Dem Sen. Obama To NAACP: 'Don't Be Bamboozled' By Bush...

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Jul 20, 2006.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Clinton, Obama urge NAACP to press Bush on Voting Rights Act

    Bush Acknowledges Racism Still Exists

    Bush is an idiot for letting the Dems get away with Bamboozling Blacks.

    Republicans Passed Civil Rights Act
    Dems Blocked Anti-Lynching Laws
    Party of Lincoln Not the Racist Party
    JFK, RFK Tried To Stop March on DC
    KKK Byrd's Lost MLK Tape
    Disgusting Racist Treatment of Rice by libs
    Libs Send Black Lady to Back of Bus
    Nixon Started Affirmative Action

    The Blacks are being bamboozled alright even going as far as being bamboozled about the bamboozler. ......did that make sense?
  2. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    That's right Joe. Repeat that Mantra.

    Democrats evil, Republicans awesome.

    Al Gore = Evil

    George W. Bush = First Born Son of God
  3. phatboy

    phatboy New Member


    Im not sure about Al, but Im pretty sure Tipper was sleeping with beezlebub.

    So Dio, argue your point against joe. He made some valid points that are true. So why not argue something to the contrary. Like Republican dropped the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or that Republicans, well Ronald Reagan - God rest his soul, brought down communism single handedly....and the Berlin Wall. Of course at your age you probably dont remember much of the cold war, you can get a good idea by watching Roger Moore era 007 movies.
  4. Ferine

    Ferine New Member

    That's not how it works. The rules are very simple. If a republican makes a statement the democrat is only required to yell SHEEP and if a democrat makes a statement the republican is only required to yell LIBERAL MEDIA. It keeps things simple that way. No one advances, no one passes go, and no one collects $200.
  5. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    What if my argument was simply " 'cause ferine said so"

    Would libertarians be called 'sheep herders'?
  6. Ferine

    Ferine New Member

    No, if a Libertarian says anything, both the republicans and democrats yell POTHEADS. :roll:

    And I wish cause I said so worked...
  7. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Isnt that how you got rid of the transformers collection? Or did you just withold (_|_) till he gave in?
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Think is I only appear to be republican cause I always throw in the other side of a truth the media neglected to mention.

    A half truth is nothing more than a lie I go around correcting half truths. I do not know why I have that obsession but I'm stuck with it.

    I'm actually an Independent / borderline libertarian
  9. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I'm also a libertarian. I tried arguing logically with Joe, but I might as well speak to the wall. Literally every valid counterpoint I use he claims liberal media bias.

    Let's take a look at this.

    [/quote="Joe"]Republicans Passed Civil Rights Act[/quote]

    After rejecting it 3 times under Kennedy. It was Johnson who forced it through congress, and he did that by calling in favors and making threats.

    Quite some years ago. How many Democrats on the floor of congress right now do you think would repeal lynch laws?

    I'll answer that for you. None.

    Republicans are not the party of Lincoln, they are the party of Bush. They ceased to be the party of Lincoln 141 years ago when he died. That's like calling Democrats the party of Jefferson.

    So what. Bush tried to "stop" the anti-war rallies in DC. Rallies against the government or it's actions make politicians look bad. On top of that JFK and RFK have both been dead for over 30 years now, and don't have much influence on the democratic party.

    I didn't realise that the KKK and the Democratic party were synonomous. Thanks for enlightening me that Howard Dean is the Grand Dragon.

    How do you figure, because they post bad pictures of her on the net?

    When did this happen?

    Nixon fought affirmative action tooth and nail. Even if that wasn't true, the Nixon tapes proved that he was a racist, and that he looked down on blacks. But as long as you ignore the evidence you could say that Nixon wasn't a racist.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Excuses are like assholes we all have one and they all stink ........ well ...... Ferine's might not but none of us will ever know.

    Meanwhile ww3 is starting according to CNN and this time I'm not argueing against that media speculation. I will say however that in serious times like this sticking to your standard M.O. of giving any conservative admin. a ration of shit to make their job harder is beyond unpatriotic but damn right recless.

    Expect a rebuttal Dio point by point meanhile I got a lot going on.
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    "Don't be bamboozled. Don't buy into it. ... It's great if he (President Bush) commits to signing it (the extension of the Voting Rights Act), but what is critical is the follow-through. You don't just talk the talk, but you also walk the walk."

    Did anyone pay attention to the campaign? If you did not pay attention if you instead memorized each and every name of each NFL player complete with their jersey number and what their social life was at the time then you may have missed what was being said in the election buildup. Of course if that’s the case then you are a victim of being bamboozled by the likes of people like Obama, The slick talking Jr. Senator from Illinois.

    President Bush campaigned on that bill you fucking morons! And he has a track history. Not one but instead the two highest ranking political office appointments of a African American male or females were appointed by who? Bush you thick skulled idiots!

    Bamboozled! It was the NAACP literature in the 2000 election that implied in campaign ads that Bush personally was involved with the dragging death of James Byrd. The same NAACP that spread the false rumor that Bush if elected wanted to kill all the young blacks incarcerated by the criminal justice system.

    And now we have slick talking Osama oops excuse me Obama implying that Bush has intentions of not signing off on the voters rights act.

    It was the “Yellow Dog” democrats that were involved in the KKK lynching and intimidation of blacks not to go to the voting booths. At the conclusion of the civil war it was the democrats that sought to remove the voting rights that blacks were just learning to enjoy and exercise. You idiots on the forum do not know the meaning being the line in Lynard Skynard’s Sweet home song “Water Gate does not bother me” means do you. Well I’ll spell it out Governor Wallace broke away from the Democrats to form the independent party and run on a segregation ticket. When that push ended up going nowhere just what party do you think those same people went back to?
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The Civil Right Act of 1968

    Ok let’s talk about that one shall we
    Senate Republicans voted on that one: 91 / 9 pro/against
    By comparison Democrats were 70 / 30

    Tell me Dio whose arms was Johnson twisting?

    Or are we talking about Andrew Johnson and the Civil Rights Act Of 1866?

    That was the original was it not and it seems Johnson vetoed that one. It was republicans that over rode the veto. He was a democrat and he was impeached by the Republicans that same year. I challenge you to call me a liar on that one Dio.

    Or could it be the 1964 version which enacted the Jim Crow Laws?

    The Original House Version:
    Dems: 153-96 (61%-39%)
    Reps: 138-34 (80%-20%)
    The Senate Version, voted on by the House:
    Dems: 153-91 (63%-37%)
    Reps: 136-35 (80%-20%)
    Maybe this was the one Johnson your democratic knight in shinning armor twisted arms for? Once again I must ask the question who’s arms was he twisting democrats or republicans? And while your answering that question would you care to enlighten me on how a bill makes it to capital hill in the first place? Does Lyndon or Andrew Johnson order the legislative branch to write him a bill? Or instead does the house legislative branch write a proposed draft that then goes to the senate after being voted upon to get any amendments the voted to go to the President?
  13. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Okay Joe, I'm going to go over this slowly for you.

    The Senate and House rejected Kennedy's version of the civil rights bill 3 times.

    The Senate (Republican controlled at the time)

    and the House (Republican controlled at the time)

    both rejected Kennedy's proposals for the civil rights bill.

    I forget who introduced the bill, but Kennedy pushed hard for it and it was shot down 3 times.

    In addition your "evidence" has the Democrats passing the bill as well, and that was in 1968, when the South was still Democratic. Strom Thurman and the old "Dixiecrats" are long dead, so you can't really use them as a model for the democratic party.

    By your reasoning the Republicans (Andrew Johnson) vetoed the first Civil Rights act, and must therefore be a racist party.
  14. con d. reyes

    con d. reyes New Member

    Interesting gloss on Lynyrd Skyn there. Wallace's post-Dem career was the subject of a Nixon-ordered demolition according to Dem - leftist Gore Vidal my erotic comrade. As an INdy - lefty I think there is plenty of iniquity to go around. Old Byrd is surely allowed to change his mind. The r-wingers forgave ex. David Horowitz his early Stalinist beliefs.
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    So you decided to go for the 68 version of the bill then? Interesting that the Republicans voted for it more than the Democrats. This points out who was doing the blocking you claim doesn't it?

    That short lived Indy fraction went Dem.

    Andrew Johnson was a Democrat, but was elected Vice President in 1864 on a National Union ticket. Andrew Johnson was never a republican and was impeached by the republicans. Now are you gonna streach to say that the National Union ticket was actually where the democratic Senator from Tennessee switched to the republican party only to be impeached?

    Looks like your being bamboozled Dio.
  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Well thats a revelation isn't it. Lets consider where the democratic party came from. And are you implying that the republicans would? Cause it was not the republicans that were attempting to repeal them then.
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    They are

    Did not

    Is it just coincidence that Byrd was a high ranking member of the KKK and had not really renounced that? Is it not funny that the democrats do not requite that he does?
    You do know do you not that it was Sen. Robert Byrd who led the filibuster against the civil rights act do you not? Go ahead Dio call me a liar on that one.

    (regarding racist treatment of Rice)] Now that you mention it that is part of it as it also is the typical motive operandi of the Dem party distorting pictures of female Republican Party members. But that’s hardly the least of it. [/url]

    The racial slurs from talk radio I have witnessed myself on XM radio just call in to “The Power” talk station and mention that you admire the accomplishments made by Condi and hear them come unglued] Here is just one small example [/url]

    Not to mention the cover up like the NFL discussion incident search google and 9 out of 10 this is the one you will find and the articles make it as if he was not giggling and mocking when he calls her a coon. Acting as if it was simply a slip of the tongue as if he meant to say coup.

    And of course you say these are not democrats. Bullshit I say they are the same individuals who walk lockstep with the party from the left sticking to the left wing propaganda talking points.]how about Condoleezza the watermelon thrower[/url]

    On Thursday, December 1, 1955 three complied but Rosa Parks refused.

    Rules are the proverbial mirror when used with smoke they can be good tools of deceit. You know there were 17 gun law violations at the Columbine school shooting incident? While all the news buzz was going around politicians were cashing in on the passion promising more laws. :roll: Nixon actually did what none of the others were and that is to implement the time table enforcement of the policy till then it was simply just another rule. Call Nixon the enforcer if you will.

    And since you are arguing that Nixon is a racist by cutting out snippets of phone conversation then you are a bigot and you just proved it. Johnson (remember your hero) was much worse.

    Are you the bamboozler on that one instead of the bamboozled?
  18. TheStreaker1337

    TheStreaker1337 New Member

    Dio likes to be bamboozled. That's when a woman plays the submissive, then just as you're taking her top off she tosses you against the wall and pulls out some 8 gauge chain, a masterlock, and a bullwhip. Right? I've heard some stories about Dio. Better watch out.

  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Dio is all right in my book. I have a hard time most of the time not liking liberals most have the best of intentions just a different ideology. I know I come off as a hard ass but I'm just challenging anyone who reads this to prove me wrong through discussion this can be brought to the surface. There are huge really huge misconceptions in this country that are perpetuated purposefully in my opinion.
  20. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I don't have time to go over your arguments right now, but I will. As for being bamboozled, I don't think that's the case.

    And by the way Joe, just because I disagree with you doesn't make me a liberal. You trust the republican party implicitly. Do you really think Republicans are any different then Democrats?

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