Fake Polls to screw up Bush election stats. They spin it.

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Sep 7, 2006.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  2. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    It could be that the film had a degree of speculation, and as such was vulneralbe to lawsuits. An american sport tht both of your parties, as well as the megacorps are active participants in.

    And Michale Moore did not have to retract his film. Why ?
    Because his material was factual, not fictual.
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Michael more admits his film is fiction. It is interesting that he make for legal purposes a public statement that his film was not a documentery. That was for legal purposes and he was working with the media on this. They kept that one in the dark while they tagged it a documentary to close the deal on the public deception.

    Interesting Xerx that you would fall for that. Would you like be to dig up the Quote?
  4. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Ill take your word for it Joe. His documentaries still show what can be called connection. Its like the humanities are not the sciences. The same goes for his "Bowling for Columbine"

    The questions of what makes two kids or eleven young men commit these horrible acts are still worthwhile to answer.

    It could lead to prevention.

    The current model of prevention allso shows some success. From a perspective of homeland security only. That countries are destroyed in the process, and allied nations allso get major terrorist hits can , however, be a bad thing for US foreign relations in the long run.

    Just a thought.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    No argument there but the way it is used is to suggest that the solution would be a tightening down on gun laws. Fact is the current laws are not enforced that is the problem. The Left powers are not concerned with enforcement of gun laws their goal is simple no guns.

    There were 17 gun law violations by the students that committed the Columbine acts.

    I am glad you brought that up. The Muslim Fascist that are terrorizing simply want one thing a world ruled by an Islamic theocracy. Muslims have been attacking innocent countries since the early 70's this is regardless of current administration foreign policy. Now any terrorist act that occurs is associated with flawed George Bush policy. Looking at the Carter administration Policy one can easily see that a policy of appeasement simply begets more violence. Enter Regan administration and an attitude of we are not taking this kind of shit, followed with the bombing of the Ayatollah and instantly a release of prisoners and peace. Enter Clinton and another eight years of appeasement and the unedited "Path to 911" movie shows appeasement begets terrorism. Now they are trying to spin it to be about Bush policy and at the same time prevent the truth from being revealed.
  6. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    I used some argumentation in that direction, about Janjaweed while talking to this muslem sudanese ex-warrior. He had a different perspective and he has been fighting for his people in wars against the christians and animists of the south. I was routing for the southerners, but his perspective seemed honest and honourable.

    Ok ! Here goes. Truth aint nothing but a diamond, and every competing political meme is a facet of that stone. Somebody tought me that lesson a few years ago, and that is an important lesson. Any meme that proposes force needs conditions for victory. As such, movements can become predictable and a deadly dance ensues. WW1 were a shot in Sarajevo set fire to the continent and drove four emperors from their thrones.
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You know I found it terribly ironic that we helped the Albanian Muslims assault Serbia. And called it defending the Albanians against genocide. At the Same time the Muslim Arabs are killing blacks in Africa by the millions and we do not lift a finder to stop it. All in the meantime Bill Clinton is called a friend of the blacks. Crowned the first black president.

    Bosnia, Serbia, Herzegovina They were not our problem or our business. And anyone who says it was our business for the sake of humanitarian reasons then needs to tell me why Sudan was not?

    There is a big difference now although that will be spun against the administration. Now we are fighting Muslim extremists. And it is once again Muslim extremist that are committing genocide.

    But I guess the media can spin it how they want and the gullible public will take it hook line and sinker.
  8. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    It is hard to put purely humanitarian motives and values on military dispositions.
    The albanians have been muslim since they were converted by means of abduction and sterilization, combined with opportunitions for advancement within the ottoman administrative system. Jugoslavia was closer to home and thus got more press. The serbs controlled to much of the military and the police and that ended as their own tragedy. Sudan is as big as western europe. Darfur is the size of France and military force cant change that fact. These situations cant be solved with military means. Military might can just create a stabilized war. A managable war. Besides, Imad the sudanese fought for the unity of his country, and that is not terrorism. Do you believe every everyone that blows up muslims and then claims to be muslim is a muslim ? And how does a leftist media fit in there ?
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Not a true Muslim as I understand them to be. This is why I prefer to call them terrorists.

    The media provides cover, spin, validation, legitimizes them pegging them as something other than what they are.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Ok Xerx I know you said you would take my word for it. But in case you had the slightest inkling of a doubt. Here Michael Moore is on camera saying his 911 film is his own opinionated op ed piece. The media presented it as a documentary piece however influencing the minds of millions of people like yourself.

    Look here at either the "Trailer" link or the "Making of" link both begin with a Michael Moore video and record his statement. BTW he said it more than once also. He never called it a documentary he simply presented it and let the media do that for him. In my opinion so that he could not get sued.


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