Climate Collapse

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smurfslappa, Sep 7, 2005.

  1. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    read them dammit Massive ‘Static Discharge’ From Earth Immediately Effects Sun, Ocean Life in Peril as Scientist Warn We’re On Cusp of Extinction Level Event That was on the 22nd of august. Gee, unexplained power outage in indonesia, sunspot just comes out of nowhere. To view the sunspot, you'll have to check August 21st on the spaceweather page. This person has intelligence, they know what events to look for, and our trying to point out that cold hard fact that our climate is collapsing. Read the official news articles that support. The dots are there, albeit hard to find, but are plainly pointed out and connected for all to see. Our government does have a solution, and too bad it doesn't involve us.
  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    you need to tell your doctor to up your meds
  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

  4. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    what exactly does that mean, the collapse of our climate. I hear the words being thrown about quite a bit, but no one ever puts a definition to them that actuelly means anything. It does sound kind of scary though, the implication being that the collapse of the climate would in turn crush human civilization. I use the term loosely.
  5. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    I mean yes, the COLLAPSE of our CLIMATE. It'd burst the big food bubble our planet has established to sustain our immense population.
  6. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

  7. Robman97

    Robman97 Member

    and OMG the poles are shifting. The earth does this stuff in cycles, the sahara used to be a rainforest a few million years ago. There is nothing we can do about. Just think, we might find out exactly how the dinosaurs meet there end.
  8. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    repeating what it was you said doesn't work as a functional definition. I still don't know what the collapse of the climate means. As far as the bio-sphere, life is amazingly tough, it's going to take more to wipe it out than CO2 pumped into the atmosphere from tail-pipes. So I ask again, what does the phrase "climate collapse" mean? I know climate change, global warming, but I don't understand climate collapse, it sounds like rhetoric.
  9. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Oh my god. Do I have to draw you a picture? I know life on earth isn't going to get wiped out, or even close to it. The biosphere is extremely But what I do know is that a lot of people aren't going to be happy with where they're living real soon, especially those in the cities. What does history show us happens when the climate of a region changes and is no longer inhabitable, at least for the given population concentration? People try to migrate to somewhere a little nicer. Well I see plans being made that are going to prevent such an exodus. The land won't be able to sustain so many damn people real soon, and there won't be anywhere we can move to that will be able to either. So it's a population cull. Thin the herd before the worst comes. I see droughts and floods, hurricanes and the such. And of course the iron fist of military rule. These truly are some interesting times. I know most of you don't agree with me, but I know we'll be seeing it reeeeaaaaalll soon.
  10. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    that assumes a certain number of events and qualifiers. You can't assume that population growth will remain constant, that no one will find a viable form of carbon sequestering, that the changes in the land will make them inhospitable, or that populations won't adjust to where they are even if the land changes. People don't need a whole lot to get by, and populations constantly move anyhow. I'm not saying that your wrong, your just not necessarily right. What plans are you referencing about preventing people from moving? And yes, a picture would be nice, because you still haven't given any kind of functional definition for the phrase "climate collapse." Climates change, climates shift. Never heard of one collapsing, unless the atmosphere burned off like Mercury, but that's not going to happen here, not for another 5 billion years or so.
  11. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Alright, rather than do my half assed lazy posts that make ya'll think I'm crazy, I'll do a halfway decent one with documented articles, mmm k?

    So indeed, I'll agree with you that the earth has always been changing its climate and that life has adjusted to accomodate them. But what's changing our climate is beyond anything we've ever seen in modern times. A series of powerful unknown energy blasts have been hitting our southern polar region, causing chaotic weather changes that have been pushing the earths ecosystems to the brink.

    Well documented also are that these energy surges are related to increased lighting strikes and we find that January in Australia, and as reported by the Central Western News Service, "RFS duty officer Brett Bowden said the RFS lightning data showed an extraordinary number of strikes on Sunday. "When you look at the map it is something like hundreds of thousands; there was massive activity," he said."

    Visual atmospheric evidence of these energy surges was released to the public by the Israeli National Academy for Sciences and the Humanities from their research done during the American space shuttle flight of the Columbia, and as stated in the media reports, "An unprecedented flash observed by the space shuttle Columbia crew in 2003 over the Indian Ocean may be a new type of transient luminous event, like lightning sprites, but one that is not necessarily caused by a thunderstorm. The discharge was observed less than two weeks before the shuttle was lost during its Earth reentry."

    The Space Daily report goes on to say about this event, "The authors describe the discharge as a Transient Ionospheric Glow Emission in Red, or TIGER, event. It was recorded by a video camera in the near-infrared spectrum in the nighttime sky just south of Madagascar on 20 January 2003. The authors analyzed the video several months later and found what visually looks like a bright flash. They report that the emission did not resemble any known class of luminous events, which typically appear in conjunction with thunderstorm activity."

    Something that has to be understood is that these blasts are increasing in frequency and intensity. Dr. Ed Mercurio from the Natural Sciences Department of the United States Hartnell College has clearly spelled out this threat in his draft report titled, “The Effects of Galactic Cosmic Rays on Weather and Climate on Multiple Time Scales” and in which he states, “In this article, evidence is presented that galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) are a major forcing agent on weather and climate on multiple time scales ranging from weekly through glacial-interglacial. Known effects of GCRs are used to explain phenomena and observations in the fields of meteorology, climatology, paleoclimatology and paleoecology. Evidence is presented that primary effects of increases in levels of GCRs are increases in the amounts of low clouds- especially over the tropics, increases in the albedo of low clouds and decreases of the temperature of and increases of the strength of the stratospheric polar vortex. This has widespread effects on atmospheric circulation including the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Other effects of increases in levels of GCRs include increases in relative humidities and surface condensation, possible decreases in average amounts of precipitation and increases in storm intensities (vorticity area index).”

    More ominous for the world at this moment in time is the evidence that these energy bursts are not just associated with our present chaotic weather but are also the cause of increasing worldwide earthquake activity, and best stated by the United States National Geophysical Data Center in their stating, "In some circles it is thought that there is persuasive evidence of an ionospheric precursor to large earthquakes that can be used a predictor. Besides the obvious acoustic waves generated before and during an earthquake, a part of the preparation process of large earthquakes is the generation of electromagnetic emissions (EMEs). These EMEs have been detected in the ionosphere up to six days prior to a large earthquake, such as with the May 1960, Chilean 8.3 earthquake."

    The collapse of the worlds’ weather systems has indeed begun its collapse, and as we can see from just these headlines of a few days in July alone: French Farmers Suffer as Record Drought Triggers Bug Invasion, Power plants worried as heat wave warms Great Lakes, Drought strains US Midwest residents, Colorado State braves soaring heat and raging fires, Fires kill 14 as winds blow across Spain, Record Drought Continues, Drought sweeps all of Portugal, fires kill one, Heavy Rain Causes Earth Tremors in German Alps, Drought sweeps all of Portugal, fires kill one, Typhoon Shuts Taiwan Markets, Businesses, Airports, Europe: Floods in Austria, soaring temperatures in France, gales in Croatia, and Portugal's worst drought in more than a century, Typhoon ‘Feria’ batters Batanes islands, 18 dead in smothering Arizona heat, Millions face food shortages in Southern Africa, Rare Hailstones pelt Beijing Again, Heatwave continues to hit China, Scotland, 2005: Warmest, Wettest Since Records Began and Heat Wave Pushing California Towards Energy Crunch.

    Couple that with the massive military movements worldwide, and...well... I think you get the picture.
  12. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  13. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    [/quote]Our government does have a solution, and too bad it doesn't involve us.

    How do you propose the government is going to solve this problem then. According to the evidence you just presented this could be the cause of cosmic ray interference in the atmosphere. If that's the case, what can the government do to stop this. I've heard that the government has been doing experiments with positive and negative atmospheric ion emission, but what your evidence described is not coming from earth, it's coming from atmospheric disturbances in the upper atmosphere. How is this being caused by human behavior? In addition to that, we have not been able to monitor these events for long, since the equipment we are using to observe these events is no more than fifty years old. That completely eliminates the credence of "recorded evidence" because we're talking about geologic time, not human lifetimes. This whole thing could just be fear mongering based on a lack of perspective. If we don't know what the relative situation is then how can we assume the worst?
  14. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    It's not a solution, really. Like I said, 6.5 billion people living through these times would eat the last fish, squirrel, and leaf from every plant and corner of the earth in a futile fight for survival. The only way humanity can survive through this is to trim back on the population and prevent us from making this mass exodus I said we would eventually make.

    As well, they can slow down the rate at which these blasts affect our planet. In April, the US and Russia fired thousands of missiles into the space regions of our atmosphere in the Antartic. The strangeness to these missile launches is further compounded by the reporting of these events as being a part of defense wargame between Russia and the United States, and of which no one has had any prior knowledge of. Neither was there any announcement to the Russian peoples by the Defense Ministry prior to these launches, only afterwards when reports began to be received from these Antarctic Regions has the Defense Ministry issued these reports of wargames. "Russia, U.S. Launch Joint Missile Defence Wargames"

    And we know the source of these bursts. "Mysterious object a real cosmic burper" These "burps" are massive electric discharges that are occuring as this otherwise neutral object enters our highly charged solar system. The sun, which has been highly erratic and has been flaring quite often, has been charging up the system.
  15. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    How would firing missiles over the Antarctic prevent cosmic ray bursts? Cosmic rays form in deep space, and exactly how they form is still being debated. Cosmic rays would also have a specific energy signature, since they they all move at roughly the same frequency. Do these energy bursts therefore all have the same energy signature, or has anyone bothered to record this? You're presenting tremendous amounts of evidence, but your not linking it together in any sort of meaningful fashion. As far as the missile launches, did the U.S. public know anything about it before hand? Beyond that, Russia doesn't have a history of being the most open society in terms of the information the government chooses to release, so how can we assume that their not telling the Russian people about a war game means anything other than they thought that the people had no real reason to know? Where were the missiles launched from, since both the Russian and the American missiles would have left contrails the public would have been able to see. You can see why I'm having a problem with your logic. So tie it all together for us, and give us a cohesive argument.
  16. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    From what I understand, the military "drills" were thrown together at the last minute and were very much unknown beforehand. As for how it would prevent the fallout from a cosmic ray burst I don't know, but as to the cause of these cosmic rays there remains much debate, and many claim to know the true reason. As I've said, if you've listened to Professor James Mccanney, he'll tell you that something stinks in our space research programs and that something is coming from the south.

    But don't just listen to the independent scientists, listen to Earth's animals, and as one such example has been reported by Florida’s Sun Herald News Service in their article titled “Strange fish parade seen in Englewood" and which says, "A bizarre freeway of fish swimming by the thousands along the shore of Englewood Beach Thursday morning left crowds of beach-goers agog and marine biologists bewildered.”I've lived her for 10 years, and I've never seen anything like this. It's incredible," said Bob Ricci of Englewood.

    Beach-goers reported that a wide variety of sea creatures came swimming south in a narrow band close to the beach at mid-morning. Included in the swarm were clouds of shrimp, crab, grouper, snapper, red fish and flounder. They were joined by more usual species, including sea robins, needlefish and eels. The fish were moving in a narrow band in about 18 inches of water, he said. They were headed south, and, so far as he could tell, the moving mass of sea life stretched a good mile long. "We're talking thousands and thousands of them," Neidlinger said. "It was so thick we couldn't walk out."

    The fish were trying to escape the changes occuring in the Atlantic, and were on a southern exodus. Red tide caused by volcanic emmisions seem likely, as bottom-dwelling fish were spotted in the parade as well.

    I'll get some news articles for these when I get a chance later today, but mmmm boy, trust me they're there.

    Some believe that a major cataclysmic event is what is going to shake our country to its knees. Pressures on the New Madrid Fault line have been increasing to "insurmountable" levels, and the contortions in our plate can readily be seen. Knowing how I feel about weather control and how large hurricanes and storms and shake a plate, you don't I don't trust this hurricane. more later.
  17. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    from what I understand, the National Missile Defense trials that we're recently staged we're another set of trials that we're set up under the Clinton administration, the first one's occuring in '99, another test occuring in '02, (please forgive me if my memory is off on the year), with the final tests scheduled in '05, and I think the launches you are referring to were a part of the NMD testing. As for the massive column of fish, the fact that someone living there for ten years hasn't seen anything like it doesn't mean squat, and an 18 inch wide, 1 mile long column of fish is nothing to laugh at, (maybe it is, I wasn't there) but that could have occured for any number of reasons. Just being skeptical, again you may be right, but it seems more likely that your wrong. These are all pretty disimilar events.

    As for the cosmic rays, the most viable explanation I have heard is based on gamma ray explosions being trapped in the gravity of the collapsing star they are emitted from. If the star is not large enough to become a black hole, but still large enough to create ripples and folds in space time, it is possible for the gamma rays to become caught in a fragment of space time, which multiplies there energy exponentially, until the star finishes collapsing and the folds in space time flatten out again. The gamma rays that went in then come out as cosmic rays. That's the simple version of it. But that's the most rational explanation I have heard. Fire off some of the theories that you are hearing. I'd like to see what you're hearing, if it's different then what I'm hearing.
  18. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Check out the Katrina, New Orleans and the Blame Game thread for additional info. I'll have plenty more for you on here, as I've clearly indicated that's there's lots to be said. Unfortunately I don't think there's much time before something big happens. So if "terrorists" attack the internet and we can't get on in the future, well, don't say I never said it might be earthquakes.
  19. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    :idea: If anything, hurricane wilmas size and record pressure-drop shows that the sizes of these things are changing. Allso the fact that hurricanes now have been recorded for the first time in the pacific and south-atlantic. Not even cuba-style public planning will suffice. :roll:
    PS: We need bigger cars. They make us look cool and let us drive away from all the exhaust :twisted:
  20. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Dude all it says is god is really pissed off.

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