Election Fraud?

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Nov 1, 2006.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Federal observers and monitors heading to polls

    Neal Boortz summed it up pretty well in his artical today.


    The Justice Department has announced that it is sending 800 observers to polling places in 65 cities in counties in 20 states next Tuesday. Their mission: to protect voting rights in troubled polling places. Huh? What on Earth are they talking about? This is the United States of America and this is 2006. What do they think this is...the third world?

    What's really going on here is a cave-in to political correctness by the DOJ. The idea that anyone's right to vote might be taken away next Tuesday in this country is an anti-Bush fantasy dreamed up by some left-wing blogger somewhere. It just doesn't happen. Evidently these monitors will be on the lookout for ballot stuffing or voter fraud. Right.

    Remember 2000? Some blacks in Florida said that the very presence of police officers on the street was an attempt to suppress black votes.

    Voter fraud can be eliminated overnight...and you don't even need election monitors to do it. Simply require 1.) a photo ID in order to vote and 2.) that someone be registered in advance to vote, no exceptions. That would stamp out about 99% of the fraud. But politicians, and in particular Democrats, don't want that. They've been relying on the votes of dead people to propel them into office for decades.

    Besides, isn't this what Jimmy Carter is for? He's supposed to be the one to monitor elections.
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Question is; are we sure the Demons want control at this point?

    Sitting in the cat birds seat they get the advantage of obstructing the ruling administration. Leaking security secrets and sabotaging American security. All the while free of blame quite the contrary pointing all blame for any wrong that occurs weather it be that you did not like the way your dentist handles your dental insurance claim all the way to foreign relations issues, at the Bush administration. Meanwhile their willing accomplice in the media has hidden the fact that despite overwhelming odds the economy is running strong. They know their fiscal policies would screw things up and this would be obvious and derail chances for a 2008 presidential bid. However if they can let the reps keep their razor thin majority all the while cry foul. Then they can inflict maximum damage all the while hoping that the economy sees some sort of slump that they can blame on the republicans. So that if they get control of the executive office in 2008 they can blame their inevitable screw up on the republicans.
  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    The Diebold Bombshell
    Even more shockingly, we learned recently that Diebold and the State of Maryland had been aware of these vulnerabilities for at least two years. They were documented in analysis, commissioned by Maryland and conducted by RABA Technologies, published in January 2004. For over two years, Diebold has chosen not to fix the security holes, and Maryland has chosen not to alert other states or national officials about these problems.

    Basically, Diebold included a "back door" in its software, allowing anyone to change or modify the software. There are no technical safeguards in place to ensure that only authorized people can make changes.
    If a government cannot prove the accuracy and honesty of the election by which they claim authority over the people, then the people are neither legally nor morally obligated to obey that government's dictates, nor to pay its bills.

    Worse, such obvious intent to create a fraudulent voting system suggests that the current administration, which clearly is selling out our nation to the interests of Israel, may not be the legal government of this land.

    Our country has been stolen

    URGENT: Diebold Electronic Machines Malfunction, Vote for Other Candidate
    After one hour of voting, the McKinney campaign has received numerous calls that the voting machines are malfunctioning. Voters casting votes for McKinney are reportedly having their votes switched by the machines for Hank Johnson.

    It’s Official - You Can Hack’em (in under a minute)
    Voting machine irregularities were questioned, and lots of folks got up and started shouting at the questioners and calling them whiners, and sore losers, and nutjobs. Unfortunately for the blow hards, somebody else put a bunch of smart people in a room and asked them if the machines were as good as the blow hards said, or as vulnerable as the “whiners” said. Smart people like to find things out. They don’t really care about the who, but they damn sure like to know the whys of the world. So Princeton took the machines to task. Here is what they found...

    The myth of fair elections in America

    The debacle surrounding the Republican victory in 2000 demonstrated to the world that America's electoral process is wide open to abuse. But as Paul Harris discovers, the system has actually worsened since then.

  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    When chaos ensues who benifits EVERYTIME ?
  5. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well, it appears to have been the Bush government since 2001.
  6. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    ...but then that's no surprise.

  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Let's talk about the 2000 election.

    Bush won.

    They recounted.

    Bush won again

    They changed the rules of the recount to include more demoncrat votes and recounted again using demoncrat volunteers.

    Bush won again.

    They noticed absentee ballots by the thousands were still coming in from military with 90 percent Bush votes they used legal maneuvers to block these votes.

    They recounted again

    Bush won.

    They asked for another recount once again like the times before targeting specifically demoncrat electoral districts.

    Republicans countered; “well if your going to recount yet again then we need to recount some panhandle Florida districts that were republican.”

    The demoncrats used the court system to block recounting of republican districts.

    Republicans took the issue to the Florida courts. The State called the election to the republicans after three recounts in all of which Bush won.

    Six years later hateful spiteful little shits are claiming Bush stole the election.

    And for this chaos Bush benefited?

    Nursey you really need to pay attention to the details. But like “Neocon” or “Fascists”

    Keep telling the same lie a thousand years from now after all the confusion of reading op ed articles written to show Bush stole the election, O.J. Simpson was innocent and framed, Bill Clinton was mercilessly ridiculed on rumor and innuendo created by a “vast right wing conspiracy” and suddenly history has changed.
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The evidence is daunting and goes back for years Democrats have tried to steal elections and have successfully stolen elections. The irony is that now when desperate the try to steal elections while at the same time accuse republicans of the same. Then creating doubt and chaos with the system. Remember it’s the Left that ALWAYS benefits from the chaos. So all you have to do is look at cause and effect. As well as motive.


    Fri Nov 03 2006 10:09:31 ET

    Political insiders have expressed alarm after 12 voter smartcards have gone missing from one Shelby County, TN early vote location!

    The cards are used to activate electronic voting machines.

    The location at the center of the controversy is Bishop Byrne High School on E. Shelby Drive in Memphis.

    The polling place started out with 25 cards. By Wednesday, 11 were missing, says an eyewitness.

    The location was given 5 more smartcards on Thursday.

    And another card went missing!

    Someone possessing a smartcard could use 'off the shelf equipment' [equipment that reprograms the card] and alter it to be used multiple times, and cast multiple votes.

    One concerned insider explains: "Shelby County Board of Elections has been notified. They said is was 'not a big deal' because, they said, the cards are deactivated. But the reality is, you can buy the equipment at computer stores to reactivate them. It's on the Internet how to reactivate the cards!"

    Meanwhile, The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is reviewing reports by the Shelby County Election Commission that two people voted twice during early voting in Memphis.

    Dist. Atty. Gen. Bill Gibbons said he's referred the cases to the TBI for investigation along with other matters he declined to discuss.

    Poll watchers are expected to turn out Tuesday to observe voting in Tennessee's heated U.S. Senate race between Chattanooga Republican Bob Corker and Memphis Democrat Harold Ford Jr.
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The left believes they are the good and the right is evil. The left believes that since in their minds the have a righteous cause they are permitted to commit any needed deception in order to accomplish the means to their end game.

    Haggard's accuser fails lie detector

    In an interview admitted to wanting to effect the election results.

    Gibbons, Mazzeo not seen on tapes

    Partial review of parking garage videos leaves questions

    As you can see the AP sat on the tapes to allow maximum effects of the false allegations to effect the voters while not publishing news that adds credibility to the defendant’s side.

    But then this is nothing new we all know how the AP works just look at Nursey's Quanah Massacre and all the bogus AP stories she disseminated for the AP.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member


    Democrat Party disdain ... bordering on outright dislike ... of and toward our men and women in uniform is what pounded me back into reality earlier this week. John Kerry made his insipid remarks about soldiers in Iraq and Democrats, by and large, remained silent. Harold Ford stepped up, and perhaps one or two others, but by and large Democrats were content to let Kerry make yet another in his long string of remarks denigrating our military without condemnation.

    Kerry's remarks served to remind me also of the Democrat's penchant for trying to suppress military votes. Sadly, too few Americans remember that in 2000 Al Gore and the Democrats sent hoards of lawyers to Florida during the recount debacle. These particular lawyers were charged with one responsibility. They were to fan out to every single voting district in Florida and do everything they possibly could to make sure that military absentee ballots were not counted in the election. Funny, isn't it, how the media doesn't seem to be too eager to remind us of this attempt at voter suppression. But let the Republicans support the idea of a voter proving his identity at the polls and all media hell breaks out.

    Well ... here we go again. New Jersey Democrat Congressman Rush Holt has fired off a letter to Donald Rumsfeld challenging a Pentagon program that allows service members to request and submit ballots in the upcoming election via fax or email. Holt, wanting to appear as if he's actually trying to protect our troops, says the system could expose them to identity theft.

    Yeah ... right.

    Democrats know that military personnel are more likely to vote Republican than Democrat. They also know that there is a wave of anger in the military over Kerry's remarks. Time to get out there and make sure those military votes don't count .... again.
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member


    Democrat Party disdain ... bordering on outright dislike ... of and toward our men and women in uniform is what pounded me back into reality earlier this week. John Kerry made his insipid remarks about soldiers in Iraq and Democrats, by and large, remained silent. Harold Ford stepped up, and perhaps one or two others, but by and large Democrats were content to let Kerry make yet another in his long string of remarks denigrating our military without condemnation.

    Kerry's remarks served to remind me also of the Democrat's penchant for trying to suppress military votes. Sadly, too few Americans remember that in 2000 Al Gore and the Democrats sent hoards of lawyers to Florida during the recount debacle. These particular lawyers were charged with one responsibility. They were to fan out to every single voting district in Florida and do everything they possibly could to make sure that military absentee ballots were not counted in the election. Funny, isn't it, how the media doesn't seem to be too eager to remind us of this attempt at voter suppression. But let the Republicans support the idea of a voter proving his identity at the polls and all media hell breaks out.

    Well ... here we go again. New Jersey Democrat Congressman Rush Holt has fired off a letter to Donald Rumsfeld challenging a Pentagon program that allows service members to request and submit ballots in the upcoming election via fax or email. Holt, wanting to appear as if he's actually trying to protect our troops, says the system could expose them to identity theft.

    Yeah ... right.

    Democrats know that military personnel are more likely to vote Republican than Democrat. They also know that there is a wave of anger in the military over Kerry's remarks. Time to get out there and make sure those military votes don't count .... again.
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Demoncrats cheating in Delaware Co.

    Election Day Report: Judge orders late hours in Delaware Co.

    So they are going to try the same tactic in Va. in order to help the pervert get elected.

    As well as Tennessee where Ford is behind

    The tactic is the same keep polling stations in Demoncratic districts open late for a last minute push to get more Demoncrats to vote. Then they push buttons accusing the Reps of cheating to gas the masses up. It is absurd all you have to do is stand back and consider who benefits and it’s not the Reps. They have abused this for the previous four or five elections really bad. They sabotage the vote machines. Then scream foul! this just mobilizes people by the masses. Let’s say the voting machines are delayed 1 or two hours. The Polls are supposed to close at 6 or 7 PM. But they keep them open till midnight and the news media gets on the horn to mobilize people to vote late.Even in cases where the polls are closed then at 8 or 10 it is still putting that district in a huge advantage. It is ALWAYS in a democratic district that this happens. In the end after cheating say hundreds of thousands of votes they spin it as the Reps were cheating and claim they lost votes when they actually gained hundreds of thousands.

    Also Demoncrats love to use exit polls to create suspicion. Fact is in surveys conducted Republican voters tend to refuse to participate in the VOLUNTARY exit polls by a 20 percent margin above Democnrats.
  14. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    "Why does BAD COP hate GOOD COP, mommy?"
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Several Demoncratic districts will say that they had to resort to paper ballots for some of the people. A tactic that they will simply use to double vote.


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