Recently Smurf has promised an EOTW (end of the world) event related to an earthquake. He even posted a list of recent tremors as evidence. Let me put Earthquakes in perspective for you all. Quote - "The NEIC estimates that several million earthquakes occur in the world each year." Divide "several million" by 365 days a year, and you will see that the earth enjoys at least 8000 quakes a day. 8000 per day. 8000 For the last few million years. Every day, 8000. It is not a new trend. They are not bigger now. They are not more frequent now. Take your Carbolith, and get some rest Smurf. Barry
And should you decide that we are all going to die in a massive lightning attack - Fact - There are probably 1500 to 2000 thunderstorms active around the world at any one time. It has been estimated that lightning flashes approximately 100-125 times per minute on a global basis. Lightning therefore flashes approximately three billions times each year across the whole planet. That would be 3,000,000,000 times a year. Almost as many times as Smurf masturbates. Ouch. Barry
Growing up in San Francisco and living there in my adult life, I can honestly say that earthquakes are a part of life. I find it incredibly self-absorbed and arrogant to say that we shall blow up the world -"we" being mankind. That is only for God to decide and all the fatalists who have no faith will only serve the very purpose they were brainwashed into carrying out: killing others. Lightning strikes. Levees break. People hate, people die, civilizations come and they go. There is only one constant (Barry knows what that is). But then again, that's just my thoughts.
You don't watch Chapel's Show do you, either that or you take that whole being a woman thing way to seriously. It's a forum, I don't know you on a personal level, how would I know if your a bitch or not. Besides, why do you care what I think, for all you know I'm an over-weight retired gravekeeper. Relax kid.
I'm gonna go with no on that. I serve coffee to people all day. I make the economy go round. Nothing like putting people in the ground. I have gotten kind of fat lately though, I'm about 202.
yeah, I really like the drinks. That, and the fact that I've spent all day doing nothing but playing playstation and posting on fugly. Bad for the body, good for the soul.
Well Samantha, that's why I'm sure it sucks to be you. Because you think. And I'm sure your thoughts are even more self-absorbed than mine. OoOoOo, you know the "one constant." You're so enlightened, please, teach me Samantha. When it all comes crashing down, you're damn straight I'm going to eliminate others, but not because I've been programmed to, but because I really truly realize why it must be so. We're all impure, so we all get to die. You're no exception.
wtf?.. smurf you're sounding more like one of those crazy survivalist gun-nuts every time you post...
No, we're not all impure. There are still those native americans or those white people out there that don't expose themselves to the toxins and shit like the rest of us. They truly know what we were meant for, but too bad none of them post on Fugly. No, I was meant to eliminate at least 10 times my weight in rubbish, and that's what I hope to accomplish, after drinking and smoking some weed in my "End of the Erf" bash.
Most people would agree with the humanistic statement "The only CONSTANT is change." Sam and I are not humanists, therefore the CONSTANT she refers to does not change - (HEBREWS 13:8 ) Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Or, put in perspective for a world in turmoil - ROMANS 8:35-39 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? [shall] tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?.......For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Despite all my rants about organized religion, the love of God has been the only solid and unshakeable thing I have ever known. Barry
Interesting, I choose not to confuse one's path to individual enlightenment with religion. If you follow christ that's your choice, no one should ever try to take that away from you. As far as organized religion, since when have gods or "God" needed human beuracracy to accomplish something. Organized religion is a farce. Religion isn't the problem, some religious people are.
So, really, you could say that you are one of GOD'S appointed ANGELS of DEATH who will judge and smite thee when the 'great tribulation' comes. Wow. I bet that gives you a hard on. But to my knowledge, that would put you in opposition to the 'Supreme Intelligence' of the universe, which doesn't require any 22 year old American dudes to do it's job. If you're willing to kill any innocent person unnecessarily, then don't fool yourself as to whose side you're on, with all your talk of Mayan wisdom and the end of the day, you will just be scum.
I suppose you did seem to be getting off on that (being EVILLLL) quite openly, mind you ,but later went on to deny you were being serious after i made this comment: Here's another quote from something i posted recently: So off you go to raise your goblet to the many skulls you shall deliver your mighty 'Gods'. Nob.