Democrats are brain dead and just stupid

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Charlie2, Feb 2, 2004.

  1. Charlie2

    Charlie2 New Member

    You lefties eat dog shit. You people actually believe that Bubba Clinton was a good president when in fact, all he was was a low class felon. You also think Kerry is a war hero and ignpre the fact that he was a traitor and Jane Fonda follower. You lefties suck shit through a straw.
  2. sparky69

    sparky69 New Member

    you my friend are full of shit
  3. sparky69

    sparky69 New Member

    republicans think that a man who lies to us, sends our people into a counrty that we have no place being, give rich people tax cuts while doing nothing for the low and middle classes, spends our money on other counrties when we have enough problems here and enforces our government on the rest of the world. the first couple kind of remind me of communism in the litteral form. hmm............ stalin?
  4. sparky69

    sparky69 New Member

    oh yes i forgot kills innocent people how silly of me
  5. Matthew

    Matthew New Member

    all presidents.... nay all people in place of power do that.. not just republicans...
  6. sparky69

    sparky69 New Member

    not to that extent.
  7. Spooky Action

    Spooky Action New Member

    Wow! Wonders never cease. Things really have changed while I've been away... Sparky's actually learned lots of big words and how to put them together! And what's more it looks like he's got himself an opinion as well!! :? :shock:

    *Shakes head with amazement*
  8. Charlie2

    Charlie2 New Member

    Lefties are living in the dark ages when it comes to knowing how to run a country. Their idea of helping the people is to take money from people who worked hard for it and give it to the lazy fucks on welfare and dozens of other handouts. The more a person depends on government tax money, the more they will vote for democrats. If they don't vote for democrats, the money pipeline will dry up. Republicans believe that everyone needs to earn their own money and that they should be allowed to spend it for what they want. Only a welfare bum or ignorant fuckwad would vote for a democrat.
  9. Robman97

    Robman97 Member


    What, I am by no means rich and I got the extra returns both times they did it. Last I checked I was middle class. So recheck your info.
  10. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    one of there greastest presidents in US history was a democrate: FDR also known as Franklin Deleno Roosevelt. why the hell do you think he served 4 terms.
    Dubya just came and fucked things up, we had a surplus, which is funny in itself cause we have a deficit, so it kinda defeats it self. he came cut funding for schools and eviromental protection agency and tons of other programs. remember the once talked about but now forgotten "no kid left behind" program? then him giving tax breaks that favor the upper class instead of the overwhelming middle class. plus you forget bush enter office with a criminal record for the white stuff. and he was AWOL while in the reserves, i hope the time skiing was well worth it for him.

    Main Entry: absent without leave
    Function: adjective
    : absent without authority from one's place of duty in the armed forces

  11. Evilhamster

    Evilhamster New Member


    Hey, all...I'm new to fugly forums, and I can see that very interesting things are being said start off I'm canadian (insert joke here), well...lolz I guess that's all I'll say about for the Original post, I believe, was stating that leftwingers were fucked in da head...which I believe is true,but regardless of My opinions, I just wanted to say that the original post was against leftwingers, not against clinton...and at no point was Bush mentioned (Please don't assume that I'm pro bush, because I'm deffinitely far as I'm concerned he's the closest thing to hitler since, well...Hitler) But anywhoo War is a natural phenomenon, and if a nation, as a superpower, has established its role throughout history as being superior in firepower, wealth, military, blah blah blah, then it's only normal to assume that it must keep it's power by using these same means. The downfall of the United States of America will come eventually, prolly not in my life time, but it'll come, same as the messopotamians, the egyptians, the myans, the incas the romans, the turks, etc. They all fall eventually...Someone else will be there to take it's place and life goes on, as it always has.
  12. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Re: Muhaha

    You have never said that in a pure-bred, Good'ol USA, Redneck bar, have you? I know this, because you are still alive to say it.
    Honestly, I agree with you, in some of what you said. I don't like the part about being the Superpower using what weapons(be them physical or psychologial) to enforce their will on the rest of the world. I simply can't argue with it, because it's true. As far as the USA falling, yes, it will happen. I even made a t-shirt based on this concept...and very very few people are willing to admit to this concept. In fact, when I point out this arrogance(meaning that I tell them that Rome, as an empire, lasted for several THOUSAND years....against the pidley 200+ of the US.)...most of them are ready for a fight.
  13. sparky69

    sparky69 New Member


    yeah ok uhh..... i dont even know u u were not here when i was here the first time so lets not be cool and pick on sparky like every one else does fuck off u stupid fucker i can kind of see a reason for their doing it bc i was stupid when i was here the first time since that time i have become not stupid so u are just playing off everyone else's joke trying to be cool. surroy bud not going to happen you are not by any account "cool"
  14. Evilhamster

    Evilhamster New Member

    "I am so smrt...I am so smrt...S.M.R.T....I am so smart"
    -Homer simpson
  15. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    all Spunktard did was regurgitate something he read from another forum.
  16. Spooky Action

    Spooky Action New Member

    *Shakes head with amazement*[/quote]

    Aww I'm hurt you don't remember Ol' Pinky...

    But still, I'm pleased that you 'have become not stupid' as you say... :lol:

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