conspiracy theory?

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smiles, Sep 15, 2005.

  1. smiles

    smiles New Member

    one day, during my vacation to bosnia, i was sitting with my cousin in a coffee shop wasting time, and some guy my cousin new approached us and had a regular little chat with my cousin about the grenade fragments in his knee and how he keeps having to get it drained or some shit..... except for that part the guy seemed normal as fuck, when the dude walked away my cousin told me how fucked up the guy really is....

    the story goes,
    when he was first conscripted he got sent to vukovar, one of the places where the fighting was the worst due to the intricate underground systems located bellow the city there were no front lines it was literally building to building, so this guy was walking down the street and he turned a corner at the same time a Croatian soldier turned the same corner and by fluke this guy shot first and killed the other guy right there in front of him, this kind of fucked him up like he couldn’t sleep and shit... so they sent him to this hospital right... they gave him some fucked up drugs that make u forget everything even your own name... so then they release this guy and he goes back on the front... long story short after that the man did not even hesitate to cut throats of unarmed prisoners civilians ... anything .... personally i think thats fucked especially cuz then the guy went to go marry a bosnian woman so its not even that he hated them he was just indifferent... after taking those drugs it was something to do.... fucked up
  2. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    call me crazy, but maybe the experience of shooting a man in cold blood face to face had a scarring impact on him. Instead of being open and dealing with it he probably shut down emotionally. It happened to 'nam vets, it probably happens to everyone who participates in armed conflict. You loose the sense of the other side as human beings, it happens to gang members, and they certainly aren't being given combat pharmeceuticals and such. There's no way you can logically assume that this was caused by the drugs. Doesn't mean they had nothing to do with it. You just can't draw only that conclusion from the evidence at hand.
  3. smiles

    smiles New Member

    i understand and appreciate your point... but in this case i dont know... over there everyone thats now 35+ was in the war and few people comitted half the things this man is guilty of... the point of my post was to see if anyone else had simillar experiences or heard of simillar events...
  4. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Check up on this with Vietnam vets. I'm sure a google search of Post traumatic stress disorder would give you some useful information on this. The government may have been using psychotropics, and if anyone was going to begin using it them it would be the U.S. government or the former Soviet Union. I would think the most likely place this would be going on would be Chechnya, just some places to start looking. Iraq is too early in the game for really getting any useful information on this.

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