Come on folks - I want to see some stupid shit posted here.

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by mOuLDeH, Jun 20, 2002.

  1. mOuLDeH

    mOuLDeH New Member

    Post crazy pics, crazy links, sick stuff, porno stuff, funny stories anything. Please. I will sing for you all. Please. Come on!
  2. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    i dont think we need to post anything stupid here as this topic is stupid enough in its own.
  3. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

  4. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    i really must be stupid cos i dont know if thats an insult or a compliment.
  5. discoslacks

    discoslacks New Member

    I believe it was neither, in fact i believe the former was stating the obvious to your obvious suggestion of the topic or some fuck up concversational stutter, like gandi asking mother teresa for her calming influence
  6. Smokey McPot

    Smokey McPot Member

  7. kitana

    kitana New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by fucked-up-meat-head:
    I will sing for you all. Please. Come on!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    thats pretty stupid stuff right there.
  8. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    so this thread is redundant then?
  9. Matthew

    Matthew New Member

    How about this, some chick just pmed me that I havent talked to in about 4 months. She started the convo with me trying to fuck with me yelling at me saying she was go9ing to rape me and shit. Little did she know how sick i can get while chatting. I saved about half of our convo, after I chilled a bit telling her how i wanted to fuck her mouth and nut in her face. Heres what I saved...

    InfinityNisus: yes
    InfinityNisus: the first one
    InfinityNisus wants to directly connect.
    InfinityNisus is now directly connected.
    InfinityNisus: 4
    okita11: you look like your masterminding something evil
    InfinityNisus: and
    InfinityNisus: what about you?
    okita11: nah
    okita11: no pics
    InfinityNisus: i didn't think so
    InfinityNisus: what do you look like?
    InfinityNisus: wait
    InfinityNisus: no
    okita11: .....
    InfinityNisus: compare yourself to a celebrity
    okita11: hmm
    okita11: ever seen that movie the mask?
    InfinityNisus: <~ makes people think
    InfinityNisus: yeah
    InfinityNisus: shut the hell up
    okita11: i look like cher
    InfinityNisus: hahahahaha
    InfinityNisus: you're hilarious
    okita11: and sexy
    InfinityNisus: are you this funny in person?
    okita11: dont forget that
    okita11: nah
    InfinityNisus: no way
    InfinityNisus: what's your catch then?
    okita11: im shy in person
    InfinityNisus: i don't believe you're cute, too
    okita11: i think it steems from my low self esteem
    InfinityNisus: that's not a catch
    InfinityNisus: shy is adorable
    InfinityNisus: hahaha
    okita11: because im a 33 year old man that looks like cher
    okita11: err 22
    okita11: my bad
    InfinityNisus: i'm in love
    InfinityNisus: brb
    okita11: not intentional;ly mind you
    okita11: k
    InfinityNisus: not intentionally what?
    okita11: i dont intentionally look like cher
    InfinityNisus: o
    okita11: i have this big freakin nose
    InfinityNisus: you're too funny
    InfinityNisus: HAHAHAHAHA
    okita11: and a nasty ass jerry curl
    InfinityNisus: hahahhahaha
    InfinityNisus: mm
    okita11: and i look like a 50 year old lady that smokes 5 packs of cigs a day
    InfinityNisus: i have oranges and limes and powdered sugar
    InfinityNisus: *cackle*
    okita11: that actually sounds kinda gross
    InfinityNisus: it's not
    InfinityNisus: i promise
    okita11: yeah you also promised ytou wouldnt hurt my ass
    okita11: >
    InfinityNisus: i haven't, dork
    okita11: yeah i went and shoved gummy bears up my ass because you reminded me of it and now i have some major backup going on
    okita11: now when i shit its gonna be like a shotgun with gummy bears spraying all over the place
    InfinityNisus: that was all you, baby
    InfinityNisus: all you
    InfinityNisus: i can help you get them out tho
    InfinityNisus: 8P
    okita11: sounds good
    okita11: whos pic is that of the tat on the stomache?
    InfinityNisus: it's my back
    okita11: then whos head is that above it cause the pics dont match up
    InfinityNisus: huh?
    okita11: the chick right above it has big shoulders and the waist below is of a really reeally skinny chick
    InfinityNisus: i used to be a crackhead
    okita11: ahh ok
    InfinityNisus: the top pics are more recent
    okita11: understandable then
    InfinityNisus: really
    okita11: yeah
    InfinityNisus: i was a crackhead
    okita11: i used to shoot meth
    InfinityNisus: we
    InfinityNisus: are
    InfinityNisus: the upper crust
    okita11: yes
    okita11: yes we are
    InfinityNisus: of society's deemed social standard
    okita11: they are all pesants
    InfinityNisus: wanna make out?
    okita11: yeah
    InfinityNisus: whaddya look like?
    okita11: i have some nasty ass breath though
    okita11: smells like dog shit
    okita11: and my gums blead
    InfinityNisus: brush your teeth, ass
    okita11: but if thats not a problem.......
    InfinityNisus: notat all
    okita11: great
    okita11: ok for real
    okita11: hmm what celeb do i look like........
    InfinityNisus: you say cher again and i'll find you and you'll be at the mercy of my bullwhip
    okita11: <scratches head>
    okita11: nah not cher
    okita11: i look like a male
    InfinityNisus: um
    InfinityNisus: jon stewart?
    okita11: hell no
    InfinityNisus: jews are hawt
    okita11: i hate that democcrat bastard
    okita11: i look like a white densel washington
    okita11: i have the nappy hair and all
    okita11: ever seen an albino?
    InfinityNisus: *snicker*
    InfinityNisus: ye
    InfinityNisus: s
    okita11: im an albino densel washington
    InfinityNisus: hahahahahhaa
    okita11: why are you laughing?
    okita11: thats not funny
    InfinityNisus: hold on
    okita11: k
    InfinityNisus: you have nappy hair?
    okita11: yes
    InfinityNisus: sexy
    okita11: i know
    InfinityNisus: brb
    okita11: it looks like my pubes
    InfinityNisus: i have awesome boobies
    okita11: yeah?
    InfinityNisus: yup
    okita11: nice
    okita11: what size bra you wear?
    InfinityNisus: they say IM ANUS
    InfinityNisus: 36c
    okita11: do they sag?
    InfinityNisus: not at all
    okita11: i like it when a girl is riding me and her tits keep slapping me in the face
    okita11: ahhhhhhhh
    okita11: too bad
    InfinityNisus: sorry
    okita11: well you can bend down
    InfinityNisus: haha
    InfinityNisus: and i do
    okita11: and slap me in the face with them
    InfinityNisus: actually
    okita11: you sound like a hot sexy bitch
    InfinityNisus: i have an even cooler function
    InfinityNisus: right between my tits
    InfinityNisus: in my cleavage
    okita11: can i set my beer on them?
    InfinityNisus: you can hide your head there
    okita11: nah
    okita11: im not into that
    InfinityNisus: and be surrounded by softer than silk titty
    okita11: i just like to be slapped by them
    InfinityNisus: haha
    InfinityNisus: hrm
    InfinityNisus: i'm a massage therapist
    okita11: nice
    okita11: wanna give me a massage?
    okita11: we should live together
    InfinityNisus: my skin is softer than a baby's ass
    InfinityNisus: hahahahaha
    okita11: i come home from work
    InfinityNisus: why's that?
    okita11: you make me some dinner
    InfinityNisus: hahaha
    okita11: massage my feet
    okita11: and slap me around with your huge titties
    InfinityNisus: they're not huge
    okita11: then get me a beer
    InfinityNisus: you watch anime?
    okita11: well after the surgery they will be
    InfinityNisus: hahahahaha
    okita11: used to when i was younger
    InfinityNisus: my breasts are anime shaped
    InfinityNisus: exactly
    InfinityNisus: with little barbells in the nipple
    okita11: they look like big freakin cones with frisbee sized nipples?
    InfinityNisus: hAHAHHAhaha
    InfinityNisus: hold on
    okita11: .......
    okita11: hurry up
    okita11: brb
    InfinityNisus: if i were in water, too
    InfinityNisus: those are my tits
    okita11: ahh nice
    okita11: do they creep on your side when you lay down?
    InfinityNisus: yawp
    okita11: i hate that shit
    InfinityNisus: my firend is here
    okita11: i was with this girl once, she had some real nice perky tits then laid down and her tits diasappeared
    okita11: hello friend
    InfinityNisus: hahahaha
    InfinityNisus: what's your name again?
    okita11: james
    InfinityNisus: o
    InfinityNisus: ok
    okita11: yours?
    InfinityNisus: moichelle
    InfinityNisus: michelkjaSlkhsd
    InfinityNisus: mkvhouihsa
    InfinityNisus: mivhke'
    InfinityNisus: michelel
    InfinityNisus: michelle
    okita11: which one?
    InfinityNisus: michelle
    InfinityNisus: asshole
    InfinityNisus: make me type it again
    InfinityNisus: you wanted me to fuck up again
    okita11: thats the plan
    okita11: i thrive on you fucking up
    InfinityNisus: youshould hear me talk
    InfinityNisus: that's funny
    InfinityNisus: i forget what i'm talking about half thru a sentence
    okita11: yeah?
    InfinityNisus: yeah
    InfinityNisus direct connection is closed.
    okita11: whats your voice sound like?
    InfinityNisus: uh
    InfinityNisus: r2d2
    okita11: heh
    okita11: so you sound like a walking trash can?
    InfinityNisus: yeah
    InfinityNisus: and i look like one too
    okita11: sexy
    InfinityNisus: mm hmm
    okita11: your making me hot
    InfinityNisus: wooo
    okita11: im touching myself right now
    okita11: rubbing my clit
    InfinityNisus: HAHAHAH
    okita11: ahh baby you make me soo hot
    okita11: what are you doing?
    InfinityNisus: moking a j
    okita11: are you touching yourself?
    okita11: ooh
    InfinityNisus: no
    InfinityNisus: i need to pee
    okita11: mmmmmm
    InfinityNisus: and i'm pmsing
    InfinityNisus: ouch
    InfinityNisus: brb
    okita11: i saw this video off of some chick that pulled out her tampon and ate it.............
    InfinityNisus: thank you
    okita11: your welcome
    InfinityNisus: i'll be sure to have wet dreams tonight
    okita11: yeah baby yeah
    okita11: so when are we gonna hook up?
    okita11: and make out?
    InfinityNisus: heh
    InfinityNisus: my room is smokey
    InfinityNisus: um
    okita11: so is your friend a guy or girl?
    InfinityNisus: guy
    InfinityNisus: his name is casper
    InfinityNisus: and his a ghost
    okita11: ahh cool
    InfinityNisus: i imagine him,
    okita11: is he an albino too?
    InfinityNisus: nobody sees him but me
    InfinityNisus: no.
    okita11: ooh
    InfinityNisus: his skin is like my shadow.
    InfinityNisus: this is casper,,, bbbbooo
    okita11: so what you do for fun?
    InfinityNisus: take it out on number one
    okita11: brb
    InfinityNisus: i have a little kid koolaid mouth
    InfinityNisus: ok
    okita11: k back
    InfinityNisus: front
    okita11: koolaid mouth?
    InfinityNisus: white powder white powder kkk
    okita11: dont EVER call me that again
    InfinityNisus: okay, daddy
    okita11: yeah
    okita11: thats what i like to hear
    okita11: whos yo daddy
    InfinityNisus: yessir
    InfinityNisus: uh
    InfinityNisus: robert curfiss
    okita11: thats not my name........
    InfinityNisus: o
    InfinityNisus: it's my daddy's name
    okita11: what happened you used to be soooo talkative?
    InfinityNisus: i have company
    okita11: ahh
    InfinityNisus: and i'm high
    okita11: ok ill let u go
    InfinityNisus: getting higher
    okita11: later
    InfinityNisus: buhbye
    InfinityNisus: 8*

    I talked to her a few times after that where she tried to get me to go to her house and fuck her. Although with the pics she showed me i wasnt hard up enough to do it.
    So she pmed me a few minutes ago with this.

    InfinityNisus: hi
    okita11: hey
    okita11: i thought you blocked me or something
    InfinityNisus: bi
    InfinityNisus: no
    InfinityNisus: i changed names
    InfinityNisus: and i have a super poseessive boygriend
    okita11: ooh
    okita11: that sucks.......
    InfinityNisus: no
    okita11: he didnt like you telling me about your milky white breasts huh?
    InfinityNisus: uh
    InfinityNisus: bye
    okita11: common baby
    okita11: lets cyber again
    InfinityNisus: again?
    InfinityNisus: what the fuck
    InfinityNisus: you sick pervert
    InfinityNisus: in your fucking dreams
    okita11: hey
    okita11: you sent me pics
    okita11: and told me how you wanted me
    okita11: dont lie
    InfinityNisus: BAHAHA
    InfinityNisus: later
    *** InfinityNisus signed off at Thu Jun 20 16:31:29 2002.

    Stupid bitch, I hope theyre fighting right now.
  10. 1337

    1337 New Member

    oh god i acually read like 1/6th of that what a watse of time bullshit piece of shit.
    I like how you have your "cool" eyebrow ring on the gay right side.
    piercings are for girls and faggots anyways.
    Shit man you fat fuck fag.
  11. Matthew

    Matthew New Member

    Go and play some counter strike boy. You ub3r L337 pissant. Ooh n0z0r I just got hit with a headsh0tz0r. I find that everyone I have ever seen that got obsessed with counter strike has. 1. NO LIFE WHATSOEVER
    2. At least 45 pimples on their face, or are over weight by 60 or more lbs.
    or 3. A secret boyfriend.
    Which one are you? You ub3r guy you.
  12. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GreenAppleSplatters:

  13. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    I knew that was in the forums somewhere,I just didn't feel like looking for it.
  14. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    hey friar thats a damn good pic i think i can live with everyone thinking i look like that whether your all taking the piss or not,fire and brimstone and all that shit.
  15. Damian

    Damian New Member

  16. Damian

    Damian New Member

    Check it out!

  17. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    how about this damian......FUCK OFF YOU PRICK.
  18. mOuLDeH

    mOuLDeH New Member


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