nope, I havent voted And trust me, I wouldn't vote that you were funny, you sad stale pathetic fuckstick
Yeah but you are the one who always make posts about me so starting to wonder whats thats about. Little Homo love on you're part?
That would be a ZING if it was anyone but Grim. He just doesn't get it. Oh, and I voted that Grim is Hilarious. Not that I laugh because he is funny, I just laugh at him. He is hilarious in a Harlan kind of way. Barry
Nope not anytime soon, Your stuck with me unless you want to grab the pitch forks and beg fugly to ban me. So I can add this to my list of piss poor sites and people who think they are better then they really are.
Well we know your not because you have some sick obsession with me. I mean I really do not get hung up on all that shit I'm here to have fun get away from my everyday life and be stupid that's it. Stress fucking relief. This site of all places I thought would be great for that. But I tell ya the PC fucks I try to escape in real life do not hold a candle to you fucks. At least they can take there heads out of there ass for 10 secs to realize when someone is fucking around with a joke and not go off the fucking deep end. But Alas I'm giving you all allot of credit for this is the internet and going off the deep end and taking what people say on a message board to heart is what most of you do because its all you have in your little life's to cling to and think you have some resemblances of control. So take your head out of the sand for 10 sec, Figure out that half the shit I post is just for fun on my part I do not care if you like it our not. You guys think your fucking with me, But I have been doing this board game probably longer if not as long as some of you and I'm giving you exactly what you want to hear. If its telling Goof off Green Bay boy I'm going to kill him or Making fun of your sexual orientation. It does not matter to fucks too me, Hell half the time there are 4 to 6 people in here telling me what to type and laughing at most of you so who is the joke on really?
Also I want to add I was pretty much done with this site a month or so back. Til Fugly and you guys decided you wanted to egg me on. So I'm here to stay, So if you want to blame anyone blame your goddamn selfs.
don't make me have to goto Arkasas with a sawbuck and pic of you in stupib blue shirt mOTHERFUCKER!! Im DEAD SERIOUS!!!!!!! AND YOUR WIFE TOO UGLY BITCH!!! wait you aint married... and your not a telivision producer eaither, you're some flunky at a racetrack... well I guess that satalite feed of the races is technically TV. Gee wait I take this too serious though... oh nevermine, carry on...
See you do not know a damn thing, Your right I'm not a TV Producer never said I was I'm a director. Also yes I'm married do not care if you belive it or not for the simple fucking reason I don't give a damn what you belive or not. See you don't feed me fuck me or finance me so what you think really amounts to the bucket of shit you call a life. Also come on down to Arkansas, Be my guest. The races start Jan 28th. Opening day. I will be in my chair running the switcher doing my show as I always do. So there ya go, Don't you have some queers to go beat on and some college girls to impress with some of your bullshit glory days story when you where somebody special?