No. In most cases prison is easier than their life on the outside. Just look at the majority of people in prison today. They come from low income families with no real 'chance' to improve themselves. Not that they arent given every opportunity to better themselves, they just choose not to. Granted, not having money and stealing food are one thing. Selling drugs so you can put rims on your 83 Caprice is a whole different ballgame. People today have a strange sense of self rightousness(yea, I cant spell) where they think they deserve things and quickly without doing anything to actually really deserve it. It ticks me off. It's like the extreme home makeover show. Sometimes I see it as a genuine good deed. Sometimes I think they find the laziest person out there and give them a nice house. I wish they did a 'one year later' show to see how the house is.
Okay, what about you personally? Does it stop you from doing bad things? Hell, Charles Manson loves prison.
Depends on the prison and the person. For a white male prison is a bitch. You have to be around sociopaths, psychopaths, and people with really small I.Q. also you are forced to listen to crap music and watch basketball. Of course though there are real prisons that are not setup by the state system to pamper indigents like grown men in romper room. For me prison is a hindrance for sure. For most repeat offenders well for them its three hots and a cot and no responsibility. With their low stress levels and new clean living standards and paid medical. They will out live us all.
I think for people with nothing to lose, prison doesn't scare them, but for the rest of us, it is a deterrent.
My ass fears prison, me myself, no. I'd be the real quiet guy that does something completly absurd the first day and everyone thinks is wacky so they dont mess with him.
I dont think the thought of prison keeps me from doing anything. Then again I dont have a real criminal mind. When a friend of mine was attacked by a guy with a stick (that had nails coming out of one end) I had no issue shooting at him (the guy with the stick). The cops only had an issue with my friends gun (stolen).
I am probably the only one here that has actually been in prison. Fortunately, I could leave everyday at 5:00PM. If prison doesn't scare you, then there is something seriously wrong with you. A supermax prison is as close as you will ever get to hell on earth. Just remember this - it's not really the other inmates that are so dangerous. The guards are behind the same bars as the inmates, and they have the weapons and power. Few of them are really very bright or compassionate people. I left after watching an inmate "accidently" fall down a flight of stairs while shackled and cuffed.
Those guards end up bitter I would have to guess from all of the shit they have to put up with. I'm sure they look at everyone as a potential threat. And I'm sure that there are a few cop flunk-outs with power trips doing it too.
I have a family member that is a guard in a federal pen in Atlanta. He's pretty normal, really fun guy. Of course he has some funny stories. He said the main thing is to let them know that you can drop the hammer at anytime. I think Gotti, or Gotti Jr., was there for a while.
I wouldn't fair well in prison. I would want to be in solitary. Actually, I think I would rather end up doing one of those movie shoot-outs, where the cops shoot me like 642 times and I keep walking to get shot another 86 times.