Hey, I'm looking for some ROMS for the DAPHNE emulator, both DragonsLairs and SpaceAce in specific. I already have Cliffhanger. I really only use soulseek and newsletter groups for dloads , so maybe someone who iuses torrents or some such thing can help me out.
I might have them MIGHT! I will check my portable at work tommorow. But you will have to wait til you get home since for some odd reason I can't post from work. Also have you checked out Gametap? http://www.gametap.com/home/Home I just started using it this week and I love it, They are going to be adding both those in the near future. Its just a lot simplier then firing up the half dozen elem I have to play certain games. Also use this promo code if you do sign up get a free month and 9.95 for the first 3. I figured the free month is worth checking out. Code is digitallife
Wrong. I was gonna cuss your dumb ass out, but I am really not feeling good today, so just call yourself a moron...thanks.
Well I have a Mame machine with about 13,000 Roms on it (yea I know like 75% of them are to stupid to ever play) but then I have all the 8 bit nintendo roms and they all run thru one emulator and the same goes for the SNES Roms, all thru a different emu. Then I have this Daphne (google it if anyone wants to know about it) but the only game I have found for it is Cliffhanger. Awhile back I bought the DVD for DragonsLair so I can play it on my TV , but being an anal jerkoff I want it for the PC too. But what I really really want is DragonsLair 2, I never beat that when it was in the Arcade, damn close, but not quite. And SpaceAce too. My girlfriend is shaking her head at me while she was watching me type this post with so much enthusiasm. To teach her a lesson I will no proceed to play video games for far to long. But anyways thats what I'm running for roms. And no one, I mean NO ONE will beat me in 10 Yard Fight!!
Could always buy it for pc its like 6 bucks http://froogle.google.com/froogle?h...LD:en&q=Dragons Lair 2 PC&spell=1&sa=N&tab=wf
Yea I saw it for 6 bucks (6.95 I think), but I know if I look around long enough I'll find it for free.
What do you mean , that you have the discs for the game, I don't quite understand what you mean. ROMS should not care what format, so I think you mean Discs.... The dayQuil is making me more stupid than usual.
I have the PC version of the game installed on my port HD and the disks are in my changer. The only roms of it I have are the SNES version.
Yea I have those too, you know what I mean though, the old actual laser disc ones, that DAPHNE plays. Thats the one I have the DVD for, DragonsLair that is. It looks like a cartoon.
This guy will make copies of roms for no charge if you send him the discs. He just moved into a new house so his timeline is a little longer. I never got the Daphne Rom set from him but odds are it includes all roms for the dephane emu. http://www.monstarcade.com/index.asp
Out to lunch, apparently... I haven't been up-to-date as-of-late in the emu scene, in fact, my game playing has been limited recently to my hoarde of discs I haven't even played yet for my 'current three' - would you believe I just started Zelda: Wind Waker a week ago? I've had that disc since the fucking day it came out, and I could've just bought it a month ago for $20 instead. I played through Four Swords before I even put WW in my 'cube - something about that 2-D 'Link to the Past' gameplay/graphics that I just fuckin' love. Pity the game was so short and easy. The only emus I've been piddling around with lately are ones for the PSP - nothing quite like disregarding customers at work while facing off with Ashtar in Ninja Gaiden II... When you say you've got a MAME machine, do you mean an actual arcade cabinet with a dedicated PC inside of it, hooked up to a standard raster monitor? That's my ultimate endeavor, but I've been too overloaded to even start on it yet.
A stand up Lomo, we put a 27 inch trinitron in it for the monitor, even have atrack ball, the one thing its missing is the dial though for games like tron and the such. I'm pretty sure I showed you pics of it years ago you drunk retard.