Well with wolverine out, I think it's time to just come out and say your favorite super hero. Pretty much started when a person said mine was gay and I called him a fuck tart and that his favorite was a child molester. He got all mad lol. Mine would Gambit from the x-men universe, simply because his power seems very unique and original outside of every other hero.
I dunno... however original of a concept it may be, am I correct in remembering that all he pretty much did was take a deck of playing cards, hold a single card until it glowed pink, and then tossed it at someone? Hulk is my nigga. Always has been. You just don't fuck with the hulk.
I like hulk too, though gambit could charge anything he wanted with kinetic energy. Since the object couldn't take it, it explodes.
Hulk and Spiderman are cool. Gambit is fucking gay. Always has been. If a character is an agile acrobat who fights with a staff... why dress him in a cumbersome trenchcoat?!? And that pink insect carapace he wore underneath? Triple gay. Not to mention his power has a "limit". The best Superhero out there is Juggernaut. NOT the faggot from the X-men movie. The REAL juggernaut from the comics. The one who whipped Colossus' ass in a bar fight and then turned to Wolverine and asked him "You want some of this?" to which Wolverine said "Nope." And all of that without even wearing his armor. That's badass.
I'm pretty sure I have that issue, if I find it I'll post some pics. I like Gambit actually, retarded costume and accent aside, he's a badass. My favorite was Bishop, he had unusual powers, was sort of an anti hero and he brought a whole lot of interesting things to the table story wise becasue he knew what happened to the X Men in the future. Pretty cool stuff.
Fuck you bitches, Sgt. Rock was the fucking man. Oh wait, no super powers. I think Captain Caveman would be my favorite super hero.
Yeah I've got it on my bookshelf somewhere. If you find any pics, get the one of Juggernaut bringing the entire bar down on top of Colossus. That was the shit! Sgt Rock is cool.... but the Punisher would beat him in a fight. And my sister could whup Captainnnnn CAVEEEEEMaaAAAaaNNNnnNN!!!
Now technically the Juggernaut is not a superhero (but who's counting) and also I would like to point out that Wolvie didn't really pussy out or anything, he was just there to drink and teach Collosus a lesson. It's originally printed in X-Men #183 and reprinted in "The Best of Marvel Comics" red leatherbound Volume #1.
I never liked wolverine much, he always seemed so generic bad ass to me. My favorite character to play as in video games is...Mr. Fantastic. God...he's so fun.
Thats a hard lesson. Letting ANYONE take on the Juggernaut alone. Lets also point out that Wolverine has never "Beaten" Juggernaut. He's only taken his helmet off so that Prof X or Jean Grey could fuddle his mind. The only time I've ever seen him get his ass handed to him was when Onslaught hit him with a pyschic blast in Upstate New York and Juggernaut landed in New Jersey.... knocked the fuck out. But hey... everyone goes down at least once.
Yeah but only once, actually in recent more recent times the Cyortak (is that the gems name) has been found lacking for him and he has had his ass kicked, he was not happy with it though. And for the record, I love the character of Juggy. He is a bad as mofo. And that Onslaught shit was sort of a bad part of marvel history, like the Spidey clone. Ahh Cheesedawg, you would probably shit if you saw my comic collecton.
Oh oh , and lets note that Juggys armor does nopt do anything to prevent damage to him , the only thing that it really does is protect him from mind damage...so he can be as physically tough with or with out it.
I'm not sure if I'm thinking of the same thing but I liked the Onslaught story line. It was a bunch of annual crossovers right? I think I got em still.
Heh heh heh... it was Fernando's reply that made me think of that video clip. Fernando - this bud's for you.
This is kinda a "No Pussy" Thread. But we aren't talking about Star Trek Vs. Star Wars. This is comic stuff. The top selling movies now are all about the super heroes. To fully appreciate them... you have to know the backstory. *Whispers* I think that might have saved us, guys.