Environmental Dissinformation

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Mar 9, 2006.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    2008 will be the next election year cycle and we have a president on his second term and as everyone knows towards the end of his term has not nearly the same pull as he would in previous years.

    The news media is setting the stage for the talking points of what will be the 2008 campaign platform for the Democrats. You don’t believe me of course never do. But I have objectively watched local and federal elections for years now enough to know. With local elections the year before and building up to frenzy its all about how the area is in dire straits, teachers are in need of more money. Students are illiterate and below level. Of course depending on weather a Democrat is in office or not it’s either. Stories about happy people taking advantage of the great accomplishments they have enjoyed for the past few years. Or it could be terrible stories about rumors of corruption, requests for investigation. City services running over budget and woefully short on money. The poor are starving and there seems to be an influx of homeless people living under the bridge.

    Of course documentaries of homeless people could be done any day of any year of any century. But it’s all about which administration is in office and what sort of mood you want to set. The key is to have insider knowledge of what points the group you are for are going to bring to the table and make the case for them before the debate ever begins. News media works to lay the ground work then there is the all more important comedian circuit. Once the issue is laid out for everyone to see, a few late night jokes outlining the absurdity of anyone who would debate the validity of the issues cements the brainwashing effect.

    It looks as if the media is building a case at this point for the Democratic platform to be based on environmental issues. Of course we are still a few years away and after several years of pounding against the current administration regarding the war on terror and not seeing appreciable gains in polling data for having done so. The next logical alternative is environment. Other alternatives would be to show cancer victims and do documentaries on how Republicans are causing cancer and if only we reelect Democrats for the next election cycle we will then be able to open the doors to the cancer centers and let the people all go home cured and no longer cruel inhumane pain inflicted upon them.

    The disinformation being pushed out there by the environmental advocates seems to be well intended for the most part but certainly misleading and definitely being exploited.
  2. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    What the hell is your point? The Democrats are blaming all the woes of the world on the Republicans, the media is backing them up, and the environment isn't really going to shit, it's the Democrats just saying that it is so the Republicans get a black eye?
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Damn Smurf did you read it or not? Ok its like this here is one example. Tennessee has more fiscal conservatives than liberals elected at state level by a thin margin. There are two schools of thought the liberals want more tax and more social programs its what they campaign on each cycle. The conservatives want less tax therefore freeing up money to spend by the people not the government (this has proven to actually generate more revenue by more tax money being generated by a stimulated economy. Basically Reganomics). Each election cycle the news media is whipped into a frenzy of doom and gloom stories, editorials, and documentary. And each election cycle the dems run on the platform of fixing all the problems reported by the media.

    You see Tennessee has no state income tax. Each off cycle what Democrats did get elected try (EVERYTIME) to vote in a State income tax. They have got very close to accomplishing this. But the point is the media is there ally in this from all the network news channels to all the news papers the tone is the same. Doom and gloom we need more tax revenue to fix all the problems. They never campaign on the idea of voting in a state income tax that’s way to unpopular. They campaign on fixing all the problems the media refers to. It’s the next year that the State income tax battle begins. It is a vicious cycle.


    Here is an example of the yellow press that was written about it


    The window was broken from the inside out, No state troopers were attacked as reported lucky for cameras all over the place that was proven to not be true however there were cases of police brutality of the peacefull protestors.
  4. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Reganomics! HAHAHA, what a sham. Damn Joe, your shortsightedness never ceases to amaze.
  5. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Jup ! The Con-men stole the future and sold half of the children to the devil.
    It is going down and the Greedy should take as much blame as the envious.

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