despite huge increases in Discretionary spending as well as modest increases in entitlement spending the economy is still strong and unemployment is at record lows. Still the business sector knows the damage that waits possibly if taxes are raised and they are punished for making profits. Expect to see them cooking their books to reduce profit numbers at the same time the investors will be tempted to sell off their investments. The simple rumor of an increase of capital gains will trigger a sell off before penalty. And who profits from economic woes of Americans under the guidance of the Democratic controlled congress? Democrats that’s who. They cause the problem they blame the president. The media works hand in hand understanding fully well what is going on and is a co-conspirator enabling the media to trick the public. I have always said they are the "split the baby" party. Neal Boortz mentions this on his web page. Describing how the Dems plan on paying for all this increase in discretionary spending
Joe I don't know about you but I didn't get a tax cut from Bush. In Fact I have paid more in since Bush's tax cut then before them. We because of the 2 fronts on the "War on Terror" are TRILLIONS in debt again just like the Regan administration. Bush took a healthy surplus and pissed it away. Now he wants more BILLIONS to play army men in his sandbox. The problem with republicans that I have always found funny is they pretend to be this fiscal frugal spenders yet they piss money away like Koby Bryant at the Bunny Ranch buying white women. Then they scream how the Dems are going to raise taxes. The reason the Dems have to raise taxes is because someone has to pay for the bullshit Frat Party the Republicans always have!!! The republicans never fucking think that all the shit they spend and borrow has to be paid back at some fucking point.
All I know is that I get nothing back when it comes tax return time. I think I got 80 dollars last year.
Grim you are a liar. Pukey you pay less in. You use money already marked for discretionary spending for other purposes. Actually taking money from.
What am I lying about? I think I know my own tax affairs. I've paid in more since the taxes cuts then before. America is in debt and China basically can kill the dollar any day it wants thanks to the Republicans & Bush. Your just blind.
BTW Grim you idiot. The deficit has reduced ahead of schedule. Ok fucking moron I'll lay it out for you. I have already proven you as a liar in your last post. So I know you will argue but I have made the statement before. Bush came into office in a recession. For you public educated morons amongst us that means less money changing hands equals less money to be taxed. The big money generator here is simply economic activity in general. Money from these revenues was already decreasing. Ok since you're such a fucktard I'll explain to you that the money that goes into the war is because we were attacked therefore had to go to war. In spite of this increased spending on natural disasters as well as war once Bush’s tax decreases were implemented then the amount of tax revenue went up. If you are concerned about the cost of the war on terror. Then you should get really pissed off at the ones who drive of the cost. Those blood sucking vampires that hope to derail our intelligence efforts. Those who was to punish the Turks for assisting the U.S. as an ally. But you are a known lair and you don't give a rat’s ass about the cost of the war. Just as you hope for more American blood on forien soil in service to protect your sorry ass. You see the way it works you fucking imbecile Bush lowers taxes and people can do more of what they want with their own money instead of give it to the government. So they pay their debt. They buy more things. They eat out. They take a vacation. The Population of the U.S. is such that it need not be anything on a large scale but each and everyone of these things are taxes weather your driving your car, buying Christmas presents, getting a massage… whatever. This money goes to the government still and does more so than simply taxing alone. Suddenly the gas station gives its workers a raise. The restaurant hires more help. People tip better. Whatever but this simply drives even more revenue?
Some light reading for you Joe. But since it's the TRUTH I know you won't bother. China Housing Clinton Surplus our Debt clock so you can keep up. I keep it in the back use it for a fan. Bush Veto's Child Healthcare plan Bush Turns around and asks for Billions more. American Collapse Gas Prices Tax Cuts help no one. Why Trickle down doesn't work Point is Joe I can do this all day, The other point is no matter how fucking far right and untruths you have posted in your Fugly Propaganda campaign I have never called you a liar. I have always liked you. You can be a smart guy and I've tried to bring you to the middle. But calling me that is way out of fucking line. Go back and watch some more Fauxnews.
Liar Look you said that you're taxes went up. You are a liar. After you admit that your taxes did not go up then I will explain to you how and show you how historically it has been proven. I told everyone more than a year ago that 2008 would be the year of doom and gloom in hopes to accomplish two fronts. 1. Effecting consumer confidence and slowing down the economy. 2. To provide the (we were already in deep shit) scenario to explain why things are going really south in 2009.
JOE DO YOU DO MY TAXES! I'm paying after the cuts! how the fuck do you know what I'm paying! The middle class got fucked! I get none of the tax breaks I have no kids so no credit there. Plus being married that's a fuck in the ass there. I PAY MORE ASSHOLE
Ten Myths About the Bush Tax Cuts—and the Facts Myth #1: Tax revenues remain low. Fact: Tax revenues are above the historical average, even after the tax cuts. Myth #2: The Bush tax cuts substantially reduced 2006 revenues and expanded the budget deficit. Fact: Nearly all of the 2006 budget deficit resulted from additional spending above the baseline. Myth #3: Supply-side economics assumes that all tax cuts immediately pay for themselves. Fact: It assumes replenishment of some but not necessarily all lost revenues. Myth #4: Capital gains tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Fact: Capital gains tax revenues doubled following the 2003 tax cut. Myth #5: The Bush tax cuts are to blame for the projected long-term budget deficits. Fact: Projections show that entitlement costs will dwarf the projected large revenue increases. Myth #6: Raising tax rates is the best way to raise revenue. Fact: Tax revenues correlate with economic growth, not tax rates. Myth #7: Reversing the upper-income tax cuts would raise substantial revenues. Fact: The low-income tax cuts reduced revenues the most. Myth #8: Tax cuts help the economy by "putting money in people's pockets." Fact: Pro-growth tax cuts support incentives for productive behavior. Myth #9: The Bush tax cuts have not helped the economy. Fact: The economy responded strongly to the 2003 tax cuts. Myth #10: The Bush tax cuts were tilted toward the rich. Fact: The rich are now shouldering even more of the income tax burden.
Liar go ahead and devise a scheme where you can lie about what ever factors try and get yourself situated into some sort of unique bracket or skew the figures to say you're in a higher bracket. None of it will fly bro. I got you on this one. You just throw some shit out there and hope it will stick and every one will smell it. This one came back in your face.
Dude I paid in every year til last year and I only got 120 bucks back that was it. You can think what you want cock boy. But I know what checks I fucking write. BUSH didn't help anyone he is a fucking retard. You worship a fucking retard. What's that tell us about you faggot. Four-fifths of Americans will pay more for the tax cuts than they receive. The tax cuts must be financed somehow, either through a reduction in government services or the addition of other taxes. Regardless of how this financing occurs, on average, households that earn less then about $76,400 will wind up receiving a cut smaller than the reduction in services that they accept. Thus, the “cuts” are better thought of as tax cuts for the wealthy subsidized by the rest of America. (CBPP) FUCK YOU AGAIN JOE
1. True 2. True 3. Depends on definition of immediate. 4. True 5. EXACTLY MY POINT 6. True 7. Sad but true 8. True 9. True 10. Grim are you in the top percent of income earners in the U.S.?
I posted that bullshit cause you would agree with it. Showing I can post more sides then one like you. Also what part of I don't qualify for any of the breaks do you not understand. So there for I DON'T GET A GODDAMN BREAK! I mean how hard is that fucking concept for you. You think I'm just getting huge monkey fucking checks every year? That everyone is getting 10 grand back and we are smiley happy fucking people? Please go fuck yourself.