The CIA..... Like the CIA is one unified person. Some idiot from a CIA computer, of which there are 1000's, wrote the words WAAAAAA as a comment on Saddam Husseins page. It is a national disgrace.
You know that is silly but what is even more silly is that they seem to think this is big news and that they are on to something. The honest little Move-On / Soros crowd out making a real effort at love, tranquility and *cough* honesty (that is certainly laughable) have had their righteous efforts violated by non-other than George Bush via his cronies and thugs in the CIA and FBI. It's beyond me why we don't assassinate those idiots. Both the ones who know better and play a hand at manipulating facts as well as those who are so stupid as to not know better than to think of wicipedia as an unbiased source for information. Imagine Wicipedia in the 1800's. There is to a man named Pecos Bill that lassoed a tornado. And a big Lumberjack named Paul Bunyan that uses trees for toothpicks. There is is right there in Wicipedia. Or Wicipedia on the 90's saying stooped shit like 1998 was the hottest year on record in the history of the world. FLAT OUT LIE. Oh and if someone put an entry in Wicipedia about how the socialist fringe had infiltrated NASA and were making bogus temperature claims only to get caught red handed do you think there would be any concern that someone went in and deleted that little tidbit? No worries you will never see it entered. Oh sure someone will try and it would get snuffed in no time flat. Screw deleting entries just assassinate the degenerates that lie.