Europe Overrun With Hostile Muslims?

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by DangerousDan, Dec 2, 2004.

  1. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member


    Swedes Reach Muslim Breaking Point
    Friday, November 26, 2004
    By Steve Harrigan
    •Steve Answers Eurabia Questions•Swedes Struggle With ImmigrantsSTORIES
    •Where the Buses Won't Go•The Swedish Way•Spain Battles Illegal Muslim Immigration •Activist Warns on Genital Mutilation Among Immigrants
    MALMO, Sweden — Swedish authorities in the southern city of Malmo (search) have been busy with a sudden influx of Muslim immigrants — 90 percent of whom are unemployed and many who are angry and taking it out on the country that took them in.

    "If we park our car it will be damaged — so we have to go very often in two vehicles, one just to protect the other vehicle," said Rolf Landgren, a Malmo police officer.

    Fear of violence has changed the way police, firemen and emergency workers do their jobs.

    There are some neighborhoods Swedish ambulance drivers will not go to without a police escort. Angry crowds have threatened them, telling them which patient to take and which ones to leave behind.

    Because Sweden has some of the most liberal asylum laws in Europe, one quarter of Malmo's 250,000 population is now Muslim, changing the face and the idea of what it means to be Swedish. Asylum seekers may bring spouses, brothers and grandparents with them. Civil servants say the city is swamped.

    "You have 1,000 students in a Swedish school. How many are Swedes? Two," said Lars Birgersson, principal of the Rosengrad School.

    Students arrive at age 10 or 12 from countries like Iraq, Iran and Lebanon with no knowledge of Swedish; some have never been to school at all and many classes require interpreters.

    Still, more than half won't graduate.

    "They are not a part of Swedish society, so to speak. It is difficult for them to get inside society," said Torsten Elofsson of the Malmo Police Department.

    However, they are the most rapidly growing segment of Swedish society — outsiders who are already inside, posing a challenge to legendary Swedish tolerance that has now been stretched to the breaking point.

    Malmo's main mosque was recently set ablaze by arsonists. When firefighters arrived on the scene, they were attacked by stone throwers.

    Editor's Note: This is part two of a four-part series about the Muslim population in Europe. Tomorrow's installment of this series will focus on how Islamic extremists are recruiting young would-be terrorists in European suburbs.
  2. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    I thought Fox news had been totally discredited for their uni-dimensional viewpoint?

    I can assure you Dan that the streets of Europe aren't ablaze with ullulating Arabs dancing on our blowfly riddled corpses.

  3. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

  4. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  5. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    LMAO i almost shit my pants when i saw that homeland security pic :lol:
  6. Coma White

    Coma White New Member

    I'm gonna kill this story once and for all.

    The city that they refer to, Malmo is less than 15 miles from where I live, Copenhagen, Denmark, and the stuff you see in that "news"-report is a bunch of propaganda bullshit. Yes there is a few problems with young muslims age 14-20 but its in a couple different getthos in teh southeren part of the city. Its no worse than what is going on in Harlem or South Central, except that its muslims.

    I have family and friends in Malmo and they are pissed by that report cause that cant recoqnize any of that which is supposed to happen. I go there once or twice a month and there has never happened anything like that while I've been there.

    The mosque that you see burning was torched by neo-nazis more than 6 months ago and all of them have been arressted.
  7. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    shit i didnt know that the nazis hated muslims too, i figured they like them, i mean come-on they used them in ww2 cause of their zeal and hatred towards jews
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  9. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    There are also a lot of real good doctors and smart people. I think maybe she was pissed at the way the girl was driving. Maybe she has some kids around or something and was trying to make a point.
  10. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    We could take all the educated ones and let Europe have the rest. I would say overall we have gotten the better ones.
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    There is a flea market here in Dallas I never went much but my 85 year old neighbor had a place there for years. And what she described to me is atypical in my experience. O lot of people were frequent patrons of the flea market. Family's would be there like clockwork on Saturday or Sundays. If you were there often you got to know the regulars. The atmosphere was a pleasant one that family's would enjoy. Then middle easterners came. They were welcomed with great interest at first and were decently pleasant. More came ans they were less pleasant to the regulars. then they were beginning to be down right rude. A lot of people simply packed up and left. No longer enjoying their hobby basically for years. But there were some hold outs who tried to persevere. Now to this day the place is basically dominated by middle easterners. A white Eastern European descent person really cannot run a booth there if they try there will basically be an organized attack. Everything from strong arming the better locations using family members. To if you do get one moving in next door and harassing your customers.

    That video is an atypical technique used to "Stink up the place" and then control. I guarantee if you find the specific local that video took place in you will find that the white lady was relentlessly harassed. And has since then moved on.

    Give it five years and it will be obviously apparent that a whit person is not welcome and the same type scenario will take place but there will be no other witnesses to speak on behalf of the person in the car who was setup.

    But the population will vote 98 percent Communist or Democrat. And trial lawyers will be available to work on their behalf pro-bono funded by the communist party or the ACLU how ever you want to look at it.

    Once again here is the video It is the "stink up the place" strategy in action. Notice the police will not even pursue the matter. It is a democratic district and they know the rules well. "Look the other way if a non-western European causes trouble.

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