I know what you mean, Scrawnie. I'm stressed out as hell - I'm at work right now - and I'm ready to take a shotgun. I need a vacation. And a pint.
I work some pretty fucked up hours. My job's commission based, so sometimes I'm in the office til midnight. End up passing out in my chair. It's a shitty existence at times, but the bells and whistles that come with it are pretty good, so I sweat it out. I'm a bit of a luddite, Scrawnie, so when you say MSN, I'm not really sure what you mean, beyond Microsoft Network. Please don't laugh, just enlighten. As for my current place of residence, ah, I like keeping it a secret. Shalom!
it is microsoft network... msn messenger... you can get it with a hotmail address... it's an instant message client
Thanks, Pimp. Well, I got a hotmail account, so I guess I'll get MSN Messenger and see what it's all about. For all the abuse you want to hurl at me, write to garageflower45@hotmail.com
well skully.... you got msn messenger i see.... now could you tell me what fucking point there is downloading and installing a chat client if you are gonna ignore every fucker that chats with you.... tonight we have had.... me, scrawine, tori, disorder, psychobob, pinkybrown, nursey & IMC all online and all have been in conference with you invited in.... and you haven't said shit.... ignorant fucker
Sorry, Pimp. I havn't been at the home terminal for a while. Been in the office doing late shifts. Come home then crash. Nothing personal. I'll participate when I can. Til then, I'll have to keep popping in at the forums. Don't worry, though, I'll be in there soon enough.
Well,actually,one of them is meaningless as i was going around indiscriminately handing them out to anyone/everyone and you were amongst those who got one of my meaningless stars along with ppl like .....snooguns,hera,drag-act,rickastleysno1fan...you name them.i just wanted to ruin the fun. [ March 23, 2001: Message edited by: Nursey ]