Vaguely interesting and I would not argue the possibility of large scale electric storms I mean just think about it remember all those electrical spikes that were recorded via video as well as though instrumentation space probe before it was eventually taken out by a massive discharge? Hold on..... That never happened did it? Just kidding Smurf don't take me to seriously. I think that Astrologists and Physicists that speculate about planets are a joke. They are taken so damn literally is hilarious. I mean in school the shit they would say like (for example) "Saturn although much larger than earth is only 1/10th the density composed largely of argon gas with elements of Iron, Copper, and Titanium causing the magnificent and beautiful color patterns we so enjoy observing" Ok before you over analyze that bogus quote from a science book. Understand that I made it all up but it doesn’t fucking matter. They do not have more that three clues about what they put out as if its fact other than that its all speculation. Points being your theories are as good as the rest on my book. Keep it up Smurf one day you might stumble across something relevant.
The spikes did happen back in the day when they were sending that first probe to take up close pictures of a comet for the very first time. Right before it crapped out.
The mix of myths, as pertaining eventual destructions of a marsian biosphere and the destruction of a possible Vulkan, whoose remnants are remaining as the asteroide-field, seems interresting. Hehe Ok ! If we have Mars and Vulkan , we might as well include Niboru :lol:
Yeah I don't know what happened to the pictures, the assholes took down the experiment in the lab photo.
One of the planets may have been Venus or Mars is supposed to be closer than ever on Aug 28 something like almost half the average distance. So you should be able to see it through a telescope like a tiny moon or a bright star with the naked eye.
OOoooh, can't wait. :? On another note, Venus' awesome phase lock with Earth is due to its close passage to Earth in its not-too-distant past. Some awesome electrical thing connected the two until Venus got into its present orbit far away enough for the connection to "snap." Nowadays when Venus and Earth get to their closest point to each other they always show the same side and face.