Flight 93 gets blasted

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smurfslappa, May 1, 2006.

  1. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member


    So the movie came out, and all the conspiracy theorists start hitting up Universal's message boards just cutting down all the bullshit that's stacked up in the official story.

    Mysteriously, the entire board was whiped clean and this message was on it:
    HAHAHA, they just trashed it all and tried to whipe the slate clean, but all the conspiracy theorists kept on coming back and stacked up all the evidence again. I give them Kudos for that.
  2. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Its like Smurfs family tree has their own forum now. That board is full of so much pooh it is sad.
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Did anyone really not see it coming though? The conspiracy theorist was bound to break away from their shroom enhanced Halo play to get in on that forum assault.
  4. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Im thinking of going over and posting a thread that says that the Feds are registering their IPs and will be contacting them shortly to discuss their theories.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The next conspiracy…. "This is not true this is one of GW's henchmen sent out here to scare us away but it's not going to work! We know Dubya orchestrated all of this and were going to prove it... come to think of it this is proof in and of itself he is trying to obstruct the truth!"
  6. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    There is a guy arguing that all the images of the planes crashing into the WTC is actually a hologram and CGI. LOL. I tell you what, those guys are on some serious shit. LOL.
  7. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Seriously! Everyone should know by now that they were remote controlled aircraft, not some stupid holograms. Some people hurt the movement more than they help it by spreading that crap.
  8. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    So they remote controlled four planes into various areas of the northeast and wrecked them into the buildings? And the people on the planes were just collateral damage?

    What was the point of all this elaborate scheme?
  9. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    "Gotta keep 'em separated."

    To get us involved in this war and then get the Muslims hating Christians and white people. White people hate Blacks, illegal immigrants, and Muslims. Muslims hate the first worlders, white people, and Christians.

    This end of the world is gonna be one big melting pot of hate, but it's a favorable alternative to just letting us get together and figure out our past and the secrets of the Universe.
  10. smiles

    smiles New Member

    actuallllly phatboy if you want to get technical NO bodies or parts there of were ever discovered at either the pentagon or the 93 crash site....... the only two wreckages in history to leave no physical evidnece of dead people
  11. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    That's awesome. The trade centers were also the first sky scrapers in history to collapse due to fire.
  12. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    The towers collapsed, not because of fire, but because two big ass planes were crashed into them. If the fire had started in the basement and worked its way up, it wouldnt have fallen, the fact that the planes compromised the structural integrity of the building is why the heat aided in its collapse. I also read some of their ideas on 'explosives planted' to cause the towers to fall. Uh, thats why it slowly collapsed one floor at a time until the weight of the collapsed floors caused the next floor to collapse.

    It's like the empty coke can. You can stand on it, but have one of your friends thump it, swoosh, down it goes.

    So if there were no bodies, then where are the people? Was it an Oceanic flight?

    And I am guessing the 93 attack was planned by the government, but it wasnt enough to get the public willing to go to war? Or all the embassy and base bombings around the world?

    I dont think Islamic people need much to hate christians. I am pretty sure they all ready did.
  13. smiles

    smiles New Member

    most Muslims dont hate Christians.... just like most Christians don't hate Muslims, it's just that most of the world dislikes the US..... America and Christianity are not synonymous……

    religion doesn’t cause wars my friend…. People who stand to profit from conflicts can’t stir hatred for someone with similarities….. so they use the differences regardless how trivial they may be (skin color, religion, political affiliation, ethnicity, gender) to set groups apart and recruit people to their cause by claiming the other side wicked based on an irrelevant characteristic
  14. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    WWII - Hitler wasnt religously motivated?

    The crusades?

    All the fighting in Africa?

    All the fighting in Iraq, just between diffrent sects of a religon?

    There has been more wars fought over religon than anything else.
  15. smiles

    smiles New Member

    phatboy review that list for a second time please and tell me if those wars were ACTULLLLY about religion or if religion was used as an excuse?

    Hitler wasn't religiously motivated.... he used the jews as a scapegoat for all of germany’s troubles, it's not that his own profound religious beliefs were in conflict with those of the jews so he decided to decimate them...... he firstly united the people against a common foe.... in this case the Jew and thus won over their loyalty..... his real intention…. Hitler threw people of all religions into concentration camps so i don't even know why you brought this one up

    the crusades: just an excuse for the European kings to validate their plundering....... remember the old crusaders motto.... kill them all, if they were good then they'll go to heaven and it'll be better for them and if they're not we've served our purpose.... does that sound like someone fighting for religious principles?

    Fighting in Africa + Iraq: once again.... politics..... tribal leaders trying to gather support the only way they know how emphasizing the enemies differences, none of it is really about religion, the goal isn't to convert heathens or unite everyone under one god, it's a power struggle over land and resources, except its easier to recruit soldiers in such a struggle through hateful propaganda then telling them that they're dying for someone else’s political aspirations
  16. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    But, when the groups at war are of different religons or sects of a religon it is motivated by that. Not saying, hey were killing you cause you are a jew, isnt different from just doing it and then saying that it wasnt a reason for the war.

    In Iraq the Sunnis and Shiites are still fighting, maybe not to the death, but they sure are bombing the hell of each other.

    But that is a different story.

    So do you think that the punishment handed down to Masoui (fuck I know I cant spell) was enough?
  17. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Not true. Mostly, as I've mused before, it's to do with land. The Palestinians aren't fighting with the Israelis over religion, they just want them to get the fuck off "their" territory.

    And you can't tell me the war between the US and Iraq was/is a religious one, despite the fact that it was/is essentially Christians vs Muslims.
  18. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Religion is an excuse for land grabs. You think the Janjaweed in Sudan is really slaughtering Darfurians because they're Christians?
  19. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  20. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Israel is mostly a land grab issue there is a fraction of religion mixed in. Muslims, Christians, Jews lived side by side for years maybe not in absolute peace but to a great extent. But religion is just another tool like class warfare that is used.

    Islam -vs- US in my opinion is predominantly a class warfare issue with religion mixed in. Just my opinion I know you must have been anxiously waiting.

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