Dennis Leary out of line?

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Nauseous, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Anyone think his comment about autism was horrible?

    I kinda got the jist of what he was getting at and I think a lot of people missed it. Everyone is so damn sensitive these days.

    "Leary writes: "There is a huge boom in autism right now because inattentive mothers and competitive dads want an explanation for why their dumb-ass kids can't compete academically, so they throw money into the happy laps of shrinks . . . to get back diagnoses that help explain away the deficiencies of their junior morons. I don't give a [bleep] what these crackerjack whack jobs tell you -- yer kid is NOT autistic. He's just stupid. Or lazy. Or both."

    I don't think he was taking a jab at autism but rather jabbing at parents who have children that aren't autistic.
  2. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Nobody likes to face up to the fact that their kid isn't the best, or the cutest, etc. I think he was dead-on, in the sense that people want something to point their finger at and pass the blame on for either their own deficiencies in bringing up their children, or the simple fact that maybe their kid is just plain stupid.
  3. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    I was telling my husband that one of our clients that uses us all the time has 3 severely autistic kids and she had called me saying she was on her way ( she was running late to pick up her cats) I guess it is hard to round up 3...

    he said
    "I don't give a fuck how good her kids can paint & draw ... I am charging her a late fee"

    I laughed so hard... then explained what autistic means..
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Oh, shit. I thought he did know what it meant and it's still kinda funny. Aren't they usually really talented in another field? Savants? Like the children who can play the piano at like 3 years old?
  5. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    I dont know much about it... he thought it was artistic. Kinda like when he was talking to this old guy and I caught the tail end of the chat I just hear my hubby say "well if you were a vet- you should know how to do an ear hematoma" I ask what was that about. he said "that old bastard wanted me to fix an ear for free .... and he even told me was a retired vet" I had to explain he was a Veteran and not a Veterinarian - ahhh the joys of teaching foreigners

    This lady's kids that she claims are autistic ... look and act plan old retarded.... in their own little world- running and screaming and do not listen to people at all, never make eye contact, and do not talk (they are 4-5-8 years old) we had treat one cat for a human bite wound - sad. I understood why she was running late.... and I am pretty sure some people say AUTISTIC instead of RETARDED - because it sounds better and seems to be trendy now. Even Jenny McCarthy has one.

    Shit I need to shut up... now my baby is going to grow up and be tarded.
  6. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Insensitve and ignorant. Mostly ignorant.

    When people take verbal shots at mental health issues, especially when they dismiss them as "lazy, crazy, stupid, etc", they are simply letting their ignorance leak out.
  7. slappy5435

    slappy5435 New Member

    I do not think he was taking a shot at anyone with mental problems. In fact I believe he was saying that too many parents are looking for an excuse for their children not being perfect. They want to hear that the child needs medication or that the child id physically and/or mentally disabled and there is nothing you can do. When in fact most kids just need more attention from their parents in the way of guidance and education which takes more time and effort by the parents when the parents just want to pass the respondsibilityoff to a magic pill or a special school rather than work with the kids themselves. Some kids just learn new things a lot slower than others. This does not make them dumb or even slow. Some kids learn better by visual technics rather than reading a text book and vise versa. Today people see a problem and want a quick fix...pop a pill... see a shrink.... go to a special school.... ok fine some children really need those things but most of all even with taking some meds the kids need help from their families in addition to the pills or any other aids to help them develop or learn. Sometimes the best thing for our kids is our time even though we have so many other things to do. We all need to take a look at ourselves and remember that we brought a life into this world and we are responsible for the well being, development of their minds and that this is an ongoing Job that never ends until death. I find that its not the kids who are stupid but the parents who are too lazy to do the right thing ro raise their children. Just feeding,clothing and putting a roof over a kids head are only the basics and I think that those are the easy things. If you want a "smart" kid than be a smart parent and help the kid yourself don't expect everyone else to do it for you. wheww where's the tylonol?
  8. slappy5435

    slappy5435 New Member

    OH and Hi everyone. Just really wanted to intro myself but got carried away. I forgot I am considered a noob here. I have been respectfully posting thousands of times in other forums and got used to being a regular and in some cases an old timer in other forums. But now me just a noob.not a sheep just a noob. I look foprward to having me response shredded as this is my first post in here and I pretty much shot my mouth off...sorry fellow FUGS. Well I am off to finish blowing up my recent shipment of female "friends" damn I should relly get an air compressor. Oh one last thing...I am the WORST speller especially when I am writing a longer post.
    Peace Yall
  9. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I think Autism is misdiagnosed on a regular basis. i have seen kids with autism that couldnt stand loud noise, I have never, ever, seen an autistic child run around screaming. I will admit that I am not in close contact with them all the time, but I was under the impression that they liked calm and quiet. If it was noisy they would cover their ears and maybe rock.
  10. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    These kids (the ones I mentioned prev) did not understand English... like I said I don't know if they are Autistic or what... but def not right. My husband said "god I hope she had her tubes tide"
  11. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Holy. Fucking. Shit.

    A poster with a whopping two posts under his or her belt, and... (get this!)

    It's actually something contributing to the forum!!!

    To top it off, this person even dignified their participation in the thread with a follow-up post!

    This is just fucking unheard of!!!

    My hat is off to you, "Slappy" - you've succeeded where others have failed. You've brought forth an actual post during your first several that required what most don't: Thought.

    I hope you stick around.
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I understand what Dennis is saying and his style of saying it.

    There likely are misdiagnosis all the time regarding mental retardation although in my experience of simply observing them its seems the symptoms are classis.

    The way they react to stimulating situations. Like a crowd a lot of talking and activity etc.

    How they can get into their own zone and be fascinated with it. Like when they will focus on something and rock back and forth.

    How they can get frustrated.

    But then like I have said before I think we are all to an extent bi-polar, or schizoid as well as retarded at something’s and possibly brilliant at others it is just that it may be at such a low level its indiscernible. Of course there are exceptions to the natural rule like the kids who received bad shots in the Nevada school system.

    In summery mental illness and retardation is real but that’s no excuse for some shitty parent to look for it as a crutch and excuse for poor parenting skills of effort.
  13. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I think their painting skills were already mentioned... ;)

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