if one were going to wash a cat, would one use Dove for Sensitive Skin, or Ivory soap? i'm in a quandary, all sugggestions are welcome.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ratilla the hun: if one were going to wash a cat, would one use Dove for Sensitive Skin, or Ivory soap? i'm in a quandary, all sugggestions are welcome.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why not Herbal essences body wash? give the cat a thrill,if its an indoor cat,itll probly be lonely
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by unlimited time: Just stick it in the washing machine on a cold wash.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yep, I recommend Woolite (and don't forget to pre-treat stubborn looking stains!) Lay flat to dry, and use a warm iron as needed. If that doesn't work, just shave that pussy.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by unlimited time: Just stick it in the washing machine on a cold wash.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Dont forget toput some comfort in or it'llcome out all spikey and there a cunt to comb.
Ivory soap. That's what I use on me crotch... and I'm sure it would be the safest on the cat. Oh, and wear some protective gear if it's lucky enough to have it's claws. Cats are fucking pains in the ass to bathe. You might just take it to the vet and let them do the dirty work.
kinda related... what ( around the house ) stuff can you give a cat to kill it... that will be a painless death? Other then Anti freeze
Please... Let's try to keep this "on-topic" here... Rat has a dirty pussy and is looking for suggestions to cleanse it.
Gladly, babe... Think I could floss my teeth while I'm down there, or has the patch not grown back yet?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Icenhour: kinda related... what ( around the house ) stuff can you give a cat to kill it... that will be a painless death? Other then Anti freeze<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Anti-freeze is a very painful way for a cat to die. If you are putting a cat down, a bullet ti the senter of its head its fast and absolutly painless. Regular Asprin is posionus to cats, its like putting them to sleep
Why would I want to kill a cat.????It is my husbands.. this cat is old, mean, fat (about 23lbs), and crazy. 2 Vets have refussed to see him, I cant get him in a box to take to the vet now days. I gave him 2 vicodin ... did nothing but make him sleep.... I gave 90mg or remeron... nothing. I hate this fucking cat. I just want to wake up one day and say "awww poor fat ass died of old age last night" I am a true animal lover, I love my dogs, I love my horses, I love my fish, I love my other cat, I love my snake. ( Damm I got to many fucking pets) But this assholecat is the cause many scars on my arms, hands, and legs. HE IS JUST AN ASSHOLE. But my fucking husbands loves this stupid giant turd layer. Please dont think I kill cats for fun ( if I did I would know how to and not have to ask for advice) Anyone near Atlanta want a free cat???
Quite a problem...but Jesus, what would you do if your husband pulled the same on one of your pets? Maybe an accidental run-over? Put a dead mouse under your tire, wait for him to take the bait and then peel out? Wait for the pussy cat to have a heart attack? Get the bastard declawed? Fuck it, sorry, you're on your own.
I would get him declawed but I cat get him in a box to take to the vet, and 2 years ago 2 vets declined seeing him. I think I have it figured out. I have a vet that caome to my house for my horses, I called and asked him aand he sid he would put him down. I feel real about it ( I actually do have a hart when it comes to pets) but this cat is crazy, he was just a fat happy cat but 3 years ago he turned into an asshole. Not to mention with him I cant have any plants in the house. 2 years ago I bought a big palm for the end of a hall. It was beautiful.. like 8 foot tall and was like 285$ (on sale)plus I spent 175$ on a fancy huge pot to repant it in. Well fat ass kept pissing in it and it died in like 5 months. The vet comes out in like 3 weeks, HE WILL BE GONE!!! And as for my husband doing anything to my pets... HE knows better, and plus my pets are nice, one of my dogs goes to old folks homes and children's cancer wards. My horses I rescued from being killed. I get them when they are young clean them up, and train them , and find good homes for them.....God I am a fucking saint. off topic .....but did you know tons of horses are killed for a drug called Premarin. They use pregnant horse piss to make this drug.... when the foal is born they kill it and renock- up the mother horse. While the mother horse just lives in a tiny pin, with a catheter. btw... Premarin is mostly used to treat old hags going thrugh menopause and causes ovarian cancer. blaa blaa blaa like you care anyway, well atleast you learned something today