Female talent in Dublin city

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Stevo no. 10, Feb 11, 2004.

  1. Stevo no. 10

    Stevo no. 10 New Member

    Where the fuck all the decent good lookin birds gone........its just all ugly lookin mingers left in the clubs in town![/b]
  2. Dubyas Brother Tojo

    Dubyas Brother Tojo New Member

    Get yourself to O'Donaghues bar, after 10 pints of their Guinness you won't be arsed with the women...
  3. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    You can then masturbate into your sock like all fuckin men do and leave it on the bedroom floor for their girlfriends to pick up later and get a handfull of spunk :evil:
  4. Stevo no. 10

    Stevo no. 10 New Member

    Never had any need to wank into a sock...........There is always some easy slut to suck me dry
  5. Dubyas Brother Tojo

    Dubyas Brother Tojo New Member

    That's a might big brush you're tarring us all with there girl.

    I prefer to masturbate onto the girlfriends clothing.
  6. Stevo no. 10

    Stevo no. 10 New Member

    Ever notice that it is always ugly mingers that a snipper wouldn't take out that always take offence when you make comments about the standard of talent. Good lookin birds know they are good lookin so they do't give a shite what is said..............................
  7. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Stevo you have alot to learn about girls, being a cunt doesn't meant you know much about people who have one.If you notice it's always fat,gross,sweaty,ugly men/boys who moan about the talent as an excuse as to why they haven't been able to get a shag.Maybe it you go down to your local Spar i'm sure there's a desperate slapper buying her 3rd bottle of whisky who might let you have a fumble in an alley somewhere.
    And just coz it goes hard when you squeeze that fat gut into a pair of jeans does not mean you can call it muscle.
  8. Evilhamster

    Evilhamster New Member

    The eternal rule...People who mention how much they get laid ( or how easy it is for them to get laid) simply feel the need to talk about it, because that's the only thing they have on their mind, seeing as they can't get laid, or haven't in a very long time. keep talking(digging) stevie boy.
  9. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Yeah sort of like the guy who says "Oh, I never masterbate". you know that guy has a chronic problem, if you leave him alone for longer than 5 minutes he is slapping his ham
  10. Evilhamster

    Evilhamster New Member

    **wackwackwackwackwackwackwack** ooh...sorry imc...what was that? wasn't paying attention.
  11. Stevo no. 10

    Stevo no. 10 New Member

    That was a bit of a meaningless rant................& I doubt you fat ugly birds were supposed to be joly...............the bit I said about who gets offended when I talk about lack of talent.............you are really the one who proves the argument...............Enough Said
  12. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Thats it Stevo you keep going on and on and maybe someone on this board will actually believe you're good looking and can actually get a girlfriend. *snigger*
  13. Stevo no. 10

    Stevo no. 10 New Member

    Why would I care what people on a message board think of me............obviously all of your friends have an @ in their name.......................Anyway back to the point...in town last night and there is seriously a lack of good lookin women..........and this is in the supposedly trendy bars off grafton street.....I dread to think of what it is like in the rest of town..............Anyway....work to do ....so FUCK OFF!
  14. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Blah blah blah.......no talent..blah blah blah...i'm an ugly geek who's only get shagged when i spike drinks....blah blah blah...Damn Stevo if you didn't care what people thought why would you even bother replying to me.Jesus you dumb as well as ugly.
  15. Stevo no. 10

    Stevo no. 10 New Member

    You replied to me first you dumb , annoying , irating , ugly womans lib wannabe, loser , fat, whores bastard
  16. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    I wasn't the one complaining was i retard.
  17. Evilhamster

    Evilhamster New Member

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA UT I love how stevie wonderslug keeps proving my/schmed/your point. Rofl what a noobtard.

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