Sorry to disappoint Ulfer, but I am not dead. My funeral was touching. Thank you Nursey for conducting a heartfelt and well planned ceremony. In true Tom Sawyer style, I was moved to tears. I have new responsiblities at work, and that means I have to actually work part of the day instead of pretending to listen to neurotic clients while I am actually surfing the forum. On top of that, I am renovating a house to sell, and teaching a class three nights a week. My wife is Bugs. She is does not care as much as I do, and she thinks you all are freaks. She has agreed to stir the pot (cess pool) occasionally while I am "tied up." I do have one interesting observation - have any of you noticed how large a percentage of the regular members of this forum are caregivers of some type? Off the top of my head I think that Rat and Mia are nurses, Dan is in Med school, and I am a therapist. Is "Nursey" a nurse? Are any of you others in the human services fields? I think the stress of caring for people drives us to a forum like this for relief. I wish I understood the psychology behind it. I also wish that we as a "community" could be a little less vulgar, and somewhat more real. In this forum revealing personal weaknesses or problems results in attacks and insults. How strange. That is the same way a dysfunctional family system works. (It does work, it is just dysfunctional) I wonder what would happen if everyone was actually nice to each other for a week, and we really knew what the person behind the persona was like. For example - I could not stand Dwaine or Schmed until I actually talked to them without the "persona" and got to know them for who they really are. Guess what? Although we don't agree on a damn thing, I consider them friends. How strange is that? OK, my Ritalin is kicking in, and I am gaining control of my thoughts. Signing off.... Barry
I for one would find it very refreshing to have a civil conversation on this forum. The chances of that happening are very slim indeed I fear. Worth a shot though.
i thought bugsy said u were busy with your new boat? get your stories streight.... ... why have normal conversations?
I'm in school 3 days a week , training to be an fucking hysterical. Barry, I hate to shatter your theory, but I'm just as twisted, dysfunctional, and aggressive outside the forum... I'll kick anyone's ass, anytime. Maybe it's from growing up in foster homes, or living on the streets when I was barely 16 (cry for me later). When it comes to my girl, however, I become a sniveling, God -fearing, nuerotic , Jewish Mother. Don't look at me with that tone of voice!
Had a feeling that was you in the alcove watching the ceremony, Barry, and that ate the soggy bread cast upon the waters. Bugs is yer wife? that is fascinating..cus part of me thot bugs might be an alter ego of yers..which is funny if ya think about it. I am not in the medical field anymore, but was, and am seriously cerifiable and get a crazy check every month to prove it, so in the words of one person, I spend my time "sitting on my fat ass on the computer all day, whining about everything that goes wrong in my life." Not sure if that would count me as neurotic or not, but definitely qualifies me for dysfunctional. and I thought we were having normal conversations..doesn't everyone talk like this in real life too? :? :?: 8)
If you, or my drooling moron little brother drink my fucking white grape juice one more time, I swear, Im gonna kill you pricks
Does anyone find it a coincidence that Barry has resurrected himself from the dead 3 days before Easter? (No wonder he hates Israel so) BTW, my fiance is a counselor for crazy kids, her parents are phycologists, and I'm a bum. So, I guess you could say I stress myslef out caring for myself all day and DEALING WITH YOU FUCKS.
Bunch of lost causes, and extremley boring. This forum is entertaining for a short time only. You are all very sad uninteresting people in my opinion. I have thrown in a couple of very swift inconsequential lines of text and every time you bunch of dweebs grab at them. Good luck to you all see ya wouldnt wanna be ya love Mia xx
Not two funerals in one week...I can't TAKE any more. *sobs* So anyway, Dubya, how's the stache coming?
Barry returns but Mia leaves??? Man from sadness to joy to sadness again..I'm going to become bipolar if this keeps up! :?
"Oh dear . . . . . . . .ah well . . . . . . . never mind . . . . . . . :roll: " Such a sad and monumental loss to us all.
Oh yeah...hi Barry. Err, yeah no problem. Look...just one know...we don't really need you here anymore? :? Thing is, your newly mythical status, has taken on a life of its own, and you are, frankly, just an annoying inconvenience detracting from the mighty legend that Barreh has now become. So, if you could just make yourself scarce other words beat it fat boy.
Don't listen to her Barry..between you and bugs and my fatal attraction for whipone I have high hopes for this site..