I thought that I would start this thread as a place for everyone to post their theories on why hurricane Rita wasn't the devasting end of the world as predicted. Just a few facts - 1. Rita came ashore as an average cat 3. Not even a major hurricane. 2. It missed the major population areas of Houston. 3. It blew down a few trees. 4. One levee failed in New Orleans, and an area that had already flooded got wet again. Who cares. 5. No major damage has been reported to any oil refineries or pipelines. 6. Martial Law and an Government invasion has not happened. 7. CNN is having as hard time finding anything to report. This morning they showed a street with several tree limbs down. Not trees, just limbs. Feel free to post all of the reasons that some conspiracy foiled the governments bid for total control. I can't wait to hear them. Barry
That is one theory, and it does have validity. Based on my stated intent to reschedule the end of the world for the Week of October 1, 2005, the recalibration may have been intentional, however. Barry
I suppose this is partially targeted at me...due to 'number 6' ('Martial Law and a Government invasion has not happened.') and the topic not being addressed specifically to smurfslap. All i have to say is - thank fuck i was wrong! I'm no expert on the subject, and was only going by the news reports that portrayed the hurricane as potentially catastrophic. If it had been the worst case scenario, then my fears of full scale martial law being declared might well have been proven right. 'Forearmed is forewarned', 'better safe than sorry' etc. I doubt you'd ridicule anyone for having evacuated, and would most likely would have evacuated yourself if you were in the danger zone, so what's the big deal if i also believed another major disaster was possibly in the offing? My theory is that it wasn't the 'devastating end of the world as predicted (by smurfslap)' ...because he was wrong. Easy.
The Gods have seen fit to delay the end of the world just a little longer. I just might be able to afford my AK47 with the Playground Mod before it starts! Sweet. It's still coming though. I just wish that this was it, but oh well... Another day, still not so far away...
It was not really directed at anybody Nursey. I was just releasing some pregame adrenaline. I actually have some warm fuzzy feelings for you right now because you are being very rational and did not offer some crazy excuse. By the way, I think Smurf is a nutcase. I do not think that you are a nutcase. You are and have always been very intelligent and for the most part rooted in reality (or at least the possibility or reality). One thing that I have learned in the past year - The media, be it Arab, Israeli, America, whatever - is really very unreliable. They all seem to report with personal biases, and they all seem to ignore anything that does not support the "story." I am so sick of sensationalism, catastrophy mongering, and just plain BS that I could scream. I am very convinced at this point that the Government has NO CONTROL over the media. If they did, surely to God they could get some media source to report basic facts and to stop making such DRAMA out of everything. Have a good weekend Nursey. I have to go watch football all day. Barry
Just be sure to keep those fuzzy feelings of yours contained :!: And i am always pretty rational...(it's not as if it's some new phenomenon, the way you make it out to be). A lot more than you, ackshewally. Since when does dishonest media behaviour suggest that the government isn't in control? Oh yeah - here. Same back, you crazy, Orwellian mind controlled freak.
You know, i used to get off on the idea of being EEEEVILLLL when i was 13-15. I believe it's the refuge of the weak.
Jeez, can't anyone take a joke? I'm still looking at this from a very scientific perspective, but if I can't joke about the end of all this, what can I joke about? So lighten up people, I'm still trying to get my point across about how it all works. The quake is coming.
Anyway Barry, i'm just taking your word for the situation 'on the ground', but i think it's a bit too soon to rule out a catastrophic snowball effect from Katrina and this latest, weaker hurricane. It doesn't need to be direct and obvious problems like the last one to cause immense disruption. I think you're painting it with far too rosy a glow. Rita set to flood the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Posted Sep 24, 2005 12:52 PM PST ABC News: Hurricane Rita roars into US refinery row Together, the two storms knocked out nearly all energy production in the Gulf of Mexico and 30 percent of the nation's refining capacity onshore. Posted Sep 24, 2005 12:05 PM PST Hurricanes shut over 20 pct US refining Bush Heads To Colorado For Military Takeover Drill "President George W. Bush canceled his trip to Texas on Friday to avoid interfering with the move of a search-and-rescue team closer to the area where Hurricane Rita was to hit, the White House said. Instead of traveling to San Antonio, Bush will go straight to Colorado Springs, Colorado, where he will visit the U.S. Northern Command. White House spokesman Scott McClellan said the Federal Emergency Management Agency decided to reposition the search-and-rescue teams from San Antonio closer to the storm, "and we didn't want to slow that decision up in any way. So we made the decision that we would go straight to Colorado." Our sources inform us that far from this being a change of plan, Bush is visiting Northcom for a reason. That reason is Bush overseeing (but certainly not controlling) a martial law takeover drill which is directly connected to Granite Shadow, which the Washington Post reported, "is yet another new Top Secret and compartmented operation related to the military’s extra-legal powers regarding weapons of mass destruction. It allows for emergency military operations in the United States without civilian supervision or control. The article outlines the preparations for martial law takeover in the US. So Northcom are running a martial law takeover drill at the exact same time that Bush is visiting Northcom. Is this a coincidence?
I think nursey has a valid point, we should be watching the government with a wary eye. As far as the crazy end of the world conspiracy theory stuff, I don't think so. Let them eat cake.
Bwahaha, you fools. You hope and pray for martial law, so that all these signs of the times don't mean the end of the world scenario pans out. But it will. The martial law is just to control our movements while it's shave back on the population time. All these draconian laws the Mexicans and foreign nations have been crying out about for our own good, while we sit back and watch and think they just want to send their illegal immigrants here, are historically known to keep people in rather than out. So whatever, have your fantasies. I'll have mine, and eventually, long after we can't get on the internet anymore, we'll see who's right. Actually, probably a few days after we can't get on the internet anymore, as that would mean they've unleashed the triggering mechanism for this plague these chemtrails have saturated us with. An incurable plague that can only be averted by avoiding the trigger. It's why all these microbiologists had to go. Mycoplasma that burrow to the core of your cell nucleus, just sitting and waiting. The ancient indians knew it would come, and they pray for the day the greedy white man gets his while the true white brother cleans the land so that they both can live in harmony. Hopi Indian prophecy bitches. A disease will hit the land that will have no known cure, holistic or western. People will run around screaming, but they must understand why these things are happening. So as I've said before, "So that none may perish without first knowing the truth."
What are they gonna use Smurf? You're talking about a delayed release multi-part viral infection. That's some pretty far out stuff. They're just barely now finding ways to use targeted RNA for potential cancer treatments. You're talking about advanced disease developement. Not just bio-warfare. That stuff doesn't really exist in nature. Multi-part infections, are they symbiotic?
And Smurf, what makes you so sure that i don't feel the end of the world as we know it (damn you R.E.M :x ) isn't also the end result? In fact, that's been true since November 2000. Martial law being declared doesn't rule far worse things out to my logic. I've been following the microbiologists story for a few years now, watching as one by one more got taken out and added to the list as another 'suicide' or 'vicious random attack'...til the odds of it happening reached a staggering 1 billion to 1 or something ridiculous. and all the while nothing gets said in the mainstream news. link 1 link 2
Just because someone is an idiot does not mean they are government controlled. I don't think the media is govenment controlled, I just think it's easier to sell product to dumb people than it is to sell product to educated people. So the media panders to those who consume the most. Those idiots just happen to be the ones who follow the right wing the most. The Daily show is one of the most popular news sources in the country, they're certainly not right-wing, and the average person that watches that show has a college degree. Funny, but the United States is not populated entirely by right wing dolts. Bush hit a career low September 10th, 39% approval rating, that means 61% of the country dis-approves. If what you're saying is true I guess it doesn't really matter what side the media is on.