Found this: You might want to find yourself a good defamation lawyer.
I was disappointed that dude barbie didn't poke naked barbie while girlfriend barbie was out of the house
You should feel a more stern sense of being robbed when you realize that you lost damn near five minutes of your life watching that drivel.
I didn't watch it all. It was horrible. You're just watching some stupid kid play with Barbies... a kid that is not the least bit funny or clever.
Why don't you post something that you find interesting or amusing then, instead of wasting your precious time responding to to say how much you didn't like something (twice in the same thread!). Bunch of moaning bitches.
Well try and make the "hazing" at least a little bit smart or entertaining, or it just comes across as a bunch of insular, clique assholes intent on keeping newcomer's at the bottom of their wanky pecking order.
that IS kinda funny cause as I was reading this, I was eating. but seriously... did you guys not haze back in my joining day? Cause I know if you did, I would have just said - what a stupid place and never came back. Maybe I did get hazed, but I did not realize it... or I am not a cry baby and did not take it serious. I still have no idea how or why I came here.
Maybe those responsible for hazing you had enough creativity to make it entertaining? In which case you wouldn't take it too seriously. That is, more than the 'creativity' that it takes to think of multiple ways to say "you suuuck". This isn't hazing. More like BIGMAMA jeussss donnn' laaak me and a few of her pussy sniffers wishing to - or feeling intimidated into - showing support. Which is fine. Just don't pretend it's something that it's not.
I got hazed, but I read a lot of the old stuff to kinda see what was up. Of course in all honesty reiz had a really nice avatar back then, and that is why I joined.
I don't like BIGMAMA, but I will take her annoying fatass over you any day. I don't anyone here "likes" bigmama, except for the pukey girl. It is not that we don't "Like" you, we just don't trust people with no profile or personality.