Dan's Movie Rental Reviews

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by DangerousDan, Feb 10, 2006.

  1. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    Alright so I just watched the Bad News Bears with Billy Bob Thorton. Pretty good but not as good as the original. Lots of the scenes are stolen almost directly from the original. Few changes for example instead of Engleberg getting chocolate on the ball before he pops out buttermaker's windshield with a baseball he has a sac of bacon because he is on the Atkin's diet. Instead of Buttermaker cleaning swimming pools he kills rats and dose extermination work. Characters got more of a 2006 type attitude instead of the late 70's. I'd rent it again but I like all the Bears movies.
  2. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

  3. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Did you watch any of the extras at all? I'm wondering whats all on it, if there is a look back at the old Bad News Bears (big fan of them myself) or anything like that. I will have to netflix it.
  4. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    No. Usually I never watch that shit. I just like the movies. I normally, don't like to listen to actors when there not acting. They are really boring self absorbed dipshits.
  5. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Yea, I just like to see the making of, like what it took to do a certain shot, and I don't mind hearing (sometimes) the Directors give their two cents either.
  6. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    You suck Schmed
  7. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Every once in awhile the special features and additional footage will give you some good insight into the film. For example, I thought the Bourne Supremacy was good, but the extras and seeing how they managed to pull some of the shots that they did, in the locations they shot them in, added something to the film. Usually it doesn't though, unless if your planning on doing something with film for the most part it's not very usefull.
  8. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    I like the comentary they get. Fight club has the author of the book, Chuck Palanuihk, giving comentary along side the guy who did the screne play of the book. Once in awhile you hear the author go, "Yeah, this was different in the book." and the guy who did the screne play gets quiet and stuttery.

    "yes....well...in movie..."
  9. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    What really cracks me up is they have those for porn. My ex used to work in a porn shop, and the fact that most of the porn DVD's come with "making of" "cast commentary" and "deleted scenes" cracks me up. Plus it's porn, and porn is always good.

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