociopath ]
  11. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    I think your the one who needs putting out his mysery... Something's really put a bug up your arse this week init?

    And this name calling pimp, it has become rather infantile, almost to the point of moronic...
  12. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    So pimp... You have sunk to an all time low...
    I guess there is only one thing I can do...
    *Warms up scanner*
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Fuck it. This is getting too childish for me.

    [ June 22, 2001: Message edited by: Nauseous ]
  14. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    Hey Fugly! Why can't I upload in Fugly or not's uploader?

    [ June 22, 2001: Message edited by: PinkorBrown69 ]
  15. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    who is dwaine fairmont? NoI pay rent here because I accually like my parents... thanks for the concern though
  16. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally some drivel from spunky brown-eye:
    I think your the one who needs putting out his mysery... Something's really put a bug up your arse this week init?
    And this name calling pimp, it has become rather infantile, almost to the point of moronic...

    mystery?? misery?? .. do you mean like those poor hamsters after you duck 'n' fuck 'em.. you worthless sick smear of excrement...

    and infantile, moronic... you keep doing that.. referring to me as immature...
    kinda ironic that.. seeing as you are inferior to me in almost every way...
    it's amusing tho.. to see you trying to emulate me.. first of all you came into the forum and ingratiated yourself amongst the 'big boys'.. you had no stature in here of your own.. so you hid behind others.. while scurrying out once in a while to 'stick the boot in' to anyone who looked easy game..(you were wondering why IMC was referring to you as a coward.. once a coward always a coward)
    maybe you thought it lent some unwarranted gravitas towards the 'pinkybrowneye persona'..
    in reflection though.. i find it kindof amusing (in a pitying sort of way) that someone of your age can only get accepted by being there long enough.. almost like furniture... and also by riding on the coat-tails of those who went before you.. people who had built a reputation and gained respect on their own merits, rather than sucking up to whoever looked important.

    you know.. some people could get the idea you were virtuous.. the way you always swoop in to 'rescue' nauseous, like her knight in shining armour.. Hell! even i could be fooled into thinking you were being an epitome of good old gallantry..
    well.. almost fooled..
    until i remember that you are a pariah now, and as such is keen to cultivate whatever he can friendship wise.. what was it nursey said all that time ago.. "altering your demeanour, twisting and turning, trying to squeeze into a niche"... or words to that effect...
    unfortunately for her however... her stature has been somewhat diminished through her association with you.. what with you rushing in to 'defend her honour' whenever anyone says BOO to her.. she can probably stand on her own two feet.. she did before..
    but now.. through your showings of knightly courage.. her standing has been undermined.. rather than being someone who can hold her own in this dive.. she is getting perceived as weak, and unable to cut it without your stewardship....

    anyway.. where was i?.. oh yeah.. first you rode on my coat-tails..
    then you thought you'd try and slip into my shoes.. trying on a pair i'd left lying around.. (though i discarded that pair because they were shop soiled, too tight.. and they came with some hideous baggage)
    it raised a small grin when you revealed you thought her vaginismus was a plus point..
    it isn't... no matter how much you try to convince yourself otherwise...

    well.. you've tried on my shoes, admittedly vastly inferior cast-offs... but.. to each his own..

    now you're treading on my toes.. .. well well.. well... the 3 stages of pinkorbrown.. congratulations.. you are now a chrysalis.. waiting to break out (it's took you long enough).. so we wait with bated breath.. what will emerge???....

    my moneys on one of those retarded moths that always seem happy to spend the rest of their short lives headbutting lightbulbs....

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally spewed forth from the gutter mouth of Kelly:
    Nursey, (Tori, ICARE... whatever you want to be called)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    hmm.. so you are still passing around titbits of information that will allow people to formulate an attack on my girlfriend..
    and you claim(ed) to be her friend?? yup you sure were looking out for her when you were telling clydie lingas, personal details, that she subsequently used to make an underhand attack in freakforum.. you really can't help yourself can you.. your duplicitous streak runs through you like writing in a stick of rock...

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Some half cocked response by everyones favourite shitsmear:
    So pimp... You have sunk to an all time low...
    I guess there is only one thing I can do...
    *Warms up scanner*

    unlike yourself pinky.. i have never held myself aloft as a shining paragon of human virtue.. (no doubt you will take umbrage at this post.. as it besmeeches your good name *haha*)
    if i tried to position myself as a beacon of morality within this forum i would be exposed as a shitheel almost immediately..
    (kinda like you have been)...

    and i take it you are talking about IMC posting your address.... mine and IMC's paths have barely crossed recently.. since he's attached himself to leanne like flies around a shit-hole.. so when am i supposed to have done this nefarious deed...

    i think we're encroaching on irony territory once more.. as it seems to me that your great new chums are gleaning, then distributing personal info.. which can then be used as part of an attack that's a little close to home (startling parallel wouldn't you say?)

    remember spooky.. you can never be sure who is talking to whom, and what is being said...
    i learned that from the great maggot himself.. you..

    and feel free to post that pic clydie has of me.. you seem to wave it about as if it is some kind of threat..
    well i hardly feel threatened by the prospect of my handsome features once again gracing this forum...
    in fact i positively encourage it.

    i just wish i had acquired a photograph of clydie to scan in..
    then i could post it alongside tori's .. and it would become apparent to everyone the vast move i made upmarket..
    and it would also hold up to the ridicule it deserves.. your boasts of engaging in frissons of an erotic nature with frump woman..
    you know tho... you and her are both suited..
    you are both poison in human form.. who mistakenly believe that you are above reproach...

    so c'mon spooky.. lets have another epic reply of outrage at how i could defame your good name like this.. (it's easy.. you don't have a good name)...

    or failing that you could try just slinking back into the shadows to accept your destiny as the nonentity that just blends in..

    you've had your flirtation with the giddy heights of notoriety.. (hmm.. and also as a result of my influence)

    but i guess you'll just try and sneak a little luck from chance.. and you'll end up trying to recapture the flush of importance you felt while scrabbling at the top of the pile..

    regrettably you will have to rely on your own merits..
    and.. unfortunately.. you will find it takes a lotta balls to be a PimpDaddy.. wit and charisma helps also..
    of which you are in short supply of..
    as your rightful place in here is at the bottom.. fighting over foodscraps that fall from above...

    now anyone fancy a quick manly, non-gay hug?
  17. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    HAHAHA! Your having a laugh ain't ya?
    Good to see you spent your whole night obsessing about me again.
    You've been dying to post that for weeks haven't you? Could sence the pressure building in your posts...

    Well I got lost about a 1/4 of the way though that mindless drivel of an epic post.
    I daresay it all made perfect sence to you.

    But I still think your full of shit.

    So can we just drop it now.

    Seems your the only one still taking things personaly in here.
  18. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    yes.. i find it of great personal offence that you are still eating food.. when i would rather you were the main course at the worms banquet..

    but i had my tongue firmly in my cheek as i sweated long ungodly hours to complete that epic posting...

    the major reason for me writing for ages.. was just to take my mind off my sore guts...

    drugs, beer and lazing in the sun all day.... somewhere... somethings got to give... 'cos there has to be some drawback to so much pleasure....
  19. Richard Cranium

    Richard Cranium New Member

    God I love this place.
  20. kitana

    kitana New Member

    gee, Nursey, u werent complaining earlier

    come on over and give me some of that womanly lovin' u were talking 'bout last night

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