on collegeclub.com, i joined a bunch of christian clubs, just so that i can fuck with the ppl, everytime they send emails about god, bible, whatever, i turn things around and argue with em that there is no god and god has nothing to do with it, so far, i get the last word. all they can say is "...b/c its in the bible and god says..." and then this email was sent to the club, about depression... =================================== soldierboo2g1@collegeclub.com wrote: The word "depressed" means pressed down. Often the pressures of this world press us down, engulf us, and cause us to fall into hopelessness and despair. The images that bombard us tell us that what is right, good, and worthwhile are diametrically opposed to the life that we live. We desire to be loved, cared for, and cherished. However, many times we find ourselves alone and struggling to earn a living to support ourselves and our children. When we feel depresed, there is something we can do to avert hopelessness. We can pray and hold the Word of GOD deep in our souls and spirits. We can let GOD, through HIS word and Holy Spirit, minister to us. We can recall the psalmist's words in Psalm 34:17-18 and hold on to our hope in GOD and Christ Jesus. (See also Psalm31:24; Romans 4:18-22; Hebrews 6:18-19) We can remember 2 Corinthians 1:20-22, where we are told the promises of GOD are "Yea" in Christ and "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of GOD. We must, by the Holy Spirit, call to rememberancethe promises of GOD. (See Matthew 6:25-34; 11:28-30; Luke 12:22-31) So let us begin to rest in Jesus and GOD, and let the Holy Spirit comfort us. Meditate on Nehemiah 8:10; Psalm 62:1-2; Matthew 11:28-30; John 14:16-18; 16:12-15; and Phillippians 4:5-8. Remember Psalm 68:5-6 where we are told the Lord is father to the fatherless and sets the lonley in families. In all things praise and worship the Lord. Put on the full armor of GOD and think of those things that demonstrate the love of Christ. Remember Psalm 100 and Ephesians 6:10-18. We must be about doing the will of our Father, which is to glorify GOD through services to HIM and our fellow beings, and then our joy will be restored. Read Luke 12:22-31. Peace and Blessings Shenequa(Soldierboo2g1) "In order to understand life...One must first understand self." (Anonymous) http://atlanta.icoc.org (My Church) http://www.needhim.org http://www.jam4jesus.org JOIN THIS CLUB! On fire for Jesus@collegeclub.com Believers that are dedicated to boldly serve God and Love Him. http://www.collegeclub.com/clubs/frames_clubs.asp?clubID=211888 Wisdom is the principle thing. In all they getting, get understanding.(Proverbs 4:7) Blessed is the man that fears the Lord! Check Out MY SWEEEET Homepage! http://www.geocities.com/honilovee/feargod.html ===================== My response: From: kitana007 <kitana007669@collegeclub.com> Subject: Re: DEPRESSION: HOW CAN I MAKE IT ONE MORE DAY? you also know that depression is also organic - involving chemicals within the brain. sometimes faith in religion has nothing to do with it. kit ========== another person's response to my response: Anointed1 <honilovee@collegeclub.com> wrote: MY 2 CENTS. YOUR SPIRIT IS EMPTY AND YOU NEED TO FILL IT WITH THE WORD AND THINK OF ALL THE GOOD THINGS HE HAS DONE AND PRAISE HIM!!!!!!! ==================== my response to that: kitana007 <kitana007669@collegeclub.com> wrote: what spirit? do u have evidence that we have spirits? what good things? it seems that the bad outweighs the good. i have no one to praise...but myself for my stubborness to keep going. kit ============== and then... Miss Dana <missladee60115@collegeclub.com> wrote: If you have no one to praise, why are you in a Christian club? If there is no one to praise, why would you be in a club where there are testimonies daily about God's goodness? You must be yearning to know more about God if you are here, Kit. My advice....stick around and you will definitely have a testimony! If you don't believe now, stick around and watch how God works and uses people...you too will have a praise in your mouth. My mother always told me to be careful of my surroundings because it can rub off and become a reflection of me. If you are chosing to surround yourself w/ the Saints of God, what do you think is going to happen to you? This is definitely the right place for you and I am glad that God has put you in our midst! Have a blessed day! To all my new members,Jey and I am so glad that God has sent you this way. Please feel free to testify about God's goodness and his mercy. Just remember, if God can use ANYTHING, he can definitely use you! ================== and me again: kitana007 <kitana007669@collegeclub.com> wrote: i like to see your messages. i am not yearning to know more...just like to see how you all have a set mind/faith on something its interesting this happens to u guys, not to me. so i wont be praising anyone or anything else. i am here for another reason. see if u can figure it out. kit ================= and missladee60115 again: I know why you are here and I am so glad that God has sent you in my direction. Through you, my faith is being increased. Through you, God is using me in ways that I thought I couldn't be used. I could have kicked you out of my club a long time ago, but I didn't b/c this is were you need to be. I know this, you know this. If you say around long enough, your whole way of thinking and believing will change. Thank you so much for being my daily inspiration. I am so glad that you find our conversation interesting. God is using you! When you admit to that, you will see life in a whole new light. Thank you, Kit! And have a blessed day! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- i am kitana007669 i dont know what she thinks i am, but i am just having my fun... i am thinking of a reply... btw: i didnt start this, jesus freaks just started IMing and emailing me a while back, we would argue, i had last word always and they gave up on me...except 2, they dont quit, i get their emails occasionally. after that, for the fun of it, i joined the clubs yeah, i know, - stupid, bad kit
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cheezedawg the Insane: I love you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> awww, thanx cheeze, i wuv u too