my girl has a gator living in the pond behind her house in Sorrysota, FL. she has two small dogs and the beast crawls out of the water when she takes them out. she sent me some pictures. i told her to put a bunch of the phenobarbital she has in some hot dogs to feed to it so she can make some shoes with a matching bag. animal control was notified 2 weeks ago and still hasnt come to catch it yet.
I have a gator in the lake behind my house as well,and if animal control hasnt done anything about it its because it was most likely placed there by the county to control the duck population,hard to believe i know....
oh right on. there are literally hundreds of ducks at that pond and they have actually broken the screen to get into her pool more than once. now i understand everything.
dont worry gators dont really like human meat,he'll just probably chew you up a bit then let go(their weak spot is the eye)
when the fuck did I say it was? besides shes your friend I figure you visit every once in a while,ratard
not when she has GIANT fucking alligators in her goddamned yard! RETARD! jesus, i hate you and Dweebo more and more everyday. please let IVAN wash him and his dirty mexican family into Cuba. thank you.
gators are more afraid of people than we are of them unless somones been feeding it,poising the fucker and calm the fuck down,grease monkey
that would explain the time when two people went swimming in a pond one night after a few beers and got attacked. they knew the gator was there- they saw it. their explaination was the same as yours above. now, perhaps they are more afraid of my big, fat, pale ass, but they have bigger teeth than i do and i'd rather swim in my pool. call me a moron. *shrug*
well those people deserved to get attacked I dont care how friiendly a gator seems if hes in a lake where i wanna swim i wouldnt go near it....... :roll: