I have been very upset over the recent accusations that the US Government purposely triggered the massive earth quake that caused the tsunami in Thailand, etc. Contrary to popular belief, Nursey did not invent this warped idea. She is just another victim of this lie. I want everyone to consider something just for a moment - Did you know that in this year (2005), in the last 168 hours, there have been over 200 earthquakes in the world? More that 50 of these were magnitude 5 or better. Several were mag 6 or better. Take a look. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/recenteqsww/Quakes/quakes_all.html Earthquakes are extremely normal events that happen everyday on the earth. Just like lightning strikes, they are usually non-events, occuring in the oceans or in upopulated areas. The occasional ones that make news are those that have the right ingredients of population, water, earth movements ect. To believe that somehow such a massive natural phenomena can be controlled is just ridiculous. Did the US have an early warning? Probably YES. We have satellites, ships, sensors, bouys etc all over the world. Does that mean we are obligated to sound an alarm ever time an earthquake is detected? NO. If we did, we would have reported at least 20 this week, and would have caused a major panic, (which is sure to kill people) everytime we blew a sound of warning. The US knew that an earthquake had happened. It happens everyday somewhere. To be able to predict that a giant tsunami was on the way is most difficult if not impossible. It would have been speculation. Can you see the world's reaction if the US had caused a panic by warning of a tsunami, an then the tsunami never materialized? That is what would happen 99% of the time. Blame the US when we are wrong. That makes us accountable. But blaming the US for everything bad thing that happens in the world is simply not fair. Especially when those "things" are massive acts of nature. Barry
Just for the record, 11 of the 12 most recent earthquakes - (today) were centered in the US. (Los Angeles, California and Alaska) I guess we are hitting ourselves in the mouth to cover our guilt. Barry
I'm not suggesting we blame anyone for anything that can't be proven (unlike the Bush administration when it confidently declared who the perpetrators of 9-11 were and what action must be taken within 24hrs. Luckily they already had plans to invade Iraq and Afghanistan well before the first planes veered off-course.), i'm just saying that in the light of certain unprecedented situations in the world, and in the light of what is widely recognised as being technologically possible, it would be naive to outrightly dismiss the possibility of this being a manmade event. The world is at war, (though most of it is below surface level right now), and the (dual-loyalist, pro-zionist) neocons have decided that it is fine to go around making pre-emptive strikes on innocent nations. Or nations that just look at them funny. Like. This guys articles have bordered on far-fetched to me at times, although he does always make some very detailed analysis' that, whether you go with his final conclusion/agree with it all or not, make interesting reading. Did New York orchestrate the Asian tsunami? Flashback: Cyclone Zoe - Natural Event or Weather Warfare? 'Note 01 January 2005: Though Zoe struck Tikopia on 28 December, the cyclone was spun up on 26 December 2002, exactly two years to the day before the Sumatran Trench exploded'
I clicked the links, and read the article in it's entirety. To suggest that the US dropped a thermonuclear bomb to the bottom of the ocean and set it off to purposely trigger a tsunami, is utter BS. Just a few things to consider - 1. Does anyone really thing that a Nuclear bomb can be detonated anywhere on earth, and no one is going to know? 2. Does anyone really believe that the Bankers on Wallstreet have the power to dispatch and detonate a Nuclear device? 3. Does anyone really belive that the US Government has the power and technology to cause a massive Hurricane, as the article implies? Utter, complete, insane nonsense. It is evil to even suggest such crap. Barry
i haven't read the article yet.. i'll just answer your things to consider #1 - i'm sure there are plenty of places on, or in, the earth where a nuclear weapon could be detonated without being identified as such.. obviously there'd be seismological detection... but under the sea, or inside the earth, or somewhere very remote... telltale radiation wouldn't be so easily detectable... #2 - if you have enough money/influence you can do pretty much anything #3 - well i already know that rain and lightning can be man-made.. though i'm not a meteorologist and don't know what factors are needed to trigger a hurricane.. so i'll stay open minded so.. that so called, complete utter insane nonsense.. well.. it may or may not be true.. who knows.... but it is certainly within the realms of possibility.. and for you to say that it is evil to put it forward as a possibility would be laughable if it wasn't so sad..... evil is raping, torturing and killing little children... evil is executing retards.. evil is committing genocide.. evil is dropping nuclear bombs on cities or warfare with radioactive ordinance
OUCH 8) as for the most evil thing being a false accusation i personally would much rather be called gay then sodomized with a wrench only moments later to have my anus cauterized, then sodomized and so forth
http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewSpecialReports.asp?Page=\SpecialReports\archive\200410\SPE20041004a.html I am sure this won't change your mind, but it is an internet web page with an official and authoritive look, so therefore it has to be true. (Using Nurseiferian Logic) Barry
Look, I am not one to put anything past our (USA) current admin., but this one is not them, shit like this has happened since before America was run into the gorund, and will continue to happen long after America is no more. I have a loved ones family over there now, and I speak with them as much as possible, it's a horrible ,horrible thing, but it IS a natural disaster, I would stake my life on it. So let's move on from this , I am not defending my country blindly on this, I just would really appreciate it if we could move onto another subject all together. Please....
works for me. I started this post trying just to be logical about the earthquake. So for fun, how about help in the thread I just posted about designer drugs? (fOS furum) I need help! Barry
I wrote this when i was had problems getting online last week and needed to vent some pent up mental energy, i was also a bit....it was the weekend. It starts off with a...*ahem*... 4 hour long telling off to Schmed, before getting round to unravelling the vile, writhing contortions of ANTI-NURSE...('Barry'). Schmed, with all due respect, if you don't want to read about a certain subject, don't open the thread that deals with it. I can't stop posting about things which matter to me, or curb talents which have served me so well on a great many different things. If you are satisfied with your reasoning on this subject, and don't wish to persue it any further, that is entirely up to you and i won't attempt to make you see things any other way, or lose any respect due to your difference in opinion. But i make up my own mind about things, as i'm sure you appreciate. Life is too precious to just take someone else's word as to its true meaning. To ask me to censor my mind's workings is asking me to deny my personal experience of reality. It is by exactly the same process...thinking for myself based on the hard factual information i had already amassed by that point, which instantly alerted me to the duplicity of the official version of events regarding 9-11. I was the first person i'd known to doubt it when i first made my opinions clear, and since then there has been an overwhelming avalanche of information which has, in my opinion, clearly justified my original stance, coming from all across the board (not just the predictable sources of dissenting opinion), from high ranking officials from many different countries to respected members amongst the science community to whistle blowers amongst the U.S intelligence and military complex, even a former U.S attorney general - Ramsey Clark - is amongst those who is willing to put their reputation on the line for the sake of their convictions. And it is now, four years later, far easier for those who didn't have such a sense of conviction on the matter when it originally happened to now understand my original view in the light of all that has transpired since then (and i believe that includes you). And for my convictions to have gathered greater clarity and momentum. On this particular matter, i am not sure, but what i do know based on my knowledge and experience, is that it is definately not outwith the realms of possibility, either practically (scalar electromagnetics are an officially recognised form of weaponry) or morally. Aren't the genocidal acts against the people of Iraq...which we are cynically informed is for their benefit by those -let us remind ourselves- pro-Zionist war profiteering criminals.. not evidence enough of the utter immorality of those warmongers about whom we are speaking? Or are you of the opinion that innocent Iraqis are somehow less innocent than the tsunami victims, and that really, those responsible for the almighty bloodbath in Iraq are, at heart, caring, compassionate souls who don't really understand what they've done? I'm sure all those super-elite, mega-rich crime families like the Bush's and the Cheneys furl their brow and shed a little tear as they watch their bank balances swell to obscene proportions as they gorge themselves on the blood and destruction they are wreaking on an innocent nation. Also see my latest addition to the 'Population Control' thread for an idea of the 'moral' nature of the ruling elite. So because it is not outwith the realms of possibility, the honest response is that an open mind must be kept on the subject. I haven't said it was them, i've just said that there exists a very real possibility. That much i can state with confidence. If your view of reality states that the people we are referring to aren't capable of such actions, then that is the view based on your sum experience and knowledge. Just because you can't entertain anything beyond that point, and so choose to settle for a conclusion that you can't actually substantiate with fact (unless of course, you omitted to mention that you are in fact a core member of the Bush administration with first hand knowledge of their plans?) doesn't mean everyone else has to as well. That is the same attitude that you decry in others who choose to settle for what they want to think rather than face facts. The fact is, you don't know the answer, yet you tell us 'they didn't do it' (what kind of rational is that? ). And expect us to just settle for it. I'm sorry, but that just isn't good enough for me, i'm not satisfied that that concludes the subject. You are falling victim to the same type of attitude that afflicts all those who you condemn for ignorantly adhering to their comfortable, conditioned view of reality rather than founding their beliefs on facts. Lot's of them would stake their lives on their ignorant assumptions too. Everybody has different circumstances, and different limitations, which is why we all need each other, and why each individual has their own personal unique perspective to contribute to humanity, providing they honour their own integrity. No matter how much we manage to see through, we can't afford to ever get too complacent....always be vigilant for areas in yourself where you aren't being completely honest, because it's an ongoing process. Also, if i ever come to the realisation that my particular direction of thinking is wrong, i am not too proud to accept it. As long as i'm satisfied that it's truth that i am yielding to, then i will gladly accept it over 'me'. After all, we can all make mistakes, so what's the big deal? So what i offer is a sincere and dedicated effort to get to the crux of things, for my own sake and for the sake of humanity. I'm not perfect, but i am authentic, and to expect me to adapt my authentic position on things is expecting me to shape reality to your liking. I might be wrong about something, that's always a possibility, but at least give me the right to follow my own path to wherever it may lead, because after all, no one else in the whole history of humanity can give you the exact errors - or breakthroughs - on the route that is exclusive to me. I don't like a lot of what i see, but i'm not going to shirk from it no matter how unpleasant or troubling it appears. Surely you aren't saying free thought is only of value if it conforms to your personal view of reality? Or that it should only be practiced to the point where you don't want to consider anything else being a possibility? The point you've decided is your limit, is getting beyond the depth you are comfortable with, due to it's far reaching implications. That is your choice, but you can't expect everyone else to suppress their natural tendencies because they are outwith limitations relative to your personal being. I hope you don't think i'm putting you down,because i'm not. After all, how do i know all this? I learnt from my own personal experience. I know where you're coming from and appreciate that, so hopefully you'll consider this constructive criticism, not an attack. Quite a coinci(a?)dence... Barry appears to have confused the powerful authority figures in his life ( the Bush administration ) with God! If you want to bring religion into this political discussion, then personally, i think the blasphemous attitude displayed here is the one which considers any mortal being as on a par with God...any mortal as being beyond reproach. I know i said we are all God at heart, but don't confuse that with meaning that any one of us mere mortals is perfect...i.e 'on a par with God'. If any lines of enquiry i choose to follow are destined to meet with a negative conclusion, then what harm is there in my following them anyway? If you are so sure that i am wrong, then why does it cause such a problem to you to allow me to figure that out for myself? If you are so sure of the outcome of my investigations into something, then why are you not secure enough in that knowledge to just sit back, wait, watch and see as i come to the same conclusion myself, through my own clearly mapped out logic displayed where everyone can see? It's like mathematics. I think the answer to a mathematical theory differs from yours, so i present the whole equation as i see it, piece by piece in order to demonstrate how i managed to get there. If you want to show me the error of my ways, point out to me where i've missed a calculation, be my guest! But don't just outrightly refuse to accept the possibility that YOU MAY BE WRONG by not even trying to see it any other way, not even giving any alternative viewpoint the chance to have a fair say. That only shows that you are not secure enough in your beliefs to challenge them, you fear that they can't hold sway. There is only one truth at the end of the day, but myriad different paths that lead to it. So why, then, does quirying (everyone's entitled to question anything that they have trouble accepting at face value...'nobody is above God' and it is 'God' {or 'Absolute Truth'} we are all answerable to at the end of the day', so i'll make my own mind up) - pose such a threat to something that you claim is absolute? If indeed it is, then what does it have to fear from little ol' me? In fact, Barry's behaviour is the sort that i commonly encounter whenever an insecure individual who is fiercely clinging to a hollow 'truth' (that isn't Absolute, a 'truth' that takes its greatest strength from the fact their are millions who, just like him, are also clinging to the same popular fallacy), has that position challenged. Because they are only going along with outward trends, and have no solid, personally secured base of reasoning, they do not respond with sound, rational arguement, because that is not how they have reached their position in the first place. They attempt to shout you down, ridicule you, demonise you even for simpley seeing things a different way. Because that is all they have to counter you...below that surface of such seeming assurity in their beliefs. It was the insecurity of not knowing which was at the root of their decision to adopt an externally held view which affords them strength in numbers in the first place, and it is that state of vulnerable weakness and insecurity which they fear returning to should someone pop their bubble with cold, steely logic. And that is why they resort to desperate attempts to sabotage the discussion with all sorts of tricks (ridicule, insults, demonisation, outrage) rather than responding with calm, well reasoned intellect. At the root of their apparent certainty lies fear. They don't want to hear anything that might challenge their hollow, 'security blanket' beliefs. The nature of American denial Notice too how every time i prove Barry wrong on anything, he refuses to even acknowledge it... never mind eat humble pie, and smoothly moves on to attempt to discredit some other part of my arguement. Here's one example: Since then i have furnished the forum with more evidence that carries far more weight than the original information, here is an example: ...and yet there is no climb down whatsoever!? (I wonder what defence secretary William Cohen thinks of the "straight jacket and private padded accommodation" Barry in all his infinite wisdom has decided he is in urgent need...) I have proven him wrong, and yet he still proceeds, maintaining the same attitude that anything i have to say is complete laughable nonsense and does not even warrant a fair say, and that any suggestion he could be wrong is simpley preposterous, which is why he wont enter into any political discussions with an open mind, or give any alternative views a fair say. Well sorry Barry, but i think we can all by now see that as much as you'd like to keep up the appearance of having a sound, watertight basis for all your views, that doesn't now tie in with our first hand experience where you are concerned. I would have thought that this: ...coupled with what i had already posted in the 'scalar / electromagnetics' thread, including: ...wouldn't have been too great a task of deduction to ask of even the lumbering, encumbered mass of clunking huge cogs and wheels that your mind at times appears. And anyway, who's to say that even if it was true, that anyone would necessarily say anything? Just because we 'dumb herds' haven't been told doesn't mean that it can't be happening. I think that the Americans were possibley responsible for the huge train crash that came close to taking out Kim Jong, the leader of North Korea last year, and that if that's true, that N. Korea, China, Russia (and everyone else at top levels of power) would know it. So, the 'masses' think that the rulers would automatically come out and say 'that's it! We are at war everybody!'. And then all nukes would start flying. 'Duh'. There are many other ways to conduct war, and you can be sure that what we see happening is far from anywhere near the full picture. In fact, we're living in 'The Land of Make Believe' if we dutifully swallow the informationally redundant, processed gak that is being continuously fed to us to keep us 'fat and complacent'. I will take reality in whatever shape it comes in, even if it challenges fundamental ways of thinking or beliefs, ways which are sometimes fiercely clung to by large swathes of the population. To have the self conviction to break free from the flock in that manner takes more courage than when just dealing with more personal conditioning, which is tricky enough, but when a fallacy is backed up by the adherence to it by millions of other people, that is quite a firm, personal standing you are having to make to break free. (Especially when you are personally attacked for having views which differ to the stampeding majority). But it's worth it, every step of the way. At the end of the day, whether i am right or wrong, at least i can use that American catchphrase..'so, sue me'...at least i was just being me.
wow.. that was time offline well spent.. well written and well said my little ray of loveshine *bows*
by the gods!.. did the aural retardation inducing mishap you endured in "operation desert scam" have any other side effects??... ESP perhaps??... that happens to be the pseudonym i adopt for one of my many roles in the boudoir....
I'm getting confused...are you now suggesting that THEY DO have the power and technology to cause a massive hurricane!?!! Utter, complete, insane NONSENSE, Barry! It is EVIL to even SUGGEST such crap. Nursey