This is my first post here. I have been reading some things that suggest that coffee can make a person fat. Something to do with an increase in blood cortisol levels. Here's a piece of one of the things I read: Any doctors here?
I sense sarcasm. Well, the title of the forum is Medical Advice. It's a legitimate medical topic. I thought some people might have an opinion. Do you drink a lot of coffee?
Coffee will raise cortisol levels up to 18 hrs depending what you drink, adding sugar will make it even worse. It's the caffeine. Caffeine is evil.
so you calling me fat ? haha no I dont drink coffee... I drink coffee like drinks full of milk, caramel, sugar, with a touch of coffee flavor... Im pretty sure it is not the coffee part making me fat ... truth is everything is bad for you one way or another .... I was told to stop eating broccolli ... my iron in high. tomatoes give me heart burn... and lemons are bad for your teeth . my 3 fave food items .... so fuck it ... cheesecake here I come .
I have read an article that stated that a cup of coffee was equivalent to consuming 700 calories. Because you're body uses the caffeine for energy rather than burning calories. All though, I'm not sure if that's right because why would they put caffeine in so many diet pills then??
No, it's just that until you post three or four times, you have the title, "I'm probably Spamming". We get a lot of that kind of thing here.
Just gotta be careful, you know. I'm at work and already on two blog sites a couple times a day. If do much more they're going to notice the slight decline in my productivity.
Besides, your boss probably already posts at the "alt.nasty.homo.public_bathroom.auto_erotic" newsgroup anyway... Hell, he probably even knows your 'handle' by now (double entendre intentional.)