Although it is slanted and very onesided, I agree, definatly a great watch... Also bob, check out i,robot, or hit mer up on MSN and I will ftp it to you
I still aint seen bowling for columbine yet,it was on over here a few months agobut i was too busy playing with myself and i missed it.
Pedro will be victorious. Also , I caught a delicious bass for you. IMC , I robot was a fucking joke, it had nothing to do with the orginal story, outside of the brief mention of the 3 laws of robotics, and the script they had was complete shit. It was awful awful awful, same goes for The Village. Next thing I know you are gonna try telling me to watch Catwoman. And if 9/11 is one sided its only because thats the facts.
I Robot= Yet another case of dumbing down a really great book so hollywood can put a sub-par actor in a shitty movie full of special effects with little or no actual plot. The sad part is this is what 70% of this stupid country likes watching (No offense Dwaine, I'm sure you like it because of the Wil Smith frontal nudity). :wink: I had to leave the theatre a little over halfway through this movie. Serioulsy, it's horrible.
Whats the deal with the village..thinkin bout seeing it..but now i see its being badmouthed..let me guess no actual creatures like in Signs.
yes I have,what i meant to say was that UNLIKE signs,The Village has no actual creatures. Sorry if I confused you.
Damn Schmed! I wholeheartedly agree with you! The really sad part is, if a movie was made with Adam Sandler pulling a train of 500 different aliens, as long as the FX were good(and a few explosions were dropped in once in a while), American's would eat that shit up.